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Ever feel the need to be made out to be an idiot?

Tell me please.. what policy of ron pauls did you hate, why did you hate it?

I'd be willing to bet I can make you out to be an idiot in less than 3 minutes.


thanks you guys but it really doesn't answer my question. Its obvious all the people that insult ron paul know absolutely nothing about him, or else they would accept my challenge.

Update 2:

Unelectable? -- Well, thats an interesting point, i guess we couldn't possibly elect him, if he received 100% of the electoral vote they would just throw him in the ocean instead.

I'm sorry but your "point" is eradicated by the U.S. government. We can elect anyone.

Update 3:

Ron Paul is a f*cking moron.

- Doesn't support separation of church and states.

O.K. I'm sorry but this is so far-fetched I'm going to need a source for this.

- Wants to get rid of the IRS.

100% of our tax dollars in income tax go to paying interest to the fed on our bonds. If you get rid of the fed, we would have the surplus of all income tax, we don't have to get rid of it at this point, but why not?

- Supports prayers in schools.

He also supports the right to not pray in schools, so what?

- Doesn't accept evolution.

I asked for policies, this is not a policy. I also fail to see how it effects his ability to govern. also obama is a christian. So is McCain.. who'd you vote for might i ask?

Update 4:

JO P -- My arguement with you before was just an effort to make you actually say what the hell you were saying instead of being incredibly vague.

Well, The sad part is.. I may not be able to prove this one wrong. But i am not ready to accept that america is too freaking dumb to entertain the possibility that the CIA knows what its talking about when they use the term "blowback".. Its really pretty simple when you think about it, What would you do if someone had been bombing america for 20 years?.. you'd probably be more than ready to kill their asses.

Update 5:

Brave new world "Washington made slavery illegal, the South refused to comply - they tried to withdraw from the Union - Lincoln had to send the Army to stop it, end of story!"

Washington?.. i'm sure you ment lincoln. anyway.

Once again, not a policy.. but none the less I'll disprove you

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it" -- Abe lincoln.

Update 6:

Also Jo P, he won 2nd in many states, despite very little coverage by the media and being denied the opportunity to attend some GoP debates. I'm going to go respond to your retort of my answer to your question. so i would say he ran potential to give McCain and Huckabee a run for their money.

Update 7:

#1 UT -- There are many sources of income the government has besides income tax, take a look at cigarette taxes, gas taxes, tariffs (even though we don't have these..), sales tax. they've got a bill going through congress right now to tax the air we breathe. We can fund wars and such easily if we were more prudent about who we picked a fight with.

6 Answers

  • jo P
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had no problems with his policys.

    However, the man was totally unelectable. Argue that point, homeboy.


    Waffle, my very good friend

    Yes he is unelectable.

    How could he get 100% of the electoral vote when he scares the republican base with comments like the one he made in the GOP debate where he said American foreign policy may be partly to blame for 9/11?

    If Paul had any electability at all he would have at least given McCain a Huckabee-like run for his money.


    Waffle, my very good friend

    U sure embarassed me with this question.;_ylt=Ap_.u...

    In fact I am so embarassed about it I am going to go back to my mother's house and ask her if I can spend the rest of my life in her basement.


    Waffle, my very good friend

    Well said, homey.

    I guess u republicans have Ron Paul, us Democrats have Dennis Kucinich. Champions of our respective partys who cannot win.

  • 1 decade ago

    He wanted to get rid of the IRS!!!

    I agree with you though that makes more sense than the republican philosophy of tax cuts for the rich only.

    But we do need some kind of tax revenue to pay for wars.

    But Ron Paul does oppose going to war for no reason which also makes sense.

    Look, Ron Paul was a much better candidate than John Mccain, but he seems a little out of touch to me. Maybe a younger Ron Paul would do a better job running for president.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He said that the Civil War was not about slavery?

    While I'm sure it wasn't quite that simple, Washington made slavery illegal, the South refused to comply - they tried to withdraw from the Union - Lincoln had to send the Army to stop it, end of story!

    And the law only affected the Southern States because they were the only ones who allowed slavery! lol!

    Source(s): And it was about "states rights" as is sometimes said, and the States Right was Slavery! I knew right then I could not vote for a revisionist.
  • CAT^
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I liked Ron Paul. He's bright and straightforward. He didn't appeal to the media.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I liked Ron Paul, he seemed a lot more conservative than McCain and was better.

  • jdw
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I hardly heard of the guy. he got zero coverage here in the midwest.

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