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Lv 43,932 points


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Don't let my absolutely insane name fool you, I do ask and answer questions seriously. As you might have guessed, I do joke around sometimes. Feel free to email me if you want more info on any of my answers. Age: 21 Sex: male Sexual orientation: Straight Favorite music: Modern rock, punk rock. Favorite band: Vendetta red Spirituality: Agnostic Theist Other interest: Video games, chemistry, engineering. Other notes: feel free to give me thumbs down for my views, I really don't care.

  • Weird recurring dream, what does it mean?

    Ok, so I have this dream, and I can never really remember it.

    It is not the same dream every time, but its always the same theme with the same characters.

    Essentially there is five of us, me, two guys, and two girls. We're very tight knit. We live in this place, its a cold, small concrete structure. there is one main room, and a path leading outside, before the exit there is a intersection in the path, and two other hallways I have never explored.

    The characters are the two males, who have never done anything of note, myself, and the two females. One of the females appears to be our leader, more or less. You might be asking leader in what.. I don't really know. I know we are running some sort of very secretive operation. We're not allowed to speak about it whatsoever.

    Heres where it gets weird. The main recurring theme is that the other female that is not the leader, who has a name.. "shayla" or "sharon".. I'm not really sure what her real name is.. shes a runaway.. from us. Every dream she tries to run away from our little compound. Last night I remember she ran away, the leader female who really doesn't have a name suggested we go after her. I said "I'll take care of it.. don't worry" I put on my winter coat and ran outside into what was clearly the place where I grew up (country setting) during the summer.. yes.. winter coat during the summer for a chase... Anyway.. I ran after her in a very unique type of world.. the ground appeared to be mostly frictionless. I could run just fine, but anytime I wanted I could slide and manuever myself as if I were snowboarding. Remember, its summer in dreamland so there is no snow. The entire time i'm pursuing her, I can hear her crying, the type of crying you would expect to hear if an 10 year old girl fell.. After a short chase I catch shaylla.. and end up knocking her over and sending us both tumbling through the dust..

    When she was in the home, she was a woman, about my age, 20-25ish I would say.. However; after I knocked us both down she was much younger 15-18 about.. I remember kneeling infront of her and appologizing for the crash..

    I then ask 'what were you running from.. there is nobody here but us'

    she looks at me and replies "I...just...Jake...sorry" in a sort of sniffling hesitant voice.. but near as I remember she sounded sincere.. At that point the dream is over.

    Thats about it. so, does it mean anything?

    15 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Is it religion or the lack thereof that divides us?

    I spend most of my time on yahoo answers in the politics and government section, and the religion and spirituality section. Whereas I take very strong stances with my believes, I do not take the sides most taken. I am an agnostic-theist (somewhat of a deist), and as for politics I am libertarian. However I have observed that 99.9996 (approximately) of all people are very strong willed and hard headed when discussing either of these subjects, and yes this applies to both of the main sides.

    Also, spending my time in these 2 sections, I see many of the same people posting in both. It wasn't until recently I noticed a strong correlation. It seems to me that nearly all democrats are atheist, and all republicans are religious. I find it no coincidence at this point that neither side will listen to what the others have to say, and instead just call them stupid, religious rednecks, pinko commies, the typical evolved kindergarten insult tossing.

    Now to my question.

    Is it religion or our lack of religion that divides us (do not divide the question please, its yes or no)

    Is it possible for us to look past this?

    What makes a non religious or a religious person "throw the baby out with the bathwater" and ignore the rest of politically-based arguments out with the fact they disagree with some of their positions ( that pertain to religion, gay rights, abortion, ect)

    -- I didn't know whether to put this in R&S or P&G.. So I put it here

    -- When I say religion, I'm refering to the dominate american religion, christianity.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why are we blaming the rich?

    I really don't get it.. what did people with a lot of money do to ruin the economy..

    Ohh.. right.. umm.. leave out politicians.. we KNOW they ruined the economy.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How come the UAW gets no heat from the media concerning the big 3?

    After all, the UAW employees are paid in the top 10% of the american workforce.. while the companies they work for are dying..

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How do you get tide off your walls?

    The tide laundry detergent.. Its all over the walls and scrubbing it with hot water so far has only kinda took it off. It still shows up on black lights no matter what, and the worst spots still have a brownish dinge to them.. Its really best you don't ask how the walls got covered in tide.

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • I voted for John Mcain because im White, Did i do the right thing?

    i'm all about the rights and powers of white people, and i think a white president is an important thing for america. Did i do the right thing?

    30 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why do you people think us conspiracy theorist wear tinfoil hats?

    We wear REGULAR hats and line the insides with tinfoil! get it right!

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who would support a congressional "veto" of presidential pardons?

    As of current standards, the presidential pardon of criminals is absolute and gets no second opinion.

    In my opinion this is to much power to give the president, and I'm not saying this solely because Bush is pardoning people right now

    My question is who would support a law that gives congress the right to veto a presidential pardon with a 2/3 majority in favor of "vetoing" the presidents pardon?

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Ever feel the need to be made out to be an idiot?

    Tell me please.. what policy of ron pauls did you hate, why did you hate it?

    I'd be willing to bet I can make you out to be an idiot in less than 3 minutes.

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why does gravity exist? Does it really even exist?

    Gravity, I understand is the fundamental attraction between two objects, but what causes this force? has there ever been any explanation or is the fundamental principle which keeps us all tethered to this planet based on absolutely nothing other than the fact we see it happens?

    If we don't know what causes gravity, how can we know anything about ... anything? what makes us so sure gravity has always existed?

    8 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Christians, have you ever considered this?

    If the your religion is the only correct one..

    When we die, we are judged by God, we lived life as a good, kind, person.. but never accepted christ and thus are sentenced to hell

    Hell is eternal seperation from god

    But why would you want to spend eternity with a stuck up jerk who through the baby out with the bath water? and sentenced an otherwise great person to eternal damnation?

    34 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are slander laws unconstitutional?

    The constitution does not stipulate that the freedom of speech must be true.

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • can you think of funny de-motivational quotes?

    The point of these quotes is to drive you to accomplish nothing in life

    C'mon its just for fun.. i've got 2

    "Those who reach for the stars either fail or get their hands burnt"

    "If you aim high you miss what you're shooting at"

    7 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What do you think about this statement?

    Anti-drug advocates are the biggest protectors of drug dealers in the united states

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is it somewhat hypocritical for...?

    atheist to even be on this board?

    I mean really, they claim one of the reasons they hate christianity is because they "force it down your throat"..

    But why would they be on this board if they didn't want to force their beliefs down your throat?

    Whats your opinion?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are we all woven of the same thread?

    Human beings that is, are we all connected somewhat?

    1 AnswerPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • What is the flying spaghetti monster? ?

    I hear it all the time in this catagory and it just confuses the crap out of me, what the hell is the flying spaghetti monster?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Wouldn't this be great if we did this?

    9/11 was the only attack on an American state by a foreign power, in the past 100 years. pearl harbor is excluded since since hawaii was not a state then. Every other terrorist attack has been american citizens bombing abortion clinics.. even the anthrax letters were by americans. instead of spending all this time in other countries, shouldn't we concentrate on where the true problems are stemming from. American citizens are the problem!

    Heres my solution.. we should put cameras up everywhere, so people can we watched at all times to make sure they aren't doing anything bad. Ohh, and anyone who talks about doing anything violent should be imprisoned without question. What about all those jerks and killers like OJ simpson and al capone that get off on technicalitys how should we deal with that? well thats simple we let the government have ultimate control over the court system, trial by juries sure but they can over ride it if it goes bad. How should we catch them in the first place? well, we could just put chips in their bodies so that they can never hide. At the same time this makes lost people easily track able, if everyone had an RF ID chip they could never get lost!what about suicidal bombings and suicidal gun crimes?.. lets outlaw guns and the anything that can be used as an explosive, or regulate its use very thoroughly. That way even if they want to do something bad they can't!

    Doesn't this sound great guys? No more violence, no more terrorism, no more crime! we could be the perfect society.

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why is it democrats dislike the 2nd amendment, but otherwise are for freedoms?

    Like freedom of choice (abortion) and right to gay marriage and that type of thing.. but its usually democrats that want the gun control and other gun hindering policies, shouldn't that be a republican view? I'm not trying to insult either party here.. I'm seriously confused as to why this is on the side its on..

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What would you do if a foreign power conquered America?

    Only answer if you're an american citizen or american national.

    21 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago