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What would you do if a foreign power conquered America?

Only answer if you're an american citizen or american national.


I don't care if its not a realistic scenario or not, lets say it was several froeign powers that all got fed up with the way we act,, or whatever.

Update 2:

Ohh, and conquered to take over the country, like, occupy the U.S.

Update 3:

Cornhole, if you want to answer like it was your home, go ahead.

Update 4:

OK, about half of you so far that have actually answered my question and not just written it off as an impossible scenario, have said you would fight the new government. now I have a question for you, Even with the economy falling and breaking and many people now living in terrible situations they never thought americans would live in. You still hold true that your nation is your nation. and it should remain that way.

What do you think happens when we invade iraq?

Update 5:

You think they like it? Is that why every day now U.S. forces are killing as many AL-queda members as there were expected to exist in 2003? No, no.. that doesn't make any sense, how could we be killing so many and if the amount is staying the same!?.. ohh wait.. the truth is Al-queda has NEVER had the recruiting potential it does now. Think about it right wingers and left wingers, you've seen what the other side has done with the factual dirt about your side, its SOOO easy to make someone sound like they are a terrible, evil, manipulative person with a little tiny fact you can skew, now drop bombs on their buildings and soldiers, how easy do you think it is to make someone sound evil when they've killed over 100000 of your citizens? I can't imagine its to hard.

21 Answers

  • Don M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I and my fellow gun owners would make their occupation difficult.

  • Have you seen the movie red dawn?

    America is an armed country. I'll bet that there are more guns in my town than people. There are six in my house- plus 5 swords. Guerrilla warfare anyone?

    I see what you're getting at. Iraq had a government that regularly killed it's own people. If we invaded Canada I might be able to see your point. If Nancy Pelosi was president and someone liberated us I'd probably fight for the other side.

    We might be getting an occupying force here soon. Our country might change to another soon. Maybe right after Nov 4th. If Barack changes us and tried to take away my freedoms, Yes, I'd fight.

    If Canada saw what was happeneing and liberated us, I'd fight for Canada to win back the US.

    That's how a lot of the Iraqis view us. Din't beleive the lies you've been told by the MSM, my friend.

    Yes, they do. How many soldiers have you talked to? I know several. They no longer have an opressive dictator- What do you think?

    Source(s): I know people that have been there. I do research.
  • 1 decade ago

    Who said this is not a realistic scenario? We were just loaned 700 billion dollars mostly from China and Japan. This was for our economic crisis. We as Americans know that we will never pay this money back so how are they going to collect? Don't you think they will someday use force to collect on this loan? I think they will. Will we be invaded? Probably, Are our national secrets being sold to other countries? Yes, Is our military not the most advanced int the world? Does China, India, Israel, Pakistan have the nuclear bomb? Yes, Americas better be prepared to protect themselves. You never know what is going to happen! I hope it never comes down to that.

  • 1 decade ago

    In anticipation of an attack or invasion America is duty bound to protect it's citizens by having a stron Army, Navy and Marine Corp and a fully equipped Air Force as well as the Constitutional guidelines to keep us safe from all enemies foreign and domestic.

    We will not be a conquered people.

    Our Sovereignty must be preserved at all costs.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    We are not going to be conquered because either McCain or Obama is going to just hand us over to the New World Order and we will be part of a One World Government.

  • 1 decade ago

    Old Abe Lincoln said " no enemy could take a drink out of the Ohio river by force, if it's America's destiny to die, it will be by suicide"

    will you vote to destroy this country, in this election

    i will agree with another answerer, Mexico has already got it's Army on our soil, all they need is to be armed

  • 1 decade ago

    Fight em as best I could. House to house, field to field, stream to stream. But fight for every inch until I could fight no longer.


    When we went into Iraq, the Iraqi people were able to vote for the first time in their history. And I mean vote with more than one name on the ballot. They have had a taste of Freedom and I'll bet they like it. Now if they can just keep it and grow as a nation they will be even happier.

    Source(s): SFC US Army Retired
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    America is and has been experiencing a de facto invasion by her neighbors from the south, but both Republicans and democrats refuse to address it.

    Conquered? Never happen.

    Thank God for the Second Amendment, which I have exercised a dozen times, and so have countless millions of other citizens.

    GMG2 USN 1977-1981

    Obama = an empty suit.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I own a plot of land in NW Montana - it's just vacation property now, but could easily become a year-round residence.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would learn the language of the conquerors... When we invade Iraq, we give them the rights of a democracy... to include not liking us.

  • 1 decade ago

    You would need to survive means adjust or escape if the foreign power were an unlivable situation.

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