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How do I respond to something like this?

I no someone (I wish I didn't), who believes that there is no outer-space as we know it, and that God painted the sky in order to give us something to look at every night. NASA has never sent anyone into space, because it doesn't exist. They believe that man has been the only inhabitants of this planet, and for only a period of 5,000 years. Here is a quote: "God put dinosaur bones in the soil in order to test our faith." Their "church" has engraved this nonsense in their brain.

I know this all sounds ridiculous, but as a well-educated, scientific person, I cannot even begin to think up a response to what this person has told me. What do you guys think?

32 Answers

  • me
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That kind of stuff drives me nuts and you're better off not even responding. Just be like "Mmm-hmm, I'm happy that you are content in believing this," because there is no way to convince them otherwise.

    If they think dinosaur bones were placed there to test our faith, what do they think of the creationist museum?

    The creationist museum was founded by Christians who believe that dinosaurs and humans all lived together - and that dinosaurs only died out a mere 400 years ago at the latest. LOL.

    Sorry but why would God want to test our faith and be mean to us like that - if there is a God. Why would he do things like that to his people? Why would he want to constantly test us? Why would he tell some guy to take his son up on a mountain and kill him (and then be like "J/K!") - or with the story of Job, just to "prove" something to Satan, put Job through all those difficulties just to prove that he'd be faithful. WTF. That's messed up man, I don't want to worship any God that would have to test his people like that all the time. That's like kicking the family dog, and then laughing that the dog comes crawling obediently back to you.

    There is a place for both science and faith to co-exist. Even men who have walked on the moon believe in God, like astronaut Charlie Duke.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh my pun intended!! This person, this church is Absolutely crazy...but you already knew that. Unfortunately your dealing with a Religious freak...which means there stubborn and wont listen to anything but "GOD" who created everything, is the almighty and power full...basically they wont believe what you'll say. You could try explaining the scientific aspects of space to the person but it wont i think this person needs a serious reality check!!! guess what people!!! you can believe in or have faith in whatever you want if it makes you happy... but if your going to sound like a total freak...then get in check with reality PLEASE!!! Also "God" in my OPINION does not exist...I have no real scientific proof and neither do you ... until you have some lemme know!!! P.S. creation is not GOD'S work that's called evolution!!! get over it!!!

    And the whole dinosaur thing is

    P.S.S. I learned this in history

    P.S.S.S. NASA has gone into space

    P.S.S.S.S. I think your friend needs to be un-brainwashed!!!

    no offence

    Ok so people created God or gods in there minds to explain all the things in the world, creation, birth, life, death, ect... but soon they wondered where they came from so they imediatly they taught others that the Gods created man kind and all other living beings

    Some things to think about

    Why have there been so many different Gods ( greek, Roman, Chinese, Hindu, Egyptian ect.... )

    The storys from the bible overlap those of different religions ( Pandora's Box, Adam and Eve ... both explaining why there are evils in this world )


    Religion, the opiate of our world - Colonel Dewey Novak

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all, like whoa. Doesn't that make everything everyone knows not make sense anymore? I for one, am going to be honest and don't want anyone taking offence, am atheist. Meaning I don't believe in god. But I have no problem with people who do & churches usually teach a lot more than religious stories. I go along & let people believe what they want to . I like to have an open mind. But at this point. Isn't it a little worrisome? It IS like they are brainwashed a bit.

    Maybe I am having a dumb moment but how does dinosaur bones have anything to do with faith. I'm 100% sure there IS a space because out of all the people that did research on it & found it. THey seem to have proof. So these people sure do have an odd way of looking at things.

    Though I must always wonder, doesn't it seem like this big world has a huge secret that no one has ever figured out? That it has a lot more to it than any human eye has ever seen? I mean their are still so many things that happen that are unexplained. Though their has to be an explanation to everything right?

    Has anyone heard of Rachel's Challenge? It seems like this girl PREDICTED her own death and she died drawing a picture of what symbolizes people dying and it begins as rain water but then turns into drops of blood landing on a growing flower. A shooting was at Columbine High School and the two boys that did it wanted to cause a chain reaction of violence. Rachel wanted to create a chain reactionof kindness. She always said she would die young, then these two boys Eric & Dylan came and shot (& killed) the exact same ammount of blood drops that she had drawn. Then a man had adream ofthis picture after the shooting. It just goes on & on. My point is, aren't their so many things that just don't seem to make any sense at all?

    Source(s): & me <3
  • 1 decade ago

    Hahaha Well, that gave me a laugh. But when it comes right down to it I believe you cannot argue faith. I have a lot of friends the are I read a book about the Mormom faith and although I find some of it silly I just accept that is their beliefs just as I have mine. sounds like your friend is a little more on the "cult" side. So do they gather in large groups and drink Kool-Aid????? So how does he account for things such as meteor showers??? Or doppler radar????

    I think that I would have a difficult time enganging in conversation with somebody like that.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ok, first,i think that you are being a little rude with your friend, i know sometimes this things are ridiculous for some people, but there is no need to offend. If you get annoyed by him believing this, you shouldn't even bother. I know that your idea seems more logical than his,but for him, it isn't. Sometimes people prefer to believe in this than be debating over the truth. If he seems happy and is not offending nobody, you shouldn't try to change his mind about it. I used to have a friend that believes in some superior beings and that after you die you go to the center of the sun,because that is where the real paradise.He didn't cut his hair and didn't eat some veggies for some reason, and he believe in some kind of water energy. I just didn't get it, but i didn't got mad at him, i just told him that i didn't believe in that and that i was not going to debate over something that i don't understand don't want to believe in, and i just let him be. He was a great, i didn't care about his ideas, besides, he was my best friend, i accepted him for who he was.

    And if you feel you get too annoyed, then you should consider just stop talking to someone that stresses you out so much and obviously have not much in common with you

    Source(s): just an advice...
  • 1 decade ago

    well you cant respond directly because as you no doubt would have already figured, it would simply never get through. it requires a bit of beating around the bush to first understand this persons motive for their belief so you can start to make them see that science and faith can in fact live side by side. in fact, a believer in God who also allows science to explain things shows a MUCH higher level of faith than a believer who simply attempts to discredit all science by blanketing it with statements such as the quote above.

    One other point: the bible makes several references to what we call dinosaurs so both 'sides' agree that they existed - this persons argument is simply an uneducated waffle.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can't unfortunately. I deal with a similar situation with some family members. Although not quite as far fetched as your situation. What I've learned is there is no point in even trying. With that type of person, you will never be able to convince them of anything. Even if the both of you went up there together they would still find some way of justifying it. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell this person that Buzz Aldrin- the 2nd person to have stepped on the surface of the moon- believes in God and actually had his Communion on the moon (this was kept secret from the public but he wrote about it in his book).

    So ask your friend if fellow God-fearing man, Buzz Aldrin- who went into outerspace and landed on the moon- lied about it to the world and to God himself- when he said he thanked God for the most meaningful experience of his life?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think its sad because it makes God fearing christians look like complete idiots. But everyone has their own choice to make in life although it would definitely seem that anyone who would believe all that is brainwashed.

    You could respond by saying okay. Expressing your objection might be interesting since "satan could be keeping you from the truth." Anyway good luck, would like to know the outcome.

    Source(s): Bible, Life, and silly evangelicals from small towns in texas
  • 1 decade ago

    There are times in life that the best answer to comments are no response at all. I believe this is your situation. It won't really matter what you say. So, I wouldn't bother to take my energy to try and persuade this person one way or the other. Hopefully, they will be enlightened as time passes.

    Best response is NO Response.

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