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If i truly love my husband, do i set him free and if he comes back it was meant to be?
my husband left me almost 2 weeks ago, was tired of my bitching and accusing. i realize now the mistakes i have made and have told him this. i know what it takes to make it right. i dont want to be pushy, so should i just set him free and see if he comes back? i know i am beginning to change for the better i can feel it. but can me not calling him and begging him back be the beginning of showing him that i am changing? he says he wants a divorce, but i need to tell you that he left me back in april and said the same thing, he came home after almost 2 months...should i just give it time or what should i do?
17 Answers
- EllaLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
If he's ran off twice in less than a year of being married, then apparently both of you made a huge mistake by getting married.
You need to do some growing up and speaking with an anger management counselor regarding your behavior.
And he needs to grow up and stop running away from his problems.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
The same thing happened to me afterI we were married for 7 years. He wanted a divorce because I nagged and bitched too much. I believed he wanted to move on (he even had a girl waiting in the wings). I backed off. Left him alone, worked on a plan on what life was going to be after the big D.
I never begged him to come back (matter of fact always acted and believed that the divorce was going to happen). I went back to school and got a part time job.
Out of the blue 6 months later he said "forget it I don't want to get a divorce" The reason was because I was not nagging him anymore (I was too busy with my own life).
Evidently men love an independent, selfish, I don't give a hoot about what you do woman. Go Figure!!!!
Never beg or tell him you have changed... just change and let him figure it out.
- Ms PollyannaLv 61 decade ago
I had separate from my husband after the first 5 years, so i give him one year to figure out what he and i wanted. He came back with no regrets and now we have been married for 27 years with 3 sons, there is not a day that goes by that he does not say " I love you"
- 1 decade ago
No don't set him free. He could get hit by a car or mistaken for a deer and shot (there's just too many crazy rednecks like Jil running around).
At this point, you might want to consider getting a GPS chip implanted in your husband, as well as a leash and a good sturdy cage.
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- 1 decade ago
YES Set him free and don't look back. If he does love and forgive he will run and pursue but the trick is can you play "hard to Get" that is were your problem lies. Forget the children in this think about you. If you do not show the children a loving couple then nothing works.
- TeenieLv 71 decade ago
You sound like you already know what to do now comes the hard part.I been through what your going through now and like you i called my husband begging him to come home. Then it dawned on me i use to hate it when a guy would call me up and beg me to go back with him in fact it turned me against him. In my eyes he was weak, men are no different they do not like weak whiney women. Get a grip on yourself and stop calling him you need to give him a chance to miss you. My husband came back to me and we have now been married 29 1/2 years and yes we loved each other very much.
- 1 decade ago
If this is the second time that he's left you and threatened you with divorce, then maybe you should do some thinking about the relationship. He doesn't seem to be taking your marriage seriously. I don't think you not calling him will make him realize that you've changed, it might just make him realize that he misses you.
I realize that being seperated is hard for you, but I hope you can realize that you shouldn't change who you are only because somebody else isn't happy with you.
Don't call him and let this seperation run its course. If you call him, it will only look like your begging.
- 5 years ago
Hello , i need some advise being seperated for 5 years to my husband but we keep seeing each other becos of my way going in there mother house. i have 3 kids with him. what im going to do if i dont see any effort from him to live again together?
- CougarLv 71 decade ago
That sad. Um i think you should not beg. Just live as a responsible woman and as if he is not coming back. He will see the change and feel the pressure of the relationship off of him and be able to see what is important again. He sounds a little stressed right now. Give him space and keep busy fixing up your life and your self.
- ♥♥JDub♥♥Lv 51 decade ago
If your husband can leave you at whim, it is more likely he has someone else. You should not take him back. You will likely be accepting STDs, pregnancy from the other women and a huge disrespect for you. Do not grovel over this man, he apparently easily can replace you. Move on!