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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetHardwareOther - Hardware · 1 decade ago

has anyone had any problems installing a new RAM?

I have been trying to install a new RAM and have tried it with the old one in and with the old one out, also tried swapping from one slot to the other, but nothing works.! my computer keeps crashing every time.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A couple of logical questions for you -

    You have the right sort of Memory (SD, DDR or DDR2) so it matches the type you already have?

    Does the speed (MHz) match, for example are the both 333MHz or whatever? (there are lots)

    Is the Motherboard capable of supporting the size (in Mb or Gb) that you have purchased?

    OK, I ask because some boards have two types of slots, for example DDR and DDR2 slots, you can not have both types installed.

    Some boards are not compatible with the faster speeds, so a board running 333MHz DDR may not work with newer 400MHz (or faster) DDR modules. Some boards are very temperamental when it comes to stepping down speeds to match the slowest module, so it is best to have matched pairs, or at least matched speeds.

    Many boards have a fixed maximum size of Memory they will handle both in total per individual slot and the combined total of all the slots.

    If all the above is ok then the chances are you have a defective module, return it and get a new one. If there is something in the above then you may be able to return it for an alternative module, but at the stores discretion.

    Source(s): Experience - Senior Technician - Electronbox España
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    it variety of feels which you motherboard won't be like minded with ddr2 rams, examine to make certain if the newly offered rams are ddr2. otherwise did you attempt to run the previous rams mutually with the recent rams? if so take out the previous rams and in simple terms slot interior the recent rams and see if it works.

  • 1 decade ago

    once I had that problem too....

    I tried to change from 256 to 1gb but not work n can't find one

    so now I put TWO 512 n work fine

    check the type n the tooth n showed the old/new to the expert

    good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi - it's fairly common for Ram to have issues like that. Check with the mfg. They may replace it, or test the Chip you have for you.

    Good luck -

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  • 1 decade ago

    the RAM cards compliment each other best if they are the same - manufacturer and size

    also, don't touch the metallic contacts. the natural grease from your fingers aren't good for it

  • 1 decade ago

    is it the right ram 4 pc? is it a bad stick? not much info to go on there is there

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the ram is bad or you put the ram in the wrong slot.

    my guess is the ram is bad

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    try, goto safe mode and run chkdsk

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it has to be suitable for your pc, you cant put any thing in it has to be compatible

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