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Why is it that some minister s have just certain ones they pal around with in the church.?

Some are very biased in there opinions and others pick out only the rich ones to go around with.Guess thats smart more noney out of them.Some church people treat others awful.I know a church where they fight over everything and the minister seems to love the fights as he condones it and lets it go.If one group has more money than the other they win the fight even if there not right.And i heard of one church thats fighting over what kind of christmas lights the church needs is that not stupid.Then there was the pastor who would not allow any thing in his foyer of the church.No pretty fireplace or chairs to make it seem cozy or no tree for sure is that not scrooge in action.Whats with these churches and all the fights and i think some religions are really better at the fighting than others.What do you think about church fights.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Thought id post an excerpt from the official pastors handbook:

    Rule number one: Before embarking upon this enterprise of fleecing the flock for fun and profit, one must establish oneself as a special "Anointed" spokesperson for God. This can be accomplished in several ways.

    a) Learn the official "Anointed" Christian buzzwords. You can begin with repeating the word "anointed" in your conversations, making sure that people recognize that you have this special anointing. (See Rule 3 for a more complete list of buzzwords.) Setting up people in the audience to be "healed" is a good way of gaining the flock's confidence. However, make certain the affliction they are healed of is something that is not visible or something that can be medically verified. Headaches and other aches and pains are good to capitalize on. Make certain that you choose the people beforehand so they will not give away what is happening.

    Persuading people that you are giving them a secret, hidden knowledge that others do not have will draw them in like flies to honey. This will encourage them to have an awe of your knowledge. Once people recognize you have this anointing, then you can begin to claim apostleship or establish yourself as a prophet of God. This works well as people would rather hear from a prophet than to hear from God through study of His word. Remember to keep them from discovering that you "anointed" yourself. This is vital. If they see that you started out as the only one who said you were anointed, you will never get a flock going and will miss out on all the fun and profit there is when you start fleecing your flock.

    b) Establish yourself as a prophet from God by making a few predictions. It does not matter if they don't come to pass because you can always claim it was their lack of faith as to why it did not come to pass. The secret to being successful is always to shift the blame back onto them when in a tight spot. Whatever you do, never ever accept responsibility for the lack of failed prophesies as this will taint your image and hinder the pursuit of fleecing the flock for fun and profit. You must also keep your flock from any passages in the Bible that say that a prophet must have 100% accuracy such as Deuteronomy 18. It will be necessary to steer them clear from such passages and remind them that all people are fallible. If you keep the focus on the fallible people, your flock will not notice that prophecies are supposed to come from God who is infallible.

    If anyone challenges you as a prophet of God, remind them of the verse that says "touch not the anointed of God" and of the consequences of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Never mind that neither of these passages have anything to do with you or the situation. It will sound very spiritual if you say it to them with a very stern look on your face and a loud voice. It is essential that you use fear as often as possible to make sure the flock maintains its fear of you. Fear is a great tool to use that will enable you to continue to fleece the flock.

    Emotionalism is essential for a flock-fleecing ministry. Mimic the most successful fleecers and practice this often until you have it down pat. Aggressively prance back and forth across the stage while waving your arms wildly and be sure to talk fast and loud. For added emphasis, whisper at times to make them strain to hear you and then scream to make them jump out of their seats.

    Tears and a lot of mopping of sweat from the forehead and mouth while preaching happens a lot while under the "anointing" and this assures the flock that they are receiving an "anointed" message. Dance a lot and say "Whoooeeee, I feel the anointing comin' upon me, ....GLORY." Be certain to make odd noises at times and call them speaking in tongues from the Spirit. This is highly impressive and will ensure the flock's awe of you.

    Rule number two: Gimmicks are essential.

    For a ministry to thrive, money must regularly be fleeced from the flock. Don't take all of the money at once because it would drain the well dry, and you must be careful to spread it out over a very long time in order to raise your own income. Keep holding out a little hope to them that your teachings work. This can be accomplished by showing how the Lord has blessed you when you drive up in your limo. Assure them that they too can become an anointed servant of God and be blessed in the same way. Some of the following gimmicks work well; they have been tried and tested. However, when the gimmicks begin to wane, one must use a little imagination to keep it fresh and exciting.

    a) Anointed prayer cloths and trinkets. This one has been a big hit and a great success. This fleece does not work well with the older sheep but there are many new sheep who still find this to be exciting. You can have a variety of anointed cloths and trinkets that keep them going for quite awhile. Cloths and trinkets can be for healing, wealth, and power. The possibilities are almost limit

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maggie, I have never witnessed pastors condoning fighting, But I have witnessed some pretty shady stuff in churches, And I would have to agree that it does seem as if Churches are a bit clicky, I have noticed pastors do pal around with others more then some, I don't know if you have ever noticed, But I have also noticed pastors quite often have the lawyers, Doctors and Judges and those of importance in the community sitting in the front of the church pews quite often. I have also noticed they kiss up to them a lot and often pull them out of the pew using them as demonstrations during their sermons.

    There is no doubt much biased political socializing and rubbing elbows goes on in churches these days and this is wrong, Apparently these pastors have not read the book of James in chapter one where it talks about preferential treatment of affluent people . Even in light of this going on, I still believe there to be good Churches out there, But there are most certainly some bad ones as well, I as a Christian have witnessed some of these things you have listed and that's quite unfortunate. God bless !

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know that the ministers I listen to stay from the negative influences of those who are steeped in emotions and not faith.And, just like other people, they pal around with those who are of like precious faith.The minister i listen to the most, Creflo Dollar in Atlanta, Ga.,preaches prosperity and healing just as the word says to.So, most of the people in his congregation are wealthy. Not that they started out that way, but they follow bible principles and increase wealth accordingly.

    And there are carnal churches who do fight over foolish things. Those I avoid. You can do what you want, but as for me I choose the more mature churches to fellowship in.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anyone who gives preferential treatment to someone with more material possessions and calls themselves a holy man is a liar and a cheat.

    These so-called 'ministers' are bogus leaders. No man of God behaves in that way.

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  • Religion is a form of mental illness so don't be surprised at any bizarre behavior it causes..

  • 1 decade ago


    Source(s): Here, have an apple....hiss...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are clicks everywhere.

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