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Muslims, what started death if it's not sin*?

*According to Jewish and Christian doctrine, man used to be living fine until he disobeyed God's command about not eating the fruit from the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil". Ever since he did that, everyone in his line have been dying.

If man didnt do that according to the Quran, what's the logic behind dying? How come people die?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's just a myth.

    If living things never died, the Earth would get filled up and there would be no room for the next generation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A mistranslation of an older story Genesis says that man's original sin was eating an apple. They infer this is sex which is ridiculous.

    The full much older and original Ur, Sommerland version makes it quite plain that original sin came about because man having been created perfect went one step further and became sentient. Which is why man can never go back to the garden of Eden (primordial jungle) and why his woes are increased because percived woes are allways worse and more of them, than in reality.

    We can not die because there is no such thing as death. Energy can only mutate not disapear. If we don't accept oblivion to join the Indescribable Force refered to as God when our bodies dies, we choose another life. But because we are sentient we pick ourselves to death over and over in limbo land (hell) where we can never escape if our actual life was bad. We see and relive our actions from every possible perspective including the ones of people we have hurt. Hence Hilter will never escape hell because he is spending an eternity going over things. Until you are free of this lifes dis-ease you can't move on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Death is not end of life but just a different phase.

    God Almighty created Adam and Eve and gifted them life till eternity and placed them in the bliss of paradise. But they could not realize the significance and importance of eternity and the paradise. Therefore God made a code of conduct for them, which if fulfilled will take them to paradise and win an eternal life.

    So man dies to enter the second phase of his life. His deeds will be weighed in a scale and if his virtues exceed his sins, he will win an endless life in paradise, else he will be dumped into hell to suffer endlessly there.

    Muhammad Javed Iqbal

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Say what? Jews don't believe in the original sin doctrine.

    Adam and Eve were and remained mortal because they haven't ate from the Tree of Life.

    All animals including humans were mortal to begin with. No original sin in Judaism.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I assume you're talking about Adam when he ate the apple from the holy tree .. it's the same thing in Islam, Adam used to live in heaven but he disobeyed God's command, this is why he was punished by being sent to Earth and this is how life started over on Earth ...

    Source(s): Muslim
  • 1 decade ago

    They must have picked up the self destruct gene in their DNA.

  • 1 decade ago

    dying is just the end of living. It is natural and it has always been this way. If you want to dleude yourself, go ahead, I need something to laugh at today

  • 1 decade ago

    y y y

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sin. (snort)

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