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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Are there any other Republicans who voted for Obama?

I was not a big fan of McCain, but when Palin entered the race, I knew I could not vote Republican. I was not distracted by her "moral values", and saw through them to her utter ignorance of national politics.

And you know what's funny? Whenever I mention on here that I voted Democtrat, my fellow Republicans tell me I "listen to everything I hear", and "follow like a sheep', even though NOT voting along my usual party lines would seem to show the exact opposite of this....

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I consider myself a "swing voter", in the sense that I am not blinded by party rhetoric and posturing. I usually vote Republican and my political opinions regarding fiscal policy can best be described as "far right", because I believe in the umpire state, which monitors the game and ensures everyone is playing by the rules, but otherwise doesn't step in.

    I voted for Barack Obama this election season. Neither John McCain nor the Oi Palloi of the GOP voter base impressed me at all. John McCain came across as a confused eclectic, completely out of his league while dealing with economic issues, and that made Republicans rhetoric seem misguided while they talked about the importance of small government while their candidate did anything but. Their screams of "terrorist" and "Socialist" were mere mud-slinging to me.

    Barack Obama had consistency, he kept his cool. John McCain talked about the importance of small government one day, then advocated a buyout of bad mortgages the next. His "suspension" of his campaign was a pure publicity act, and Republicans know it.

    His Sarah Palin pick was probably the single worst decision of his campaign. Palin was a ditzy diva, a woman of little substance but a lot of charm; a person who sacrificed John McCain's 2008 election bid for her own political purposes. John McCain had a steady tie with Barack Obama. And despite an initial surge around the RNC, as soon as Palin began flapping her lips the McCain campaign began suffering. And when the financial crisis hit, Palin proved to be a liability; not being able to help John McCain beyond reciting talking points. If McCain had nominated Mitt Romney or another solid fiscal conservative, he may have weathered the storm better.

    So I voted for Obama. He was the superior candidate. It's the Republicans who are sheep; wooed by the media-approved celebrity Sarah Palin. They complain about the liberal media making Barack Obama a celebrity, but at least Obama could talk frankly on the issues. The media also made Sarah Palin a celebrity, but she completely destroyed her credibility every time she opened her mouth. So pay no attention to the partisan (on either side), because they are more interested in furthering their agenda than voting based on truths.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm a Libertarian who voted for McCain. I've been fascinated with those who were Repub's and voted Obama. It's interesting to finally see see of the reasons why. I find both parties quite nauseating, the extremists of both I mean.

  • 1 decade ago

    I work with a die hard Republican. He voted for Bush, not once, but twice. By the end of the first year of Bush's second term, he finally got it. He voted for Obama.

    I am a Democrat, and almost voted McCain in 2000. He really changed, but I agree with you on Palin. Anyone with half a brain realized what a con job that was.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm a moderate independent. I voted for Obama. Trust me, you are not alone. There were many problems with the Republican ticket this year. That ticket was far from coherient, organize, and impressive. If this is to forshadow his potential presidency, I would expect very little for the next 4 years.

    **I agree whole heartedly with the post above me.**

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I became an Ex-Republican when I realized this War was going to bring America to it's Knees. I was right.

    I feel so much damage was done to our image across the world not to mention our economy. It is a sad time for US and with OBAMA's cabinet picks,I feel confident, We will improve with slow and steady Wise decisions.

  • 1 decade ago

    The problem is that Republicans who voted for Obama have no idea who he is and what he is going to do. Obama wants to bring socialism into the U.S. We need a president who wants to shrink the government.

    Palin is a very smart person whose beliefs where very close to most of Americans. Most of Americans want to save the most innocent lives, unborn babies. Most Americans are against gay marriage. Look at California the most liberal state in the Union, they voted against gay marriage.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You must vote for whom you think most follows your beliefs. I myself have never voted a straight party ticket and never will. I also voted this last election against everyone that voted yes to the bailout. We see how well that has been working.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some did, of course, because they see the socialism coming as a way to line their pockets with taxpayer money.

    Funny though that Obama's utter ignorance of national and foreign politics seemed to be over-looked.

    Did ya see the news conference he had after his first intelligence briefing? He was scared to death and he couldn't cover that up.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes because Bush did something bad plus sarah palin came in.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago



    I'm one.

    My neocon sister even voted for Obama!

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