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Serious question for Creationists, about the nature of the Earth and Heavens?

I posted this earlier today, but I really wanted to get the opinions of more people, and more people are on-line at this time of night.

An earlier question got me thinking about this. What do Creationists believe about the nature of the Earth, and solar system? If you have specific scripture to justify your answer that's great, but not necessary. I'm really just curious to know where people are coming from. For the record, I'm not a Creationist, and tend believe number 6, but scientists and theologians alike have believed each of these models at various times in history. Thank you, in advance! And Evolutionists, please don't flame the Creationists for their answers; I really want to know what people's sincere beliefs are.

1) Do you believe it is a flat and immovable disk with a dome over it?

2) Do you believe that it is an immovable sphere with another sphere around it that has the sun and moon and stars on it?

3) Do you believe that the earth is the center of the solar system, and the sun, moon and planets orbit it, and the stars are an immovable sphere outside of this?

4) Do you believe in that the sun is the center of the solar system, the planets including earth orbit it, and the stars are an immovable sphere outside of this?

5) Do you believe that the sun is just one star in the Milky Way galaxy, and that all of the other observable galaxies are nebulae within the Milky Way?

6) Do you believe that the Milky Way galaxy is just one galaxy among billions of galaxies?

7) Do you believe something else entirely, or some combination of the above, and if so, what?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. I don't believe that the earth is a disc of any kind.

    2. No I believe that the earth goes around the sun and the moon goes around the earth.

    3. No.I believe that the sun is the center.

    4. Yes the sun is the center.

    5. No science has shown that there are many stars that are burning balls of gasses.

    6. Yes science has shown that there are many more galaxies.

    7. I believe in God. The God spoken of in the Holy Bible. And that He created all we see and all we are. Genies 1:1 through Revelation 22:21.

    Source(s): The science chanel and books. The Holy Bible.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'm an Orthodox Jew and likewise a pupil of the sciences (appears like a paradox would not it?). i'm additionally a "creationist" as you may term it yet i do no longer see technological awareness at conflict with my non secular ideals. i could desire to quote a lot of scripture (Hebrew Bible) and diverse great commentaries introduced down for the period of the generations by ability of great sages to point out guy or woman places that genuinely attest to in demand scientific theories yet that may no longer probable the region for it. i think interior the vast Band, i think in six literal days of creation, and that i even have self assurance that the universe is a few 13.7 billion years previous. I even have self assurance that technological awareness attests to the two a simultaneous passage of six days and 13+ billion years. merely seem on the final concept of Relativity and modern-day fashions of time and area and you're able to see tremendously immediately how this fits in together. as far by way of fact the actual workings of the universe (which you based on on your question), i think that the Earth revolves around the sunlight, that the sunlight revolves around the midsection of our galaxy, and so on. there is not any conflict with my non secular ideals. exciting to observe, although, is that modern-day physics additionally attest that there is not any single midsection to the universe and that each and each element and any element could nicely be the midsection of the universe concurrently. the priority is attainable interior the scientific community categorically disregarding non secular theory and the non secular community doing the equivalent to technological awareness. we're not at conflict with one yet another. curiously, a Jewish sage and great kabbalist interior the 12th century genuinely calculated the age of the universe as approximately 15 billion years employing purely biblical tips.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Number 7

    And so if I chose 7, I agree with 4, 5 and 6 as well. It is all the same theory really. You are just describing different parts of it. You see, our solar system is the smallest part of all of this. Outside our solar system is billions of other solar systems with billions of other planets inside them. Outside these solar systems is our galaxy as a whole. and our galaxy is just a small part of billions of other galaxies.

    My question is this, is there anything even bigger than galaxies, I mean, besides the universe itself. Is there anything or is it just empty space?

    Source(s): my opinion
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Put a protractor point on the earth, circle the furthest point out of matter, could be a radio star 10000000000000000 tillion light years from here. Now circle it. And make sure it's done for about 10 separate points. and what you have is the known universe. Outside of that universe is God. Go'd word shaped the formless void that exists throughout eternity. That the universe exists is proof that eternity exists , that God made man with the ability to conceive time means that infinity exists. Put it all together and what it all means is God's faithful, the Practicing Christians will live forever in heaven.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i believe in 5,6,7 and don't 1,2,3, no 4 not the immovable sphere,

    if it's about galaxy and earth, i believe what the scientist said and books cause they have been do the research and give facts with scientific proof

    i also believe the creation of galaxy is still a mystery

    cause in the beginning there was nothing, suddenly the galaxy is fill with matter

  • beek
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Genesis 15:5

    Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.”

    I lean toward 6 but think it possible that the earth may be the center of the universe though it does orbit the sun.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd go with 6. Even the Bible backs this up, saying 'heavens and earth'. Calling the void of space, 'waters', He divided the waters from the waters. In the midst is heaven, below is earth and no explanation about what happened to the 'above'.

  • 1 decade ago


    I believe 6 but I also believe that suns are moving and that God has designed the Earth to be the center of the universe in which everything is revolving around it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have a dome over your head, you are losing all your air, and your brain has ceased to function.

    And so, you are orbiting your head with a head from another dimension.

    Your head is a immovable object that has had all the life sucked out of it.

    Do you believe it?

    Source(s): Btw, please look up the meaning of serious and so then the next time you say "serious question" it might just be one.
  • 1 decade ago

    number 6

    The stars and suns move in space as does all the planets.

    There are many galaxies, stars, and planets, and moons through out the whole galaxy.

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