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Should Terrorism be considered a Criminal rather than a Military Matter?

Historically, "warfare" has been seen as conflict between Nations, Tribes, or Peoples. "Terrorism" is none of those, it is, instead, simply a tactic that can, and has, been used throughout the centuries by people of all ideologies. Would it not, then, be more effective to treat it like any other crime, and work to end it through cooperative international enforcement of existing laws rather than by unilateral and often counterproductive military actions?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I do not think you can treat terrorism as a purely law enforcement or military tactic. Pres Clinton tried the LE track and it contributed to today's situation One has to use the military as a means of combating terrorism when it is the best option. Law enforcement should also address the issue though. In a situation such as Afghanistan the "Local" government provides at least tact support to the terrorists and in this case military action is the best option. In say Colombia where there is a "strong" local government the LE avenue might be more realistic, by aiding the host countries forces one can influence the terrorists and their actions. It is interesting to me that many countries use their military as law enforcement or at least as a support organization which US law prohibits. I don't know that i like the thought of US forces acting in an expanded LE role on US soil but I do wish to see more cooperation between the DOD, FBI,CIA etc and local LE agencies.

    Source(s): former soldier, US Army contractor & concerned citizen.
  • 1 decade ago

    Any terrorist should be tried by the military and subjected to the penalties of the military. In a criminal trial the criminal has more rights than the people he killed, in a military Court the crime is more important than who the criminal is or what he says he represents.

  • W.
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Terrorism from domestic sources (Earth First, McVeigh, etc) is criminal. Terrorism from international sourses (al Qaeda, Hezbollah, etc) is an act of war.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    kinfolk terrorism ought to be dealt with internally via a court docket of regulation. worldwide terrorists if caught via a police corporation ought to be dealt with via a court docket of regulation interior the country they perpetrated on. worldwide terrorists caught via the militia ought to be dealt with in a militia court docket via the militia tension that caught them. The United international locations is a international corporation that gets no longer something finished concerning terrorism, perhaps you're in help of the Illuminati or some New international enterprise that could for my area be in basic terms as ineffective in procuring justice for the sufferers of terrorism.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes. We didn't mobilize the Army to look for Timothy McVeigh, the Unabomber, or Eric Rudolph.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No... i dont see the Met Police force going into iraq with thier batons saying "please sir, put down your machine gun and disable your 63 pounds worth of plastic explosives"... we need the millitary to solve this problem.

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