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"the economy will get worse before it gets better",what happend to the change Obama promised?

So far he has hired Washington insiders for his cabinet, and says things that drive down the stock market. He's like a 3rd George Bush!

43 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    I believe the term is "change" not "instant change".

    I am no Obama fan, but nit - picking every decision he makes is tiresome and will not win back the White House.

    And, for the love of cheese, words do not drive the market one way or the other!

    Source(s): The Force!
  • 1 decade ago

    To be honest, what Obama's saying isn't having that much effect on the stock market. It's the rumours going around inside the city that are affecting the markets.

    He's just accepting the truth. The president of one country cannot change the direction of the global economy over night. We haven't seen a very big recession yet, but we will - that's just how it works.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, some of us understand his concept of change, and some of us clearly do not. He is surrounding himself with top notch people who have the gravitas and clout to get the changes he wants effected in this nation and around the world. A President is only as good as the Cabinet he puts together to help him achieve his/her vision for our country. So far he has done a fine job and made some outstanding choices. He's not saying anything that is driving down the stock market. The stock market is not being affected by every word that Obama utters. It is being affected by the day to day news about these bailouts, layoffs, companies folding, the housing market and the idiots demanding that they be given billions of dollars.

    Of course the economy will get worse before it gets better. Economists have been telling all of us that for weeks. No one is expecting miracles. The malcontents who think it's cute to poke a stick at those who hope for change from Obama are having fun acting as though we thought he had a magic wand. We don't; those of us who voted for him are a tad smarter than that.

  • 1 decade ago

    He is not even President yet and he is already taking steps to try to fix the economy by putting his team in place so he can hit the ground running on January 21st. He is also keeping the people informed of every decision that he makes. This a lot more that any President Elect has ever done prior to taking office. He is not lying by saying that things will get worse before it gets better. This is always the case when you are trying to get out of a severe financial and economical disaster. People in deep debt usually have to give up things and make some serious sacrifices before they can get their heads above water again. When we get ourselves in a mess it usually takes major sacrifices on our part to lift ourselves up again. Why are you guys acting like this is some kind of conspiracy as opposed to common knowledgee...? Are you that desperate to see him fail...? If he fails is it only Democrats that will pay the price...? Will only half the boat sink...?

    It took about 4 years to take the economy from bad to worse; could we at least give the new President at least 4 years to get us halfway out of the stink we're in...?

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  • 1 decade ago

    What did you expect? "Change" was empty rhetoric - the only change was Obama for Bush. It was a clever slogan as people wanted real change, i.e. policies for the ordinary people, not big business, for fair wages and more employment. You could take it to mean whatever you wanted.

    In reality, the Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans. What Bush would do with a snarl, Obama will do with a smile. We need a new party to represent ordinary people. It is the same in Britain - New Labour = Old Tories. We need real change from below.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mr. Hippo were you one of those people who thought Obama was this magical Jesus figure who could fix the economy with the wink of an eye? That's foolish, he needs the help of Congress to push his ideas for what he thinks is best for the economy through. He has to fight bipartisanship, and no where has he ever said he's a miracle worker.

    Everyone got sucked up in the hype of Hope, without thinking that NO ONE can fix us, and get us out of the screw-ball mixup instantly, and anyone who does is a fool.

    Your two crappy choices this year were:

    And idiot, but admirable war hero, who wanted more the the same stupid bull.

    And an inspirational smart democrat with a seemingly strange background who said he knew what to do, that created hope, but no one realized that this course of action is going to do nothing but flood the market and depreciate the dollar.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't make is sooooo obvious that you have no clue, okay? It's embarassing.

    The economy is like a huge supertanker. Even if you try to change direction, it takes long before the effect can be seen. In case of the economy, at least two years.

    Please learn something first before you make wild claims.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So, he's acknowledged what the whole world knows, that things are going to get worse.

    Most people would see that statemant as being realistic.

    I fail to see how it has the slightest bearing on his position about introducing change.

    He is NOTHING like George W. Bush.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is called honesty. It is unfortunate that you need a politician to pretend like everything is going to magically get better.

    That is what Bush did by denying we were in a recession until last week.

    Did you want Obama to say , "The fundamentals of the economy are strong?"

  • 1 decade ago

    So the change you were looking for was someone who would hire clueless people and lie about the state of things?

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