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Lv 43,313 points


Favorite Answers52%

Maths (not "Math"!) Teacher

  • TV Guide for hard disk recorder?

    I'm thinking of getting a hard disk recorder and I want something with a built-in TV guide in the form of a grid, from which I can select future programmes to be recorded. However, my TV viewing is via satellite from more than one different (European) country and the channels I watch don't necessarily broadcast future programme information along with the signal. I'm therefore concerned about whether the support exists for a grid-like programme planner on a hard disk recorder. Does the recorder get the programme information from another, perhaps online, source? Can anyone give me an overview of how it works and make a recommendation?

    1 AnswerTiVO & DVRs1 decade ago
  • Ryanair Stansted tickets - cost?

    How much does it cost to buy a Stansted Express ticket when purchased on a Ryanair flight?

    1 AnswerLondon1 decade ago
  • How do I know whether I am considered a 'reliable' community member?

    When I report a question for violating community guidelines, it says that the question will be removed if it is reported by enough 'reliable' members. Can I see how 'reliable' I am considered to be?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • No-one picks, no-one votes?

    ...and so about twenty questions I have taken the trouble to answer are in tiebreaker limbo because there is no more than one vote for each answer, usually voted for by the answerer themself.

    How annoying is that?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why would somebody's Q&As be private?

    If they're not in categories of a personally sensitive nature, I can only imagine that it's to disguise the fact that two users are cheating by constantly voting for each other's answers.

    Any other good reasons?

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Cheating in Answers?

    Am I the only one to notice something strange in the answers to;_ylt=An1uE... ?

    And, looking further, am I the only one to notice that one particular user plagiarises all of their answers from previous responses?

    Am I the only one complaining about this?

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Don't you hate...?

    ...people who write as if they're talking when answering questions in the Mathematics section?


    The base is 5, right. So you take the square of 5, which is 25, understand? Then you add it to the 144 to get 169, yeah? Then you square root that to get 13. Easy, huh?


    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • What mobile phone network should I subscribe to...? Denmark?

    I'm at the end of my tether with 3 and I want to change to something else.

    I want: Reliable billing... Mobile broadband... Reasonably priced roaming.

    1 AnswerDenmark1 decade ago
  • Can anyone operate a small motor boat?

    ...or do you need to pass a test, like you would with a car?

    (Forgive me if that's a stupid question!)

    Does this vary from country to country?

    6 AnswersBoats & Boating1 decade ago
  • Andelsboliger?

    As a Brit, I've never really understood the concept of buying an "andelsbolig". They're clearly cheaper than buying "almindelige" boliger or lejligheder, but what's the catch? Do you not really own them? Or only part own them? Or what?

    2 AnswersDenmark1 decade ago
  • Lie to me!?

    I run a pub quiz, and one of my regular questions is whether an odd fact is "true or false".

    Recent examples of false facts are "Formula One legend Michael Schumacher once lost a million dollars at poker in a single day at Monte Carlo" and "Audrey Hepburn was the first actor/actress to play the character of Ronald McDonald".

    I'm asking you to suggest false, but plausible, "facts".

    Best answer will be the one which makes me laugh most whilst still being believable.

    9 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago
  • Flag happy?

    What bothers you so much about an answer that you take the trouble to flag it? For me, it's the people who type "sorry, don't know" just to get the two points.

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do askers get alerted about comments?

    I get frustrated when my answer is clearly the best but the asker is too stupid to realise it.;_ylt=AplmC...

    I'd like to think that they at least read the comment that I put, but I don't know whether they're even aware that it's there.

    Do askers get e-mail alerts about comments in the same way as they get alerted about new answers?

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Who reads the comments?

    Somebody picks a best answer which is a completely stupid choice, so I leave a comment remarking on this. But comments are immediately hidden - you have to click to read them. So who ever reads them? Is the option to leave comments only there as a means for people to vent their frustration to no-one in particular?

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Unnecessary startup programs?

    I posted this a few minutes ago, but people didn't really read the question.

    Let me start by saying...








    I'm often frustrated by the fact that my computer is slowed down by programs that are unneccesarily running in the background from the startup.

    I KNOW THAT I CAN REMOVE PROGRAMS FROM THE STARTUP LIST, but certain applications (such as MSN Messenger, just one amongst many) add themselves to the startup list EVERY TIME I use them.

    Is there any way that I can prevent this from happening so that I don't have to keep editing the startup list to prevent my laptop from spluttering to a halt?

    6 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Hvordan siger man...?

    "carpet shampooer" på dansk?

    And where would you suggest I could buy one?

    3 AnswersDenmark1 decade ago
  • Advice on Stockholm?

    I'm going to the Sweden vs. Denmark match on 8th September.

    I'd like some advice on getting from the central station to the stadium and hotels in good locations.

    2 AnswersOther - Europe1 decade ago
  • Why have I got 3 'fans'?

    I seem to have acquired 3 people as 'fans'. Very flattering, but I'm not sure who they are. I can't remember whether I answered questions for them.

    Why do people do that? What's the advantage for them?

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What's the scam?

    I get the occassional flattering e-mail from various girls with improbable names who saw my profile on MSN/Facebook/Skype and want to contact me.

    Obviously a scam, but what happens?

    Anyone know anyone wo was foolish enough to follow one of these up?

    6 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago