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Who will be qualified to fill the jobs that Obama has promised to fix the infrastructure?

We have graduated from a trades population to a technology based work force.

I sincerely doubt that a computer programmer will be able to survive as a bricklayer, cement specialist, framing expert, etc.

Besides that the technology-trained workforce probably will not have the physical stamina to survive in a blood and sweat career.

Another point, technology trained people will most likely not "lower" themselves to get their hands dirty and sweat to do the manual labor jobs that fixing the infrastructure will involve. This can be substantiated by the fact that many of those who are unemployed will do everything they can to avoid taking a job "not in their career field" while searching for that "dream" job.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    once the depression hits and the computer programmers don't have jobs, they'll either have to learn to be brick layers, etc. or live out of a garbage can.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Ha, ha it truly is a superior a question. even even though it really is declared it took over $2 hundred,000 to create a job through this administration there continues to be the lacking money for rebuilding the country he and nancy yakked about. considering the fact that not some thing has been executed and no human being knows of the position it really is enable's wish they are indicted through Holder. Been extra positive off giving 4 $20,000 tax loose to 10 households. NOw it truly is gloomy for it to take that a lot money and also not some thing executed in 2 years. Epic mess united statesand doubt the individuals will ignore. Have seen it on the following numerous situations that it went ot the unions. i trust that with the mob connections in chicago

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let's see...the last American President to address the infrastructure was Mr. Eisenhower...he built the Interstate highway system. I would think that we would need Civil Engineers, Structural Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Architects, Concrete Workers, Contractors, Accountants, Laborers, Heavy Equipment Operators, Rebar Workers, Graders, and the like. I could go on, but that would ruin your little story. And there would be no shortage of applicants for those jobs.

    BTW Senior...the sun is up...time to put away the keyboard and get to work, don'tcha think? I mean, you don't want to be like "those people," do you?

    Uh, about those illegals? I have never seen people work harder, for more hours, for less pay, than Mexican field workers. What they do every day for about 12-16 hours would kill the average American in about an hour. :-) Maybe that is why people hire them?

    EDIT FOR BRET A: While in HS in Napa, CA...I once went with a buddy up to the grape vineyards, to pick grapes. It was about 100 degrees and the grapes were covered with a kind of tarry substance, which clogged your cutting knife in about 8 seconds. Plus, the tar would stick to you and attract every bee and wasp withing 425 miles. We picked 6 42 lb. boxes and nearly died doing it. I opened a nice 3" gash in my hand, but a Mexican guy showed me how to put the tar over it to keep from bleeding. We then collapsed.

    In the time it took me to fill 6 boxes, the Mexican kids picked about 24...EACH! I rolled my sleeves up...but the same Mexican guy started pulling my sleeves back down. He taught me why the field workers wear long sleeve flannel shirts. They sweat through them...and then the sweat acts like a wick and cools them. The guy was so cool. We quit, washed up and procured some Tecate Beer...we stopped by the work site and offered him the beer. Do you know what he said? "Gracias Senor, pero no tomar Cerveaza." (Sorry, estudio espanol para tres anos y no entiendo ni gagada!) We were blown away. I asked the field boss about the guy...and he said that he guy and his family was there every day during picking season from before dawn until long after sunset. I learned a tough lesson that day...about brotherhood...and about really working.

  • 1 decade ago

    While you might be a little harsh (lol) I think you do make some valid points. I have a brother who is a director of systems analysts at a large bank. But he is the most unhandy person I know. He says thats why he works. To pay other people to do what he can't. He jokes about not being able to do those things.

    And I think you are right about some unemployed too. But we will still need the tech gurus. Just not as many. Again it will be survival of the fittest. Programmers are a dime a dozen. They will need to have some back up skills. Everyone should really.

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  • Panda
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It will be the trickle down theory . . . in reverse (trickle up) . . the blue collar worker will do all the grunt work . . but the blue collar worker still needs to eat, buy a home, do banking, and shop locally for groceries and other necessities . . that money he earns being employed to 'fix the infrastructure' will be used to support his family, his schools, his community, the local stores, the local businesses, etc . . in order to truly 'spread the wealth around'.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We are still here I have been blue collar heavy equipment repair and operator all my adult life.

    I will be happy to show you puter types how to change tracks on a dozer. snicker snicker.

    This will be GOOD for the young people of this country they will gain a new respect and reverence for the "hard days work"

    for too long we have spoiled and catered to people here some hardship builds character and appreciation for what one has.

    By the way many educated people come from humble working class roots and still have those qualities.

    Source(s): Yggdrasi hit he nail on the head about the illegals look at them and you will see how your grandparents worked.
  • fdm215
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    How about the hundreds of thousands of unemployed tradesmen in this country? That seems pretty simple to me. Who exactly do you think have been building all the houses during the building boom?

    Plenty of my relatives work in building trades: electricians, mechanics, building managers, masons, etc.

    Get a grip.

  • 1 decade ago

    But at least the illegals will be able to find a job.

    Have you noticed the ethnic makeup of most construction crews? Where I live the vast majority are not of American origin. Truth be told, everything that you say is already in place.

    Source(s): Several years experience in the construction industry.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do not know what world that you live in but I know plenty of Blue color workers . Many can actually do both.

    In the Republican world the only dream Jobs are for the rich and infamous Bankers on Wall Street.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Union workers will get the jobs, everybody else stand in line at the Welfare line.

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