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Is it somewhat hypocritical for...?

atheist to even be on this board?

I mean really, they claim one of the reasons they hate christianity is because they "force it down your throat"..

But why would they be on this board if they didn't want to force their beliefs down your throat?

Whats your opinion?


Ohh its so cute how you guys think i'm a christian.. really is our world so biased nowadays that people can't even see the obvious flaws in their own side?

Dreamstuff entity -- I didn't say that having "in god we trust" or a national day of prayer were a good thing, infact i believe the opposite, you're completely right.

My question is why are you here, trying to tell about the dangers of christianity and in effect trying to convert these christians to your ways?

Ophelia -- I'll drink that koolade if I decide i'm done with my existance, until then , keep it

Darth garcia: I don't believe a word of what you said, truthfully, but if you indeed carry that in your heart, than my question was not directed at you.

Kismet hardy -- if that is true and you question whether you are right or not, you are no atheist, you are agnostic.

Ophelia -- I wouldn't join a christian forum if there was a gun to my head, and i'll drink that friggin' koolade when I am done with existing. and not before

Update 2:

Raspberry -- In my opinion you are more than welcome to read here, and you should never be "barred" from reading or posting. But I clearly wasn't talking about you. I do however thank you for your answer as it did open up a new topic for me to discuss. I believe atheist should have a "look but don't touch" policy with this board, and should only post in cases like darth garcia where the christians are simply misinformed, and you believe you can help them.

Update 3:

Kyle S -- Atheist are not spiritual, though an agnostic could be, my question was to atheist, not agnostics, though most people put them in the same boat.

Budl~ -- I agree with you, this is an open board for open discussion.. However; my question was to those with the agenda. I see it all the time. on this board people simply mocking one another talking about flying spaghetti monsters and such. Hate has never solved anything, dousing a violent flame with gasoline is not the effective route to take.. If you believe science will be the end of christianity, than let science do its work. If you believe God created the universe and seek to follow him. Have fun.

yes cornelius T -- I did find it offensive because i was simply asking a question, and where i get the feeling you're religious and thus we differ on many points. The second part of your answer deeply pains me because I don't think you could possibly be more right.

Update 4:

Also kismet hardy -- I was born into a religious family, and am no longer religious.

I must say your lack of open-mindedness that maybe i am not a christian at all disgust me. you believe that the only question to any flaw within atheism or the atheist people themselves must come from a christian, and you are as bigoted and closed-minded as those you seek to abolish.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The first response is insinuating that special needs children and/or adults are inferior, and that is why he/she said " are you special?". I would think any person Atheist or not would find that comment very offensive,especially if they have a child,relative, or friend that requires " special needs". ( My Logic)

    Anyway, what exactly isn't hypocritical these days?

    I'm sure you can find a hole in just about every argument.

    To me, if what a person says is right or true, it doesn't really matter whether or not they're a hypocrite. " Eat the Chicken, Throw out the bones."( My Logic)

  • 1 decade ago

    My opinion, as an agnostic person, is that I wander onto many different boards out of curiosity, or because questions are posted on the front page of Y/A. I don't really feel like the section of Y/A dealing with religion is a closed club, where I'm not welcome - am I wrong? I really try not to force my beliefs down others' throats, because I've had people do that to me and I know how annoying and frustrating it is. As an agnostic/atheist person, I do spend some time thinking about religion and spirituality, and this board is one place I can come to read what others think and challenge my own beliefs. I would be sad to be barred from it simply because I do not toe the same line as others.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I am Christian but I understand that the board is for the open discussion of the topic of religion and spirituality. You can discuss the topic with out being religious or spiritual. I can go over to the politics section even though I am not a politician.

    They are here to discuss the topic it is as simple as that. Some may have an agenda and may be trying to convert others, but in general it is about having an opportunity to speak your mind.

  • 1 decade ago

    My opinion is that you are sadly misinformed.

    I don't hate Christianity, I just don't believe in any of that nonsense.

    I'm not here to force anyone to believe anything they don't want to, but when it comes to history, science, and the truth about what is real and what is not, I'm here to correct the misinformed and provide some education.

    Have a real grateful day.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You're (stupidly) assuming our lack of belief in your one-dimensional god is not a belief in itself, in fact, you'll find atheists have thought much harder than you do simply by the virtue that we question the word and you follow it blindly because you were born into religion. We chose not to be ergo have much more to say on the matter

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can't believe you are actually suggesting that someone would want Christians to force their religion down his throat!

    NOBODY wants that! In fact that is the reason why people are so defensive when it comes to christians

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this section is not exclusive to christianity, it has to do with spirituality, which some atheists are indeed. and since atheists stand for not believing in god, they're acting as the yin to your yang, the contradictions to your beliefs, it comes with the territory

  • 1 decade ago

    Are atheists trying to get currency to advertise atheism? Or have a national day of no-praying?

    It's theists who oppose religious freedom.

  • 1 decade ago

    My opinion is that not many of us hate Christianity. We just see the dangers of it in certain forms.

    It is a free and open forum.

  • Awwhhh do the Christians feel persecuted?


    If you don't like us being here, join a Christian forum and stop whining about it.

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