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Is it hypocritical of the Catholic church to claim to be "pro-life"?

given their history with the Inquisition, the Crusades, and the genocides committed against the Aztec and Mayan peoples?


The priest in the video states that "The Catholic church has always been pro-life". If we care to add the Vatican's complicity in the Holocaust, this is not ancient history, this is well within living memory. And this is not about "one or two bad-apples", this is about some 10% of the popes throughout Catholic history ordering the torture and genocide of people they didn't agree with, and the millions of Catholics who executed those orders. More than 100,000,000 deaths directly ordered by the Vatican and carried out by good, "pro-life" Catholics.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think they are pro-life only in the category of abortion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    And you obviously haven't seen the BBC documentary on the Inquisition.

    he BBC documentary, <The Myth of the Spanish Inquisition>

  • There is something called a Just War:

    Onto the next things:

    <<the Inquisition>>

    First of all, there are anywhere for 3,000 people to 9 million people quoted to have died during the Inquisition.

    Secondly, the Catholic Church never ordered the deaths of people during the Inquisition. There would be a Tribunal court that would plead, beg, pray and prove to heretics the Catholic faith. If they refused to repent and return the Church, they were written down as officially excommunicated and released.

    Now, this is where you find the torture and the deaths. As there were many monarchies who demanded their citizens to be whatever religion they were, it was against the law in some countries (Spain) to be anything but Catholic. Once these heretics were released from the Tribunal Court, the Spanish police would arrest them and either put them in work camps or jail--where they were tortured and put to death.

    As I said above, the numbers vary, this is because many people "died" by effigy--pictorial burning. This was in effect saying these people were dead to society and the people in society acted as if it were true. There was a death certificate and everything stating they were dead even if they weren't. So truly, they believe about 3500 people died, at the hands of Isabelle and Ferdinand (who were told by the Catholic Church to cease killing) and not the Catholic Church.

    Just because one is Catholic does not mean they are speakers for the Church.


    <<Aztecs and Myans.>>

    I love how you don't know history. This again, was by Cortez, a Spanish conquistador. Their slaughter was not condoned by the Church nor were they sent out there to slaughter those people.

    There were actually many monks who went with the conquistadors and taught the Aztecs how to read, write and about Christ. Many monks died at the hands of the conquistadors as well because they refused to allow them to kill those people.

    The Myans actually joined the conquistadors to beat the Aztecs--most of them died by disease, not by conquistador sword.

    <<The Crusades>>

    There was only 8 Catholic Crusades--even though there were many, many more by other people and other denominations of Christianity. The Church told these people to rescue Jerusalem from the clutches of the Mormans. Yes, people did murder, pillage and rape, but not everyone who joined the Crusade was Catholic or was in it for the rightousness of God.

    Many of the "soldiers" who joined were mercenaries, in it for the treasure. Just like today, there are American soldiers who have pillaged, raped and ransacked even though that is not the majority of the American soldiers.

    There will always be bad seeds, but the Church did not condone the raping or the pillaging of cities.

    Oh lets throw in the Holocaust, please do!

    Because I want you to explain to me how the Catholic Church's complicity in the Holocaust cost us 3 million dead Catholics. Tortured, raped, shot, forced to watch others die right before their eyes... All because the Pope REFUSED to hand over the Jews residing in Italy to Hitler. Does that sound like complicity to you?!?!?

    Just because you don't know history, doesn't mean you can then make illicit claims such as these.

    I'm a History Major and lucky for you, I study Ancient History. My main study...the Aztecs.

    I've taken classes about the Holocaust and Medieval History--which includes the Crusades. I've been to the Holocaust Museum and seen what they have to say about the Catholic Church.

    Actually the Jews thanked the Pope because he saved over 200,000 Jews throughout WWII. He's actually been said to be the one voice who spoke out in the silence. He tried to warn America ahead of time, but they didn't believe him. He wrote many, many, many letters to Hitler and his supporters about this treatment of Jews. It's actually called the Silent War. Look it up.

    So do go telling me that we're not Pro-Life because you don't know your history. Idiot.

  • 1 decade ago

    No it isn't. This is one area that the catholic church has stood firm in its belief. It is sad that a lot more churches have failed to speak out for the unborn.Answer me this: Why is it legal for a woman to have an abortion, killing her baby, but, if she was to overdose on crack and kill it she would go to jail? Talk about double standards.

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  • 1 decade ago

    the church today isn't the church of the inquisition, crusades, genocides, etc. The church today is serious about the value of life and even apply that theory to the death penalty. The church is very liberal, and it is interesting to look at the differences between the church's teachings and what many catholics believe/practice.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah yeah, Spanish Inquisition, blah blah blah blah....

    Why would it be deemed politically incorrect if we condemned the entire religion of Islam because they've had their share of bad eggs despite it's supposed to be a religion of peace, but it's perfectly acceptable to rip on everything Catholic and Christian because of a small group of them who got it wrong?

  • C
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The first answer sums it up completely, but if I may add to it:

    Hmmm, So by your "Reasoning" I can point to a few bad atheist and determine that ALL atheist are bad.

    I can point to a few Baptist or Methodist or Evangelicals who have done bad things and determine that all in their groups are bad as well?

    One Bad President and all Presidents are bad.

    One bad French Fry at McDonald's and ALL French Fry's are bad?

    Open you mind and get rid of the hate in your heart and the truth will set you free!

    Peace be with you.

    Source(s): Catholic Convert
  • 1 decade ago

    i think its not the church per se, its the people who use the cross to widen their territories that got it all wrong. people tend to sugarcoat things. like, since the name of the church is used, it makes the act right. but the base of the church, before all the people who made horrible things is, not of hypocrisy (the bible).

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    In the past, the leadership made some decisions that they now view as wrong. Would you rather that they continue killing and enslaving simply because they once did it?

    That makes absolutely no sense.

  • 1 decade ago

    wow so all white people are racist slave owners still?!?!? man what a warped thought.

    you can not judge today based upon the past -- if that were the case then as a Pole, i would hate all Germans. that's just nonsense.

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