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Who would win in a fight - Alien or Predator?

As you can see, I have thought long and hard about my first question on answers.I think Alien would kick predator's ***.What do you think?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    first it depends on the predator if it is an unblooded (a Predator that has not been thought the trials yet ) yautja (predators

    real name) it would probly get its *ss kicked in a fight agenst 15 aliens

    now if it is a blooded yautja hands donw it would win i a fight agents

    15 aliens. now if it is an elder that is the tuffist yautja their is he could posibly take down and intier hive with the queen as a trprhy

    second it depents on the alien

    when a face hugger chosses it host it implants an egg and that egg

    inhareits the trates of the host exp. dog = fast strong, human=smart and seim strong, yautja= exrimlely storng and prity smart and can adapet easy and its not like the movie, see it all depnets on the genes of the host because the dna of xenomorph (alien) is very unsatble

    predtorein has nothing to do with a yautja it is the name of a roaly face huger this face huger carries two eggs one a predatorien alien

    which in its final stage becomes a queen an the second egg a normal

    alien to protect the queen until i can lay eggs as you can see it is a

    prity even mach

    Source(s): predator-the hunted
  • 5 years ago

    Alien or Predator because of the fact even with the actuality that Ironman and Batman would have super cool gadgets they are going to be quite eaten via the two Predator or Alien yet between them the guy who gained interior the movie could win because of the fact I forgot who grew to become into the stable guy. desire this helps!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Predator is the most experienced hunter. Also the better looking!

    They were here before alien and know the score! And be careful they, are still milling about, unseen today, keeping an eye on us, and asking questions, are we ready to help them kill the 'Aliens'.?

  • Probably the predator, but Chuck Norris would win against the winner.

    Source(s): Myself.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I think Predator, but only with his gadgets and if he can disappear.

    But if he had no gadgets and couldn't become invisible, then easily the Alien

  • 1 decade ago

    well in the film AVP Predator won and thats the way i think too......... Alien is a thicko and Pred is too good for them

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