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Why did stopping Gay Marriage in California become a Mormon holy crusade?

I caught a piece of an interview with a gay director this morning. (I am not gay myself, but have always felt like native Americans as a people and gays as individuals get trod on most.) He was raised mormon and raised and answered one of the more interesting question not asked about this situation.

The mormon population in california is tiny. The church raised apparently half of the money in opposition to gay marriage in California. Why?

His thought was that Mormons did it to gain more acceptance into the wider devout American Christian society. He says that it has always bothered the mormons that they are not looked at as Christians. A part of that comes out of their past history with polygamy. He says that their desire to be a loud voice in "protecting marriage" comes from a real desire to recast themselves in the eyes of wider Devout American Christiandom...

I was absolutely floored by this, but if you look at all of the information, this take makes the most sense. It is so bizarre. It is like yelling, "Look, we are Christian fundamentalists too! See how we discrimate against the rights of others in following the superior morality of our beliefs!?"

I don't blame the mormons who have expressed outrage towards their church if this is in fact the jist of it. That is just pathetic.

Does anyone have a better answer as to why ---- with all the other churches involved --- Mormons raised over half of the money in support of California's Amendment?

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's obvious some of the posters in this thread have zero idea of civil rights and of how our government works. Laws exist, specifically, to protect the 5% (way too low in this case, but your number) minorities from bigots like themselves.

    You don't like it? Then YOU leave. Sorry, those of us who understand the meaning of the "tyranny of the majority" will continue to resist your efforts to embed your hatred into our laws, just as did previous generations of supporters of civil rights. It's unfortunate that many of these previously persecuted groups (you figure out who they are) have forgotten that "equality" applies to others, not just themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most of what you have heard is b.s. What both the gays and the Mormons want, is for the U.S. Supreme Court to get involved. These 2 groups are hoping that the court will give all Americans the right to marry whatever they want, thus when a woman has a right to marry another woman, so will a man, thus a man who has a wife can marry another woman and have 2 wives, for the laws against bigamy and polygamy will be overthrown.

    The Fact is gays already have the right to marry, as long as its a gay man marrying a gay woman. Mormons need to repeal traditonal marriage the most because they have children with more than one wife, whom the state has the right to take away from their fathers, under currant laws.

    Source(s): American laws on Marriage are based on Jewish Laws that are thousands of years old, and define marriage as a contract between the Groom and the Brides family
  • 1 decade ago

    I think what the director said makes sense. Mormons are also just really against homosexuality. They ex-communicate gay members of their church- which means they aren't even allowed inside the church for a wedding or any circumstance.

    To the answer from Bob S. - You don't know what you are talking about as far as Native Americans. Besides, after the Indian Removal in 1835 where native Americans were marched across the country from North Carolina/Tennessee to Oklahoma, on foot in the middle of winter, most with thin clothing and no shoes, they deserve anything they get from our government, forever. It was an incredibly cruel and evil thing our government did to the native Americans. I just found out a few years ago that one of my gr-gr-gr-gr-gr grandmothers was Cherokee and was forced to walk the Trail of Tears when she was 74 yrs old. She died on the way. So when I went to Oklahoma recently by car and thought it was a long tiring trip, I kept thinking about how it would be to walk the trip. Everyday all they did was walk for months and months in snow and cold. So don't tell us how easy Native Americans have it.

  • From the LDS Church headquarters.

    "It is important to understand that this issue for the Church has always been about the sacred and divine institution of marriage — a union between a man and a woman. "

    For the rest of the story visit here

    I can GUARANTEE you that the motives behind the church supporting Proposition 8 never were and NEVER will be to seek the approval of anyone else. Our intentions are to stand up for what we believe is truth and right. And that is for protecting marriage to be between a man and a woman. An ordinance we hold be be sacred and ordained of God.

    Was this man currently practicing the LDS religion? If not, then he should not be speculating what our intentions were. He could not be cited as a credible representative.

    Source(s): Utah Latter Day Saint. Supported prop 8.
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  • 1 decade ago

    If you were to look at the truth its the act of being intimate with the same sex that is outrageous. And the fact that these citizens won't accept the "will of the people". This is a mute subject because the amendment and the state questions have passed and will now become law, just as the same can be said of the President. Now what would you say if the vote went the other way and these "christian people" started doing the demonstrating and all the havoc. Do you think you'd be so innocent and so picked on?

    And for the lazy people that say "you cant legislate morality" YES you can.





    Sounds like we have to legislate some morality doesn't it?

    Now if you really want to see some asinine responses answer why all these things and any other of the ten or eleven commandments need to be abandoned? If you have an argument to eliminate any one of them then you make no since and respect no law worthy of honor.

    It is also rightfully stated that it "gay stuff" is an abomination in the sight of God. Now if these people want to carry on I cant stop their sin any more than they can stop mine. BUT I cant stand for it being acceptable to or in the public realm of marriage as it dilutes the truth of nature and how God made the world and the plan of family.

    We all know though that if you believe in God almighty and His Son Jesus Christ who died for the sins of all of us not just the claimed Christians (like myself) that gay, lezbo, queer, is not natural and not accepted as anything but a choice. Just like killing, adultery, lying, and not accepting Christ as a personal savior are choices. If you choose to "feel" picked on then that's your problem and I don't like it either. But you have to decide that just for now "TODAY " I'm a worthy person worthy of the love and forgiveness of God available through Jesus. This is another choice.

    Some days I don't choose to feel like I should either but I know any thing that I "feel" is my responsibility not someone older, younger, or darker or lighter, or straight or gay. I accept Jesus on a daily basis. And this again is a choice. And any sin I do is mine and I'm responsible for it.

    If this "gay stuff" was OK then we'd see it naturally in nature and not just in a few places but everywhere. Its just plain not there. Anyone pointing to a little proof here or there is lying about the vast majority of truth against such behavior.

    Further more are we going to let every little petty whiner that doesn't get his her, their way dictate to the majority what is defined or not?

    Fact is and the people agree MARRIAGE IS BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN. IF THE POLYGAMIST HAVE MORE THAN 1 Wife or Husband They'll have to answer for the violation of that law in this world or the next depending on who is prosecuting the law at that time.

    Its the best idea Ever Given to love another as you love yourself (I don't want my kids or anyone's kids forced to accept unnatural behavior.) And without this law none of the others matter.

    ANYONE that says "they cant help it" needs to take residence with :

    killers Charlie Manson he couldn't help killing Sharon Tate either. OR

    Adulterous people like myself who cant help "lusting for women" OR

    Child Molesters who cant help their sexual exploitation of kids OR

    DRUGI ES or Alcoholics that can't help themselves

    any number of idiotic behaviors that are immoral or illegial

    If anyone happens to be in the above group(s) you cant help it. BOLOGNA!!! and shame on anyone for buying this I CANT HELP IT crap. With Jesus and faith and prayer anyone can help any of these behaviors and make a difference.

    I have to ask why does it matter who raised the money. Ive herd it was about the same amount was raised on both sides of the question. And the gays lost. Like the OBAMA supporters put it "deal with it".

  • lrd00a
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes- because with the legalization of gay marriage comes a decrease in constitutional freedoms- freedom of religion (freedom for a church to decide who they marry).

    The state can't legislate morality, or say that it's a "hate crime" to not marry someone, or something ridiculous like that.

    Thousands of years of Judeo-Christian culture that defines marriage as a sacred covenant between God and a man and woman, so the State has no right to come in and dictate to a church what they have to accept- freedom of religion, man. That's what it's all about.

  • 1 decade ago

    mormons didn't actually pull the money out of their own pockets , they set up a fund raiser and raised the money. the money was given by the people who were for prop 8" the Majority", the gay community needs to realize they lost this one, what if every election had a bunch of protesters against the outcome? it's ridiculous, they had their shot they lost. end of story, and this whole argument comparing gays to the black community is also crazy and insulting to the black community as well , they didn't choose to be black or slaves,unlike the gays,who chose an alternative life style...

  • 1 decade ago

    If less than 5% fo the US popluation is gay, why is this subject allways in in the media. Who is giving the soap box for these people to rant to no end about how they are being opressed? Hollywood and Tabloids! Give them their medical insurance and the right to see their significant other in a hospital bed but get your own name for marriage. If you don't like the title,civil union, take a vote amognst yourselves to call it whatever you like. Marriage has already been taken. Sorry.

  • Anais
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't really know or care. Their founder was a man that was out casted by many and claimed that an angel showed him "magic gold plates" Okay? Then again there was no meds for hallucinations at that time!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't really like Mormons, but they are right on this one.

    Sodomy is a crime against nature. Let the homosexuals move to Iran.

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