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TV Guide for hard disk recorder?

I'm thinking of getting a hard disk recorder and I want something with a built-in TV guide in the form of a grid, from which I can select future programmes to be recorded. However, my TV viewing is via satellite from more than one different (European) country and the channels I watch don't necessarily broadcast future programme information along with the signal. I'm therefore concerned about whether the support exists for a grid-like programme planner on a hard disk recorder. Does the recorder get the programme information from another, perhaps online, source? Can anyone give me an overview of how it works and make a recommendation?


Satellite receiver with built in PVR isn't really an option as the channel I watch require a built-in decoder and smart card, so I have to use the receiver I already have.

Also, part of the problem was that the channels I watch don't necessarily provide an EPG.

Update 2:

Satellite receiver with built in PVR isn't really an option as the channels I watch require a built-in decoder and smart card, so I have to use the receiver I already have.

Also, part of the problem was that the channels I watch don't necessarily provide an EPG.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd consider getting a satellite receiver with built in DVR capability, that way you can use the satellite provided EPG.

    I do have a Standalone TiVo though, but its guide has only data for domestic Canadian or American providers. It comes from the internet, as part of the subscribed TiVo service.

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