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i need urgent help MUSLIMS!!!!!?

I want you Muslim to convince me that islam is the Best religion and is something ever one should need to have or to follow in order to success and to got heaven

I am confused by all this going on about islam and all what people say islam is bad and muslims are terrorists

i want someone to tell me and convince me that islam is way better than this fashionable life of few years

i need help; i know islam is the best but i can not follow it i give priorities to other stuff than islam i wat some good muslim to tell me and explain that everything in Quran and islam is true


14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do you really want to know why the Quran must have been written by someone smarter then a human being that lived 1400 years ago?

    I suggest you visit this:

    This proves to you that the Quran was not written by just some random person, it is truly the word of God.. The One and Only..

    Keep your faith strong, don't worry about what people say, they say there is nothing right with Islam but yet they can't PROVE that there is something wrong in Islam..

    They blame the poor Muslims on everything that happens. I personally do not agree with Islamist terrorism but I do know it was created in response to American terrorism.. But of course terrorism is not part of Islam, Islam is the religion of peace, the last time I checked, the crescent moon resembles "peace".

    Source(s): Hispanic convert to Islam
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    why are u confused when if u are muslim and u read the quran u would no tht all this about islam is not right and terrorist and stuff. u no that islam does not promote that at all and that it is extremists like they have in all religions unfortunatly. U have to rememeber what is in your heart and what is written in the quran. ppl talk so much about islam being bad as it is easy to do so, one says something and everyone follows it is simple but ppl forget about the extremists from other religions or it is not talked about so much. we are an easy target and that is what ppl want, ppl like u to start doubting

    just remember this world is a dis believers paradise and a belivers hell

    i no tho that with all what i have dealt with in this world i would prefer it ten times over then an eternity of hell.

    ana wasaika fe rebana

    look in the quran and u will see truth for yourself without anyone forcing in on u from here.

  • Salam,

    um, are you a muslim?

    there are diffrent ways to do this.

    either logically (scientificaly and mathematically)

    or spirituality

    well logically ALL the scientifical and mathematical facts and miricals in the Holy Quran are signs which proove there is an EXTREAMLY inteligent being behind it.

    here is a gew logical facts from the Holy Quran, the exact and unchaged words of THE MOST inteligent being.


    ok, in the Holy Quran there are a lot of scientifical facts which mos of the have been discovered latly in the 20th and 21st century usuing the lates technology and knowledge.

    please note that these are not all of the scientifical fact in it, but only a few:

    1. Quran, chapter 56, verses 75 - 76:

    75: Nay, I swear by the places of the stars

    76: And most surely it is a very great oath if you only knew

    but so what? what's with the places between the stars?

    this is kind of big to explain, but in short, the space between the stars are extreamly important because of back holes. actually let this video explain this to you:

    2. Quran, chapter 55, verses 19-20:

    19: He has let free the two bodies of flowing water, meeting together

    20: Between them is a barrier which they cannot pass

    this is clearly talking about the seas that don't get mixed together, again this is kind of hard to explain here, so let this video explain it to you:

    there A LOT more scientifical facts in the Holy Quran which no one know about at the time it was sent to prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

    i have only mentioned 2 of them but contact me if your intrested and i could easily give you 15 more, or even more than that.

    also these are the facts that i know about so far, i'm sure there are A LOT more which i haven't heard yet.

    i'll also give you one mathematical one:

    in the Holy Quran the word "Land" has been mentioned 13 times, the word "sea" has been mentioned 32 times. so all together 45:


    now let's get %s

    let see what is the percentage of 13 (Land) in 45

    13 x 100= 1300 now 1300 / 45 = 28.88888888889%

    now let see the percentage of 32 (sea) in 45

    32 x 100= 3200 now 3200 / 45 = 71.11111111111%

    today exactly 28.888888888889% of the earth is land and 71.1111111111% of it is water.



  • 1 decade ago

    Allaah sent all the messengers to the different parts of the world and then the last messenger, all with the same core message of Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism of worshiping only Allaah).

    A Muslim's affair is best explained by the Prophet (salla Allahu 'alayhy wa sallam) in a Saheeh Hadeeth in which he states "How wonderful is the affair of the believer; everything that happens to him is good and this is only for him (believers) and nobody else: When something good happens to him he gives thanks to Allaah and that is good for him. When a calamity comes over him he remains patient and that is also good for him."

    Islaam is the practical way of life which insures that whatever you do in this life with the intention of pleasing Allaah will get you rewards in the hereafter. A parable of the true believers and the people of desire in this world is that of a king who sends a number of people into a room and tells them that he will unexpectedly bring them out of the room after an unknown amount of time. In the room there are lots of jewels, pearls, gold, and silver. There are also lots of food and drinks on another side. Those who are intelligent and realistic (the believers) will go and collect the pearls and jewels so that they will rest later when they are set free. But those who are ignorant and act by their desire not their intellect (the disbelievers, and weak-faithed Muslims) will decide to go eat and rest saying that they will later collect the jewels.

    But then unexpectedly the king orders all of them to go out of the room. Now who won? Those who enjoyed the temporary feast or those who had collected what they needed to enjoy a much more lasting feast and bliss? This is exactly how life is. If you decide to give in to your desires, you will live in a temporary and deceiving happiness which will eventually perish and not remain. While if you collect for the hereafter, you will be gaining the everlasting and unthinkable rewards of Allaah in the hereafter, inshaa'a Allahu ta'aala.

    May Allaah guide us all to His straight path and make our work for His sake and pleasure. Aameen.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a revert and I know is true because I feel happy and I can understand even the blessings that comes along with tribulations. So islam helps u to understand life when it comes easy and when it gets hard.

    I think u should try to grow in ur awareness of Allah, praying is key to sucess as a muslim because it allows u to communicate more and better with Allah.

    Since I started to pray my imam has growth, I have become a lot more better and I have got all my duas answered alhamdulilah. So pray, and ask...ask anything from Allah including fortitude, discipline and guidance...and patience...u will see the results inshaAllah.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Religion is not just a way to avoid hell and hope you'll go to heaven. It is a way of life. The problem is we have turned away from soul of Islam, heart of Islam, values of Islam . . . we have become stuck in few rituals, mainly Hijab, beard, prayer, fasting etc.

    When people turn to faith, looking for a path few rituals do not help them understand the true meaning of Islam. Islam means peace and when they don't find peace these things are common. Majority simply keep adhering to Islam, b/c we know it is the only path, it is part of who we are, or most importantly so that we don't end up in hell.

    Here's what i suggest you do, rather than listening to people or so called Ullema who have never read Qur'an their whole life. Start reading Qur'an, trying to understand it's message, not through the prism and criteria set by others. Allah(SWT) clearly says, this book provides guidance to those who seek it. Allah(SWT) also says I have made this book easy to understand, is there one who wants to. Allah(SWT) anyone who strives for my path I open up the ways of wisdom.

    Don't read few selected sources, or people who seem to be popular. Have you ever heard about Sufism, Sufis. Usually they are called heathen yet irony is it is them those Sufis that spread the message of Islam. So if they are heathens it makes no sense what is in their message that people listened. Look for the path and you will find it!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i made the decision to convert to Islam a year ago.

    it was the hardest most amazing thing i ever did and i dont regret a second of it. you know what, i swore i would never wear the hijab, get married, pray all those times in a day etc, i thought i could just have it in my heart, but subhanaallah, Allaah SWT blessed me with the most amazing strength in the faces of all the people, including my own family, who were opposed to Islam. I am now happily married to a lovely egyptian boy my own age, and have been blessed with the pregnancy of my 1st child. i wear hijab and cover my body and i couldnt give a flying monkey about going out, getting drunk and supposedly having a 'laugh' with friends.

    ive gained the most amaziiiiiiiiing life ever because of Islam, it gives me everything i ever needed, its my air, my water,my food and my life alhamdulillah. trust in your Creator and He will show you Islam, you will grow in spirit and learn the truth behind the life of this world.

    i really hope you revert soon, you will become part of a worldwide family that will love you and defend you until their dying day, and thats the truth.

    much love and best wishes always xxxxxxxxxxxxxx walikumsalaams

    Source(s): your sister in Islam x
  • 1 decade ago

    Allah is the most Merciful. He forgives those who are sincere in their repentance. Being Muslim is a pleasure both to your self satisfaction and to Allah, the One and only God who created you. Islam is more than peace, it is a way of life. It is a way to find yourself, and your purpose on this planet. I don't know what my purpose would be if I were not Muslim. I know that I must prepare for a day that I will be reckoned, summoned by Allah for judgement of my past sins in this life. If I pass this great test I am promised eternal paradise. Who wouldn't want that? And the bliss of being able to see my Creator...what a beauty.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, there are a few corruptions, you have to advance enough in morality and spirituality to be able to figure out what those are. But yes overall, it is true and the vast majority of the world's Muslims are not terrorists but prefer non-violence and peace and love. They also prefer not to be victimized by others, that should be kept in mind.

    I don't think I can convince you today, such things take time and a lot of space and plus it would be easier to answer more specific questions you have.

  • WOrD
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Every good tree has thorns , but you don't know a good tree by its thorns, rather by its fruits. The thorns are necessary to protect the tree from insects. To see the whole point of the tree you must concentrate on the trunk not on the branches. Does the trunk look convincing to you...

    Islam is such good tree.

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