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I voted for John Mcain because im White, Did i do the right thing?

i'm all about the rights and powers of white people, and i think a white president is an important thing for america. Did i do the right thing?

30 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm white too.

    If the only or main reason you voted for McCain is that you are white and he is white, then I am embarrassed for you and your family, just as I am embarrassed for the blacks who voted for Obama just because he is black.

    Every racist, white or black, is a blot on our society.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes you did the right thing, in theory. McCain is a zionist stooge and doesn't care about white people at all. I doubt he cares about anyone but his own career.

    But I agree with an answer below, you are an Obamanite and looking to stir up trouble.

    But in case I'm wrong, vote constitutionalist Party.

  • 1 decade ago

    NO. You should vote for the person that is most qualified to manage our country. The person's race should not be a factor. Did you vote for McCain because he can do the job? Did you vote for the person that holds the same morals and values as you do? I voted for McCain. Not because he is white, but because I felt he was the best person for the job. He is not his own special interest group. He supports the same values that I do. He was the best person for our country. It's a shame he didn't win the election. Our country deserves better, and I'm sorry, but Obama isn't better.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    tell me about it! i'm a former resident of AZ who were given drained of his brush aside for what Arizonans needed concerning unlawful immigration. he's ideal alongside with Ted Kennedy about wanting amnesty. each and every thing that has been executed to offer up unlawful immigration in AZ has been executed via its cutting-edge Governor, Janet Napolitano. McCain has fought her each and every step of ways, too. And certain, he'a a chip off the old Bush block. those who're balloting for him are doing it emotionally from his old days as a conflict prisoner. that is time to flow on and vote for a candidate per how sturdy he will be for the human beings of this u . s . a .. and that i'm balloting for Ron Paul.

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  • jo P
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    No u did the wrong thing. U should have voted for a candidate based on the issues instead of race.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You voted for the right man, but for a wrong reason. I also voted for McCain because I agree with his policies.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're obviously a Democrat out to make the Republicans look bad. But in the end you just make the Democrats look pathetic.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, people voted for the person they thought would do the best job. Race had nothing to do with it.

    Source(s): Say hi to "nigra" for me.
  • 1 decade ago

    In my opinion, NO. I also voted for McCain but it was because I preferred his policies to Obamas. Race should never be an issue.

  • cantcu
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think your question is one that should not be on Yahoo. It has a racial underpinning.

    If that is your sole criteria, I feel sad for you, and those who are like you! You are the only loser, though you effect people who do look at things like issues when they decide.

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