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Lv 4
Saucy asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What is with Sarah Palin?

I voted for Obama/Biden. The election however is over now and that is old news. Now we have a duty to focus as a country to handle issues that need to be taken care of. But exactly why does it seem like Palin insists on going after Obama? He has not even taken office yet and she has issues with him. She has talked a great deal about how she wants to support the future president with any support he needs but then goes right around and refers to concern about how he will lead. Why is there concern just because it would be a different way than how she would lead? I fail greatly to see the reason for the continued backlask against Obama. What are your thoughts?


Do not get me wrong I have nothing against Palin other than I think she acts and behaves in a way I never want my children to act. But still I do not find it necessary for her to continue in such a manner just to keep interest in her possible future run in the newspapers she cursed during the election.

Update 2:

I want my children to not speak such things like pro America and call it patriotic. I want my children to respect more than just an ideal but the understanding that one religious beliefs are not more important or more "morally" appropiate than another. I want my children to understand the instituion of government and its benefits when it works effectively and efficiently rather than small or large. Thats what I want my children to behave like. And interestingly enough, none of that speaks to Sarah Palin.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Can you tell she’s running for office in 2012?

    I sure as hell can. Plus, I think she’s pissed at how she was “misrepresented” (her opinion because I sure as heck have mine) and she’s trying to redeem herself. But honestly, to those that love her, seem to love her even more. And those that don’t like her, seem to hate her even more.

    I never liked her for office. She scared me. In so many ways. But she’s not a bad person. Just doesn’t fit what I wanted for President. And I REALLY didn’t want someone like her as President. (With McCain being ancient, one can never be too safe)

    ** ADD **

    Interesting, most of you state you are "scared" as to what Obama will do with our country. Yet when someone says they're "scared" of what Palin would do, it's all of a sudden wrong and insulting. Gee, interesting.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Sarah Palin is somebody that Liberals and a few Republicans are fearful of. Why, as a results of fact, even though she is a Republican, she took on the Republicans in her cupboard that she did no longer have self assurance have been doing the in basic terms right element for the human beings of Alaska. She isn't an 'old boy/woman' Republican who will circulate alongside with the occasion and do issues that she would not sense is proper for the human beings. She is a uncommon baby-kisser who does have self assurance in working for the human beings who voted for her, in assessment to particularly some the politicians in Washington. In different words, she is a probability to their way of doing issues. Montana: have not you found out yet that Obama would not have a clue?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Think about the reason the GOP picked Palin in the first place.

    The media loved Obama. They were almost obsessed with him, a black guy coming from nowhere to win the nomination for president, and then leading a well-known and even well-loved Republican. That was a STORY!

    Palin's selection as VP was announced right at the very peak of Obama's media popularity, after he made that (great!) speech to a packed football stadium. Right then they announced Palin. The strategy was to give the media a heroine, someone they could be just as fascinated with, to knock Obama off the front page. And it WORKED! Palin was top news for a couple of weeks. Everyone loved her at first, until she began embarrassing herself. That's what it was all about, to get the news media's attention. (She was also picked to pull in the Christian Right, who were never too happy with McCain, and that worked too!)

    When McCain lost, Republicans were upset and looked around for someone to blame. McCain staffers began releasing 'leaks' about Palin being a prima-donna, throwing tantrums, 'going off the reservation', etc. She was a convenient target, don't you think? Of course the media delighted in relaying these things. And of course Palin has the right to defend herself, to give her side of the story.

    Palin may be thinking she can use this new media attention to prepare a run for 2012. At this point she has better name recognition than anyone else in the party, and as they say 'There is no such thing as -bad- publicity'.

    But I don't think she'll have a chance. Dan Quayle wanted to run for president in 1996 but wasn't able to get enough funding to even announce his candidacy. Palin is Quayle in a skirt. Also I think the party is going to work on re-inventing and re-defining itself for 2012. We will see some serious changes in the Republican approach. And Palin will be seen as an 'old style neoconservative'.

  • p h
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Sarah has over 100 requests for interviews so apparently there is a lot interest in her. She is a Christian conservative and I would be proud for my children to act like her. Sarah never cursed anyone in her campaign but I imagine a lot of people cursed her. Kind of like what Jesse Jackson said when he thought the mike was off. You do remember that, don't you?

    Well, those are my thoughts.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    LOL! You can be sure Palin is going to do things to get in the news for the next 4 years. Worse thing Republicans can do is to nominate her for President. She sounds stupid and not getting smarter.

  • 1 decade ago

    People took this as a popularity contest.

    Backlash the winning team.

    Laugh at the losing team....

  • Nathan
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    She's the only one feeding the media.

    Most everyone else is sleeping.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So just how do you want your children to behave?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So now no one is allowed to question the great leader?

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