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president elect Obama?

is going to have his hands full. the bailouts of the banks and automakers. I'm a Republican. . . . . can some of you help me understand how we are going to fix the economy with or without raising taxes?. this isnt a "lets fight" question. I recently put my house on the market and was wondering if and when someone will call?

13 Answers

  • kagmi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are two main ideas about fixing the economy: the idea that most Republicans support is the idea that the government should lower taxes and spending so that Americans will have more money to spend themselves. The view held by most Democrats is that the government should raise taxes on the very wealthy and use that money for jobs and tax cuts for the less wealthy. The Republicans say this is a terrible idea because they fear that taking money from the rich would cause them to stop contributing to the economy and possibly cause some business owners to lay off more workers. The Democrats think the Republicans' idea is terrible because it is what Bush has tried and the rich don't seem to have been using their extra money to create jobs.

    I personally side with the Democrats on this one. We've had an eight-year trial of the "supply side economics" idea of tax cuts in order to fix the economy, and it hasn't been working. The wealthy who benefit most from tax cuts haven't really been using that money to create jobs or shore up American industry in an effective way. It makes more sense to me to think that cutting taxes on the lower 95% of the population, who spend more of their income on key goods such as food, medical care, electricity, etc. would shore up the economy more , especially since the price of all those things has been skyrocketing even has the lower- and middle-class incomes have been going down. The Republican idea was good in theory, but it has been tried and the economy just keeps getting worse. This course of raising taxes on the rich, cutting taxes on the poor, and increasing welfare programs is the course Obama has promised to follow. But of course he's going to have a lot of rethinking to do with the massive economic crash that happened just before election day, so his plans might be slowed down a bit.

    As for your house, good luck! Real estate markets vary dramatically from state to state. In Michigan, for example, the real estate market is terrible and probably won't be improving anytime soon. But other parts of the country (notably those not dependent on the automakers), seem to have much better markets. Hope your house is in good shape. ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    You are right about one thing, Obama does have his hands full. I voted for Obama this year, and I'm glad that we can finally right the many wrongs done over the past 8 years. However the thing that is true, is that eventually taxes will have to be raised. Its unfortunate, but a lot of the things he says won't come to pass immediately. Credit is still frozen, the bail situations don't look promising. Taxes have to be raised because if you are expecting to have an economy that is flowing then money will have to come from somewhere. I am not in favor of higher taxes but I realize that in just about every modern day presidency taxes were raised at some point. Even during the Clinton presidency taxes went up slightly. No president can promise anything, they can only say what they will do and hopefully carry it out. As far as your house goes, I don't think you can expect a phone call anytime soon. The way the housing markets are, no one can really afford to buy because they can't get loans. This situation is bad, I just hope things don't go from bad to worse.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We aren't going to fix the economy.

    Economics is not a dark mysterious art. Thousands of years of human experience has shown what helps and what hurts. Many GOP proposals and 100% of Democrat proposals are proven economy killers. Raising taxes is one of them. It should be self-evident that removing wealth from the economy will not HELP the economy.

    During the 2008 campaign, Obama told us right on TV in plain view that he knew his plans would hurt the economy but he would do them anyway because they're "fair." No one who was awake through the Obama campaign has any reason to suppose he has any intention of "fixing" the economy. Obama himself has never said so but HAS said he plans to do the opposite.

    No city, county, state or nation has EVEN "taxed itself into prosperity." Raising taxes as a strategy to improve the economy has a 100% track record of failure.

    "We" are in fact printing money at a record rate. We've roughly quadrupled the money supply in the last couple of months and there's no sign of slowing that explosion any time soon. This puts a$$loads of money into 'chosen' hands who benefit enormously before there's time for the money's value to fall off the chart. By the time YOU see any of it, the Dow Jones average will be about $50,000, and that will also be the price of a box of corn flakes. Understand this nearly unbelievable economic collapse has already happened in several places and times so we >>>KNOW<<< what causes it, how to MAKE it happen. Want a quick primer? Watch the news. We're doing it NOW by the order of several Republicans and ALL of the Democrats.

  • 5 years ago

    My opinion: Obama was simply more likeable than Romney. Obama is very well-spoken, has a cool demeanor, and is charismatic; Romney is a bit more stiff and comes across as aggressive. Unfortunately, the way that an individual presents him/herself counts more during an election than what the person's record has shown or what he/she plans to do if elected. I was not impressed by either candidate as far as what their plans/goals were for the presidency (and, in most cases, they really didn't have a plan). But no one seemed to question/be concerned about this fact, everyone seemed to focus on who "won" the debate (and I guess "winning" equates to how effectively a person can convince the audience that their opponent does not deserve the vote). I'm not a Republican, in fact I usually vote third party and don't affiliate myself with any particular party, but I do wish that people would focus on the problems facing this country and vote for someone with IDEAS and SOLUTIONS to solve these problems.

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  • Bob M
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Kill the bill that was passed by the democrat Congress and Championed bt Nancy (the devil) Pelosi that forced lending institutions to lend money for homes to people who can't afford it.

    Keep the Bush tax breaks in place. Let the people have money to spend for goods and services.

    DO NOT! raise taxes, but add more tax cuts. Maybe a four year tax cut.

    By all means, STOP bailing out every Tom, Dick, and Harry that comes down the pike. Let them declare bankrupsy and deal with their problems in house. The Airline companyies do it all the time.

    Finally lets get back on the gold standard. This will strengthen our dollar in the overseas markets. It will keep oil cheaper for us.

  • 1 decade ago

    You forget the third solution. Print more money. That's what we're doing right now to bailout Wall Street and the Big 3. Personally, I don't think we can fix the economy. I think it's going to collapse and have to be regrown from the bottom up. And it's not going to be pleasant.

  • peachy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think it's insane for Americans to place all the responsibility of "fixing" the economy on the president alone.

  • Nathan
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Repair the economy?

    Is not the way to do that to tax less and keep the stumulus checks?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sadly I wouldn't count on it, because the country is in a mess and things will get worse before they get better. Sit tight if you can and save every dime..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ive been saying all threw the election cycle that no matter who won that whoever it is would have to raise taxes. I got drubbed alot for saying it.. glad at least one other person realizes it

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