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Why, might this be the case?

Why do people post to this or any category not expecting that they may not read what they want to read?

Is it so difficult to believe that to ask, "Do you like it?" might get some responses that say "No" without you wondering or questioning why? AND not strictly take an answer as a personal attack?

Are some so thin skinned or fragile that they cannot accept "No"?

OK it was worth 5 points to ask.

Steven Wolf

40 plus years a writer


Thank you Kennith. I was trying to make a point which you obviously understand.

Anyone entangled in this or any other passion might want others to like a piece, or at the very least, "get it" but anyone impassioned enough is really writing for themselves anyway.

"Vincent" cut off an ear, but it wasn't because his art was critisized.

Update 2:

By the way, I've already been in communication with the person who generated this Q, through my response, and hopefully we can work something?

Update 3:

Thank you "breeze" and having been here before and now I have two confessions.

#1. Sometimes it is better to keep ones mouth shut.

# 2. Sometimes I am brutal, even irreverent in my honesty

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As I am sure you know, People only want to here good things about themselves. Most people needs the ego boost. I see very few happy poems here. It is sad to me that people must beg to others for that boost. I do not post any of my serious work here. I do not need the approval of others, to know if my writing is any good. I am sure by most standards on here my work is bad. But I like what I do. And that is all that matters to me.

    So mister Wolf I do agree with you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I asked a version of this question a while back, so your "40 plus years a writer" doesn't seem to guarantee you originality, does it? You misspelled "criticized", by the way. There is a select group of writers on this site who merely write for their fawning fans in order to stroke their own egos. So used are they to being told how brilliant they are for writing out a shopping list that when someone says "Er, that's actually rubbish!", they react as if you desecrated the graves of their loved ones. Fragile egos, non-existent talent, spiteful and vengeful, maladjusted personalities. It's as simple as that. As you know, earlier I posted a light-hearted, humorous, p*ss-take parody (a mere ditty) of "My Way". The serious reaction it received amply demonstrates the pomposity of many of those who responded to it. Tells you all you need to know really.

    Here's a question for you. Why do you feel the need to try and give credibility and authority to your utterances by proclaiming your writing "credentials" up front? An attempt to preempt and dissuade any disagreement with your point of view perhaps?

  • I am not sure myself why one would ask that question, I hate to say no I do not, so usually just carry on my way.

    If it is something I like I will say so, if it is something that makes me think, I will star, and perhaps answer if I feel so inclined. I try to encourage young people to keep moving forward in their poetic attempts.

    I post words here that I consider worthwhile of critique, I do not expect everyone to like or understand what I write, however I do not expect them to be rude in their answer or nit pick on an obvious misspelling that is a typo.

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