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It is the duty of the President to support and defend the constitution. Why was Reagan not impeached?

President Reagan circumvented the US constitution when Congress voted not to continue to supply the Contras and Oliver North sold arms to Iran to raise money to send to them anyway. I know they tried to say that Reagan didn't know anything about it, but was this really true or was this Cheney at work again?

6 Answers

  • Shmoe
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm doing this from memory:

    This came up in his last two years in office. There were already rumors he was sick. It was obvious that others were running th country. Trying to impeach him would have been a waste of time. Kind of like going after Dubya during his last two years.

  • 1 decade ago

    In regards to the duty to uphold the constitution: Many presidents have overstepped the boundaries of the constitution when they felt it was in the best interest of the American people. Abraham Lincoln famously engaged in an act of war against the Southern Secessionists without congressional approval - a highly unconstitutional act. There are several other examples of this throughout both recent and distant history.

    In regards to Reagan's involvement in the Iran-Contra Affair: Many presidential scholars now agree that Reagan had Alzheimer's or dementia at this stage in his presidency and his wife was probably running the country. Given this, it's entirely possible that he had nothing to do with it or if he did he really had no recollection of it, as he has said.

    In regards to Cheney: as sketchy as he is, this is a bit before Cheney had any sort of power to be able to pull something like this off.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama has no intention of supporting the Constitution. He has long ago promised he will radically change the Constitution so his taking the Oath of Office will be a lie before he ever holds the office.

    Impeach Obama before we have to bypass the Administration and take over the job of "defending the Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic"

    Ronald Reagan was a Patriot and the Contras were, at that time, considered to be allies. Maybe impeachment actions should have been taken against all Congressmen who voted to betray our allies. - Betrayal is an act of treason.

    The facts of the situation and the history, as presented, are all propaganda that needs to be hashed out in a court of law by publishing relevant documents.

    They are propaganda as long as they are based on opinion rather than fact.

    Remember Sandy Burger? He STOLE the documents that could have proved Clinton's crimes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oliver North didn't do that. Israeli agents sold the weapons and the money was sent to anti-communist groups in Central America. If we had done nothing the view was that we would be seeing first Central America then Mexico become communist. Something no one (except perhaps liberal Democrats wanted)

    What I find interesting is the double standard employed, When the Soviets equipped and funded "National Liberation Fronts" in Africa and Central America you don't hear a thing from our Democrats. If the US government tries to help pro-American groups then and only then do the Liberals act to stop it. Makes you wonder who they were working for and who's side they were truly on.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I suggest that you research the Iran-Contra scandal more thoroughly. At no time could the prosecutors find a violation of the law in the money for the Contras activity.

    Reagan used a loophole in the law to evade Congress' intent while obeying the letter of the law.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know it's unbelievable that someone in the government would lie. But a certain someone just elected based on promises that will turn out to be lies.

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