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Don't you hate...?

...people who write as if they're talking when answering questions in the Mathematics section?


The base is 5, right. So you take the square of 5, which is 25, understand? Then you add it to the 144 to get 169, yeah? Then you square root that to get 13. Easy, huh?


2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do they expect you to answer back in between each line?

    Actually, I find it annoying when people talk like this as well. But from my experience as a tutor I know that you do need to check that your students are following each and every step, because otherwise you get to the end and THEN they complain that they didn't understand the second step or anything after it.

    But, if you'll just look over on the blackboard to my left, you'll see I've written up the solutions for all your exam questions this semester. Enjoy!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, I'd like them to just write the equation, and maybe a little explaining

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