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Julia S asked in Food & DrinkVegetarian & Vegan · 1 decade ago

Vegetarians: what's your pet peeve?

What annoys you most (as a vegetarian)? It can be something that makes life difficult for you. It can be something that people do. Basically, what do you have to deal with that non-vegetarians don't have to deal with? I'm curious to know what gets everyone else's blood pressure up.

Vegans and semi-vegetarians, please feel free to chime in too.


Bob: By semi-vegetarians, I mean pescetarians and pollotarians. (Heck, why not, even flexitarians.) They all restrict their meat intake and face challenges that others don't, so why not include them? I'm sure they have peeves that we don't, like dealing with total vegetarians and vegans giving them crap for not being totally veggie.

Update 2:

Ugh, I also hate it when people assume that because I'm vegetarian, I support PETA, or assume that I'm vegetarian just because I think it's wrong to kill animals.

My big one is when people treat my entree like a side dish... or when we order food and everyone is expected to kick in equally, but the consumption isn't equal. Everyone will eat the veggie option, but not everyone will eat the meat option... the same thing happens with food allergies and I hate it. If you're not going to eat it, you shouldn't have to pay for it. If you don't want to order it, don't eat it!

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When my family asks me why did I turn vegetarian, considering I've told them millions of times before.

    When my family, especially my grandma tells me: "Mmmm this stake is delicious, you should eat some".

    When I go to a party or a family reunion and there is no food I could eat.

    I don't get angry anymore, I just nod and take it as a joke. It's hard being the only vegetarian in the family :]

    EDIT: I read all the other answers and I feel so identified. I thought that I was the only one around people like that :]

  • YSIC
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well, here's what upsets me:

    ~On this forum when someone asks an honest question about vegetarianism, some meat-eaters will post answers that are uninformative and stereotypical. They've never even BEEN veggie before, so how they heck do they know anything about the diet? Come on!

    ~I hate it when people think my veganism is just a phase or I'm just trying to be different. I live in Ohio. It's not exactly a veg-friendly place. It's rather difficult to find certain foods that I like to eat. Trust me. I can think of 100 easier ways I could be "different". I'm obviously ascribing to this lifestyle because I have strong convictions about a cause that's greater than myself. Why is that so hard to believe?

    Those are my two biggest. I don't let it bother me as much as it used to. I just chalk it up as people being who they are.

  • 1 decade ago

    I simply hate it when friends and relatives give me advice on what to eat without having the slightest idea. I hate it even more to be lectured in that very aggressive tone. I hate having to eat always the same starters or sometimes nothing, because meat eaters insist on their choice of restaurants, and most restaurants tend to have the same boring vegan options.

    It annoys me going to a party only to find out, that the special dish prepared for me or something I brought along gets right away eaten by omnivores. A bit of respect and tolerance,please! Vegetarians and vegans don't hurt anyone. I don't try to "convert" anybody, but want to be left in peace without having to defend myself.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm vegan, and most of my friends don't care. I go to their parties, and often there won't be *1* food item that I can have. They ask why I am not eating anything, and I reply "there is nothing vegan" but I don't make a fuss, I just have something when I get home. Then they say "oh go on, just have something, just tonight can you forget all your morals and values and eat something so have abstained from eating for 16 years" Well actually I can't. My friends know how long I have been vegan, and how devoted I am, they just don't seem to understand/care.

    Sorry for ranting.

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  • 1 decade ago

    When people say things like "what you need is a thick juicy steak" and go on and on about the meat.

    When people assume that because I am vegetarian I approve of Peta.

  • Kasie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    When people who try to get me to eat meat but stereotype vegetarians as preachy.

    when someone insists on making me a special dish when there's plenty of other food. It's a nice gesture, but I really don't need to be extra work.

  • ......
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    i have 2

    i hate how people allways think were pushy or whiny or complain about things and that we try to fource our beliefs on other people or that we just strait up hate all meat eaters when most of the time that is just not true


    i dont understand why there are laws to protect animals if there somebodys pet and people can go to jail for animal abuse or neglect but not when there on a farm

    ( =

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OH GOD.

    When people talk about animals tortured in front of you deliberately.

    When people keep trying to get you to eat meat.

    When people make jokes about how ‘big and delicious and juicy’ the wiener is.

    When people ask you WHY you’re a vegetarian.

    When people tell you how much THEY love meat.

    When people assume you are an animal rights activist and a tree-hugger from being a vego.

    The list goes on..

    Normal taunting and genuine curiosity I can withstand, but people who keep picking at it gets to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    People who say obviously stupid things like "Well, if veg is the way to go, why isn't EVERYONE veg?" (What do you think I'm trying to do here? Geez) or "If cows aren't milked, they die!" (Right, because cows, unlike any living thing on the planet, produce a substance that is of no use to them or their bodies, and they also have no other way of getting rid of it. Man, how did cows ever get along before humans domesticated and selectively bred them?)

    Source(s): Vegan
  • When people make cakes, and cookies, and things of that sort that look really good. But then I turn around and make the veg@n style so I get around my pet peeves.

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