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Lv 6
saq428 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Isn't it curious that whenever a democrat wins the election, the system works beautifully...?

but when they lose, the system is flawed and the election was stolen from them.


The election played out, I am not bitter. I just think it's funny how all of a sudden the system works beautifully, until they lose again. I'm willing to support the office of the president, no matter how flawed I think his policies are. Unlike democrats, who did everything they could to sabotage the presidency of Bush. And, no, the first Bush term was in no way stolen from Gore. They system worked the way it was intended. The Gore camp tried to steal the victoryby taking it to court.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes I've noticed that. Any candidate, incumbent or electorate at any level of government who is obsessed with "uniting the country under a one party system" really proposing one thing

    and constituents of all stripe better wake up.

    All totalitarian governments start with the 'joyous' and 'unique' promise of unifying as a people under one ideal/party/platform/goal.

    One Repeat of History, coming right up.

    Also, beware of any politician who convinces or is truying to convince the populous they need him/her more than he needs them.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yea, pretty amazing that the dems were screaming "voting machine problems and intimidation" prior to the election but stopped when "The One" won. Didn't hear too much from the "mainstream media" about the black panther intimidation of a polling place in Ohio. Wonder why that was?

    EDIT to FUNK:

    "This year McCain supporters that hosted voting booths in red states made signs and flyers which said Obama voters are supposed to vote on Wednesday."

    There were no flyers that said Obama voters are supposed to vote on Wednesday. That was an e-mail/text message JOKE that went around the country. I'm a republican and received that text at least twice from different people. If people were SO STUPID to believe that, they should not be allowed to vote.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most election specialists have confirmed there was foul play in Florida during the 2000 election.

    This year McCain supporters that hosted voting booths in red states made signs and flyers which said Obama voters are supposed to vote on Wednesday.

    Republicans are dishonest and don't play fair. Straight up.

    I find it interesting that when a Democrat is in office the economy does well, our reputation improves, less domestic attacks yet Republicans will take credit for everything. Then when Republicans are in control our economy tanks, our reputation goes down the drain, we lose freedoms, everyone hates the president and then Republicans blame it all on the Dems. What gives?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I cant stand stupid people, the bush gore election was not stolen!

    gore was trying to get judges to change the political count process.

    Your question goes for a lot of people they like using excuses.

    who in today's generation or world actually likes taking responsibility?

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  • Sean
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If you look at what occurred in Florida in 2000, and what occurred in Ohio in 2004, then there are reasons there WERE flaws in the system. In those two VERY close elections, the integrity of the vote in those two states was very much in question. And had every vote been counted in Florida in 2000, Al Gore would have been our President.

  • Well if it quacks like a duck 9x out of 10, it's a duck.

    Maybe if the republicans didn't have a reputation of stealing elections it would be a different story.

    EDIT: The 2000 election had so much voter fraud it was ridiculous...Gore won that election not Bush.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is nothing curious about it. It's the Democratic way. Cry, whine & snivel when you lose. Gloat, prance about and act like an insipid preening moron when you win.

    They can't help themselves. Something to do with that flawed gene that causes Liberal thinking.

  • 1 decade ago

    The system is not working beautifully as long as illegal aliens are allowed to mooch off U.S. tax paying citizens.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Are you saying no Republicans ever complain about voter fraud or machine malfunctions or any of that? Because they do too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course, before the election, the Republicans, seeing that they were going to lose, tried to lay the groundwork to make a claim that the election would be stolen, by making everyone afraid of ACORN and illegal aliens voting and what have you. But then they lost by too big a margin in too many states to be able to claim anything improper happened.

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