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Why do girls hate video games?

Only girls who hate video games please, I'm writing a research paper on this.

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    there boyfriends spend too much time playing and not paying attention to them. some girls play games but few.

  • 1 decade ago

    I personally don't enjoy playing video games. Really the only reason is I have a hard time figuring out the controls and I don't feel like putting in the time or effort to learn them. I don't feel like the end justifies the means and I have other better things to do.

    But I do actually enjoy watching people video games. In a way they are like movies that I can influence!

    Also I just wanted to say that I understand what you are saying. You know that girls like video games, you are just looking for the ones who don't.

    Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    First off....this is a generalization, and I'm going to continue using your generalisation (just wanted to point that out).

    I think the reason MORE boys/men play video games is that video games boil down to repetitive problem solving - stuff that appeals more to the male brain (generally). The fact that the industry grew from geek male culture, and gaming plots revolve around violence and military themes, overwhelmingly, also comes into play.

    The truth is that men only play 'more' games if you are only looking at 'traditional' games - shooters, RPG's, etc. Women make up a huge share of the gaming market.

    Women prefer 'feelings' to solving problems (generally). They actually do play a tremendous amount of video games, but they are different type of games. The gaming....many women play MMORPG's, etc.

  • Azamee
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't hate most video games. I'll give an answer for those I do dislike, though: it's because there's either no plot or terrible graphics. Those are the two driving forces in getting me to play a video game.

    And more girls play them than you probably think. I looked it up, and in 2006 roughly forty percent of gamers were female.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well I don't hate video games at all, but I think the biggest reason I never get to play most video games is because it's a boys market. Everything is all about war, fantasy, fighting, etc.

    A lot of games out there don't even care about the female demographic and it shows.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I like video games but I don't like nerds who play video games 24/7

  • Jenn
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    well...thats going to very rare since the majority of girls are gamers and quitea few of those girls are familiar with guitar hero or dance dance revolution...i am and im quite competitive..the only time i hate gaming is when im loosing hardcore too many times in a row...and id think it would be rarest of all to find a girl on the internet, who is quite a bit of a techno lover if they can find and use this answers forum and claim they are haters of video games...i mean it doesnt take much to understand that this way of getting your source isnt the brightest...because the way i see it is, if a person doesnt really like video games, they probably are rarely on the internet too...

    i my self like a bunch of games my boyfriend likes...especially rpg and problem solving games...

    my grandmother doesnt like them because she doesnt know how to work the controller and gets frustrated, and she doesnt like the fact that u sit there just watching a screen pressing buttons...

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I certainly don't

    Your research will be horribly biased if you assume that all girls hate video games and you'll simply be perpetuating a ridiculous stereotype and make yourself look like an a$$

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't. Actually I don't like doing anything else except sleep, watch TV, maybe stargazing. I don't have many friends because of this, but it's okay, the ones I have actually share my hobby.

    I've heard most girls that play video games will only do it to socialize or something, I hope that helps.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    haha. i love video games. but i guess some girls just think they are stupid. A lot of a games are violent and stuff so some people dont like that. and of course boys are just completly obsessed with them and thats annoying.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's retarded. Then it's not a good paper if not most girls hate them. I enjoy rock band and guitar hero so blah for you person!

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