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Why aren't more Christians Christ-like?

I have 2 people in my contacts that are self-identified Christians (I believe Protestant). They will freely tell you so, but aren't very highly evangelical. Their answers are typically incredibly fair and balanced, and they seem to have a great handle on their own morality, and tend to be open and fair minded in their opinions on all things. They don't talk down to non-Christians, are always pleasant and polite, and seem legitimately happy and at-peace with themselves and the world.

In my mind (not that my opinion is all-important to anyone other than me) they are great examples of Christian values, and represent their faith pretty darn well.

So why are so many Christians NOT like that? I'm pretty sure that this was one of the messages that Christ taught, to be peaceful, regard others with compassion, and not be a snooty jerk to people. (ok I made that last part up). In these times when Christians are under so much criticism for being foolish, pugnacious, prejudiced, judgmental people, wouldn't it be wiser to be MORE like Christ, to be a BETTER example? If one portrays Christians negatively, doesn't that HURT the evangelical directive of Jesus? One of the reasons he was so successful (aside from the whole Son of God deal) was that he was a strong example of this kind of person that everyone could see (and I suppose the miracles helped too). While most people aren't turning water into wine, people who are such balanced, positive examples of their faith show us all what faith is supposed to be about. Faith is supposed to bring you PEACE and JOY, not excuse you to ostracize others. Wouldn't better examples bring more people under the arm of Christ?

I'm not Christian myself, but respect the faiths of others, ESPECIALLY when it seems to bring them peace, joy, and help them to be fair minded, compassionate, thinking people. I think other people would be interested in what God has to say if so many people weren't so crappy about it.

I apologize, but I am disallowing direct email correspondence because I would like to keep debate on this PUBLIC, and don't want to get evangelical hate-mail or get preached at by holier-than-thous. I am comfortable and happy in my own faiths, and ask this question to promote thought and promote religious folk who seem to have really learned something about life from their ideology.


Well, of course there are jerks everywhere.

Update 2:

cadisney... True, Christ did judge morally reprehensible actions, as most of us would and probably should. However, so many 'Christians' use this as an excuse to use their own (often horribly flawed) justifications for what is reprehensible, and so obviously do so with the sole intent of justifying being blatantly un-Christlike. Very much a 'one rule for us, another for the non-believers.'

Living a life of being open minded, open hearted, and charitable toward others in your heart isn't so hard, is it? Nobody is perfect, sure, but even me, as a non believer, manage to pull this off, especially toward others, without too much trouble. And Christ isn't even MY model (although a very good one).

Update 3:

Inreference to judging, what I mean is so many people do exactly that: make an excuse to judge people, not actions. Don't they know this is contrary to the directives of Christ? Some Christians obviously do, like the two examples I mention. There is a guy I work with like that too... he'll tell you with no reserve he is a Christian, and even among us heathens in the office, he walks the walk like nobody's business and is a great representative for his faith.

Update 4:

And no thumbs down from me. I want to hear from you people.

Update 5:

Scotty_8, you totally lost me. However, thumbs up for your opening line:

The purpose of life is to find happiness and spread it to others.

Update 6:

Sinik, that would be Gandhi.

Update 7:

Back to cadisney (thanks for having several complete points) I have to straight-up disagree with one thing here... different interpretations of what is Christ-like? Where did you go to church? Even the Catholics and protestants agree on this one.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    we are trying.....please dont judge....noone is perfect..

  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone has a diff interpretation of what being Christ like entails.

    Christ was peaceful but he wasnt a push over and he didnt back away from condemning practices he found immoral. Many people in our society today make it seem like if you condemn or disapprove of any behavior then you are being non Christlike because you are judging.

    Christ did judge. He never said we shouldnt judge behavior. We just need to use righteous judgment.

    What you can never judge is where a person will go after they die because you will never know exactly what a persons heart is like.

    Over the top obnoxious people are found in all walks of life. Thats part of human nature for some.

    We need to love our fellow brothers and sisters but that doesnt mean we should just accept everything they do.

    Do your parents not love you when they disapprove of poor choices you make and let you know it?

    I wont go around condemning people that are participating in behavior I find wrong. I also wont not associate with people just because they dont believe or behave like me. I know people have diff beliefs and value systems than me.

    I have no problem listening and debating diff concepts and beliefs.

    I wont compromise my beliefs, however, or say something might be true if I dont think it is and I wont just sit around and do nothing within my own society while I see things going on that I think is harmful to the society I live in.

  • 1 decade ago

    The purpose of life is to find happiness and spread it to others. There is so much lost from the bible including Prophets and Apostles that has been restored. Eternal marriage and family is one example. People keep quoting the scripture about seven brothers marrying one woman and that they (the seven brothers) neither marry nor are given in marriage in heaven. The Lord made it clear to Joseph Smith that marriage done by authority can be for ever, otherwise they become ministering angels. The seven brothers became ministering angels.

    A few other things are Priesthood (Melchizedek and Aaronic), temples, Baptism for the dead (Christ taught the spirits in prison but they needed to be baptized for), Missionary work (The field is white and already to harvest), etc. People stray without prophets and apostles.

  • 1 decade ago

    People are different, and they're always growing mentally and psychically. They may be still learning, or they're slowly decreasing in their faith. Beeing Christ-like is not easy you know, and most people just want to stay in that grey, lukewarm area. It's comfortable, and it gives you reassurance there. But every Christian is still growing in Him, and they would not stop growing.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the thing is christianity is about deliverance from sins.....but this salvation pertains to our conscience so that we may be able to serve God in the law of rightousness by our mind.....but and if we only understand a little of right and wrong? then we may seem unrightous in our ignorance but and if we have recieved light from God and are living it? then we may be seen as a good example...............but heres one last point...the devil will fight the hardest those who have the greater light of trhe gospel and leave those who make christianity look bad...alone

  • G C
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Because we are all sinners with the nature to sin. The only way to become more and more like Christ as Philippians tells us is to really study the Bible, not just read it. Knowledge is power. Power to not succumb to our own evil desires as in James 1:13-15

  • 1 decade ago

    Because if somone believes that they and only them and their religious sect is the one who believes in the "True god" or are the only people on earth who are "Saved", etc etc, chances are it'll ramp up their ego by serious amounts.

  • 1 decade ago

    would you follow any rule if you know you can get away breaking them? in Christianity, repentance is always an option. you can do anything you like in Christianity just as long as you repent later on.

  • 1 decade ago

    'Christianity' is heathenism. The Savior YAHOSHUA directed us to keep Torah (as He did) Not be a sun worshiper.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I honestly don't know. It has always boggled my mind as well.

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