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Why are we blaming the rich?

I really don't get it.. what did people with a lot of money do to ruin the economy..

Ohh.. right.. umm.. leave out politicians.. we KNOW they ruined the economy.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is not the rich, it is the ULTRA RICH and the ULTRA POWERFUL and this is who did this.

    Look at the back of a dollar bill

    It says Federal Reserve System

    How many of you know that system is privately owned?

    How many of you know that the Federal Reserve System is controlled by a few banks and a handful of very rich people?

    How many of you know that the chairman of the Federal Reserve System is probably the most powerful man on the planet?

    The Federal Reserve System controls our money supply

    Prints our money

    Controls our Interest rates

    encourages you to be in debt

    lends money to our government while you the tax payer are paying interest on that debt.

    That our money is not backed by anything tangible, such as gold or silver, but only backed with a promise.

    In short, they control just about every aspect of your life, your money, your credit cards, your mortgage, your car loan, student loans, your retirment, etc.

    Including having their hands in getting us involved in money making wars.

    The smartest thing I ever did was chose to live debt free about 20 years ago. It is amazing how much of our money is eaten up by the Federal Reserve System, and how much more disposable income I had because I made the right choice.

    And more information about the federal reserve system:

    And this audio from Senator Ron Paul

    And video

    Other prespectives

    For more information about this and other important issues, download this:

    TVU Player

    Then I would tune into:

    Channel 68078

    Exposing 9/11, police state and tyranny

    Documentaries about 911 and other social issues over and over again.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think its time for a revolution for the masses to get their country back.

    I don't have stats on this, but I am sure that most american workers least 95% make less than $500,000 a year in income.

    there is no reason at all that we can't push for a fair tax structure that raises taxes to a top bracket of all the way up to 50% for anyone on any income they make that is above and beyond 3 million dollars. Its happened before ...and the country was a great country then and we had balanced budgets.

  • meg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    For one thing it is the people with money who are not investing and causing the credit crunch. They have also have stopped spending which is slowing the economy and costing jobs. Poor people mostly spend all their money just to get by, so they can not cut back.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah Rocket34...there aren't any Democrats working for the rich *eyes rolling and sarcastic look on my face...and no...I'm not a Republican.

    The have ALWAYS been the haves and the have nots. Collectivist societies (Socialists, Communists et al.) feed off of class warfare and push that button almost as much as the right wing fascists push the "terrorism" button. Marx, Lenin, Chechlaslovakia in the mid to late 40's had the bourgeois (Republicans, rich and or "status quo") on the right who oppressed the "working class" (Dems and...well...working class). It's all the same old rhetoric.

    EDIT: Read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand...

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  • 1 decade ago

    The bitter poor have to have somebody to blame.

    I, myself, am pretty poor, but I don't blame the rich and I see no reason to penalize them for having the ingenuity to become rich in the first place.

  • Laser
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Right wing politicians WORKING FOR the rich ruined the economy.

    Giving them every kind of tax break, every kind of loophole they could find to artificially jack up prices and make money on the average Joe.

    That's why they get blamed.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the real people to ask this question to are the workers who were laid off because their companies outsourced their jobs to foreign countries, while the owners of those companies and their CEOs reaped the benefits.

  • Bobby
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Some of the CEO's drained their companies of millions is salaries and bonuses while driving the companies into huge losses or even bankrupcy. They also laid off people and shipped thousands of jobs overseas, while retaining their wealthy lifestyles. How is that for a reason for dislike?

  • 1 decade ago

    Rich people provide the money to build the factories and offices to create jobs for the rest.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    its all about blame, and most people resent the super rich since they control the world, sorta

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