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How can I GAIN weight?

I know this question might annoy some of you - but I am being serious.

I've been skinny my whole life, but until recently it wasn't 'too skinny'. I am almost 5'5 and from grade 8 - 12 I weighed about 112-115 pounds.

I am not anorexic, and I eat a healthy amount of food (which I prepare myself because I like to cook), but for the last 1/4 of grade 12 till now (I've been out of school since June), I have been unable to get my weight above 104. I look gross thin, and no matter what I try I can't gain weight. I miss having boobs, and not being able to feel every single rib!

I try to exercise at least a little every day (go for a walk, sometimes jog a few times around a field close to here), although I mostly stay at home (not attending University yet, so I cook and clean, and sit on my bum a lot).

I eat breakfast everyday (usually is either; omelette's, hash-browns, cereal, yogurt, or waffles).

My lunch is usually left overs from dinner the night before.

Dinner (homemade pizza, pasta, pasta salad, stir fry, etc) always accompanied by a salad.

I love to bake so I usually make desert as well which is cheesecake or apple upside-down cake, sometimes with ice cream.

I have tea at night and occassionaly a small cup of coffee in the morning.

I just don't get what I can change to start gaining weight. I usually eat until I'm overly full (which has become less than I used to be able to eat). Oh and prior to this year I mostly ate microwavable food and lots of chocolate (although I still eat some) and I drank a lot more coffee. My apetite seems to have gotten smaller.. but I think I eat enough fatty things to be gaining weight anyway (cheese, yogurt, dessert, milk, etc), and I always try to stuff myself.


I actually went to the Doctors concerned about this a while ago (this was when I was at 106 pounds). They checked my thyroid, but said it was normal & never really took it farther than that...

Update 2:

Btw... I want to gain healthy weight, not just eat a tonnnee of fatty foods that will give me a heart attack at age 40 -

& I already eat dinner pretty late a lot of the time (usually around 8pm as I watch The Colbert Report & Daily Show), sometimes earlier though, like 6-7pm.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    the way i gain weight is by eating alot of carbs (which is bread, fatts) try and eat every 2-3 hours and have a heavy dinner. or maybe thats ur body and it may not let u best thing is 2 ask a proffesional.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try snacking a lot especially late at night. Drink a lot of coke (regular not diet) and eat a lot of Snickers bars and chocolate cake. Always have seconds at every meal and eat out as much as possible.

    Source(s): It worked for me.
  • 1 decade ago

    You'll start gaining weight when you turn 20, and then you'll be asking, how do I lose weight. Just keep eating, and get lots of exercise to build muscle.

  • Eve R
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    dont eat junk food, its just empty calories. eat as much as you can a day, of healthy food. Make sure you eat at least 2,000 calories a day (this isnt to gain weight, this is in general)

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Ever had your thyroid checked w/ your doctor? That's all I can think of, I wish I could eat like you!

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