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Weird recurring dream, what does it mean?

Ok, so I have this dream, and I can never really remember it.

It is not the same dream every time, but its always the same theme with the same characters.

Essentially there is five of us, me, two guys, and two girls. We're very tight knit. We live in this place, its a cold, small concrete structure. there is one main room, and a path leading outside, before the exit there is a intersection in the path, and two other hallways I have never explored.

The characters are the two males, who have never done anything of note, myself, and the two females. One of the females appears to be our leader, more or less. You might be asking leader in what.. I don't really know. I know we are running some sort of very secretive operation. We're not allowed to speak about it whatsoever.

Heres where it gets weird. The main recurring theme is that the other female that is not the leader, who has a name.. "shayla" or "sharon".. I'm not really sure what her real name is.. shes a runaway.. from us. Every dream she tries to run away from our little compound. Last night I remember she ran away, the leader female who really doesn't have a name suggested we go after her. I said "I'll take care of it.. don't worry" I put on my winter coat and ran outside into what was clearly the place where I grew up (country setting) during the summer.. yes.. winter coat during the summer for a chase... Anyway.. I ran after her in a very unique type of world.. the ground appeared to be mostly frictionless. I could run just fine, but anytime I wanted I could slide and manuever myself as if I were snowboarding. Remember, its summer in dreamland so there is no snow. The entire time i'm pursuing her, I can hear her crying, the type of crying you would expect to hear if an 10 year old girl fell.. After a short chase I catch shaylla.. and end up knocking her over and sending us both tumbling through the dust..

When she was in the home, she was a woman, about my age, 20-25ish I would say.. However; after I knocked us both down she was much younger 15-18 about.. I remember kneeling infront of her and appologizing for the crash..

I then ask 'what were you running from.. there is nobody here but us'

she looks at me and replies "I...just...Jake...sorry" in a sort of sniffling hesitant voice.. but near as I remember she sounded sincere.. At that point the dream is over.

Thats about it. so, does it mean anything?


Guiness steve -- Interesting. You are correct about one point, I do have some insecurities. However; I highly doubt they stemmed from my childhood. Yes, everyone had rough spots but overall I'm pretty happy with my childhood. My parents were there for me, they both worked but they still made time for me.

Update 2:

Ohh, another detail, probably irrelevant. I remember the first time I used the sliding-thing in the frictionless environment I made some comment about what shoes I had on, as if my shoes were somehow the cause of the complete destruction of physics.

Update 3:

Undeadgnome -- Hmm.. interesting when viewed with the rest of the dream and guinesses response.

One of my biggest concerns ever is people betraying my trust.. Its actually the fastest way to make me hate you, if I confide in you and you stab me in the back. Which, has happened on more than one occasion. Now.. considering this little group I'm a part of is very secretive, maybe the girl did just that. Maybe she was telling people about our secret, and is now running away from that. However; I never realize this in the dream.

Unfortunately in all honesty, I cannot find an event in my life that this would correlate too..

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It means you like the buttsecks.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, you are the only one who can really figure out what your dream means since they are subjective and mean different thngs to different people. For instance, dreaming of a big dog can be bad for some and good for others. One thing that is clear, though is that you definately have some sort of insecurity issues that almost certainly stemmed from an unstable environment during childhood. More than likely your parents worked a lot or weren't there for you when you felt vulnerable and kids being extremly impressionable, you still remember the days when you were a child and feeling neglected. Also, your mention of a group that you are a member of with a leader goes right back to your childhood since that is how kids hang out and play, so it seems very clear to me that the key to finding the meaning of your reoccuring dream is to start back at your childhood. As far as her changing age after you tackled her, you didn't mean to hurt her but were afraid you had, so your mind made her more vulnerable to you by making her a girl. We always tend to exaggerate our feelings and concerns in dreams. I hope this helps! If you do finally figure out these unresolved issues and do resolve them in your mind, you'll likely stop having them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know what it means... maybe it doesn't mean anything at all? I used to have this recurring dream where I was standing at the edge of a cliff watching my family and friends catapult off of it like lemmings! So far as I know, that didn't mean a thing.

    Write down as much of it as you can remember and turn it into a bestselling novel. Hey, if Stephenie Meyer could do it- so can you! :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i reckon all these things are options in your life like the hallways, they may be paths to different futures and the one you go through is the on you will take. The people may represent close friends or goals in your life and the girl running away may be a goal that you havent achieved yet, but seeing as you catch the girl you may reach that goal eventually?

    Source(s): i have some weird dreams myself
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  • 1 decade ago

    I think that it could a girl that you like??

    Maybe u r not willing to accept it but she keeps appearing in your dreams as a different person perhaps??

    OR maybe in your unconsious mind u have hurt someone and you feel guilty about it.

    This is my opinion but it might be wrong.

    Advice: try to dream about something else if u can.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe there is someone you have been running after or searching for and the girl represents that person?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Two things

    1. This is what drugs do to you

    2. Make a movie about it and make some money, look at the beetles

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that is a really weird dream!!!! Are you sure you haven't read a book or seen a movie where something like that happened?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think she has done something wrong and doesnt want anyone to find out before its too late

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hmm...i'm not sure.. well you can always look up the main points on

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