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Is Obama anti-war after all?

One of the main reasons I supported Obama was his promise to bring the troops home. Now I read he's going to send between 20,000-30,000 more troops to Afghanistan by the summer. I don't understand why he would do this? Shouldn't he just bring everyone home like he promised?

Update 2:

I don't understand the difference. Why is war in Iraq bad but it's ok in Afghanistan?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama is not President yet, he could not and did not sent troops anywhere.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well let's not BS everyone here OK champ people who get their news from your listed source don't support UBER libs Now that we got that outta the way....

    I think people should have done a lil more homework and a lil less listening to the talking heads on TV. Obama's cheif foreign affairs consultant is Zignew Bryzenski the man who gave Osama Bin Laden all his power. He has also chosen to keep GWB's SEC. of Defense on. Did anybody, that did just a lil bit of unbiased research really think he was going to bring the troops home any time soon? The answer is NO! He may have meant well when he started but it quickly became unraveled when he realized he is not the one who sets the foreign policy agenda that would be the Council on Foreign Relations of which he is a member and so is his wife. These people have done a great job of curtailing communism to bad what they unwittingly did was appoint Ruthless dictators in the wake. ala Osama, Saddam, Salvador Alleinde, Manuel Noriega, Musharaff, and on and on. All of these dictators were once part of our grand scheme. Then they turned against us and became our enemy how convient. This is why the CIA coined the term "blowback"!

    Source(s): "Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies"
  • 5 years ago

    the guy only no theory about overseas coverage. First he needs to sit down down, without precondition, with all the thug dictators of the international; now he needs to invade Pakistan and reduce off help to that usa. positive, the present authorities there leaves plenty to be wanted, yet Obama's plan may heavily backfire. Anti American emotions may sky rocket throughout Pakistan and the authorities may be toppled -- replaced by radical Islamic administration of Pakistan and its nuclear guns. Nukes contained in the fingers of Islamic terrorists -- what a thanks to make the international safer.

  • 1 decade ago

    My Liberal friend, Obama's campaign promises will come to fruition and he will move soldiers from the Iraq campaign to the Afghanistan campaign to smite the the taliban! Conservatives are rejoicing on this tactic, at least Obama will clean up the woes of Iraq and Afghanistan! My friend, Obama is a secret war hawk! God be w/ are soldiers and their families.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Honestly he has already said he was going to do this. He promised to increase our troop presence in Afghanistan while he was drawing down from Iraq. If you didn't know that, you weren't actually paying much attention to the election because he repeated that stance a lot. And Obama has never been anti-war, just anti-Iraq war and maybe anti-completely senseless wars.

    It is harder to make a case for how we can pull out of Afghanistan then it is for Iraq. There is still the threat of the Taliban returning and Al-Qaeda including Bin Laden is hiding out in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area.

    The war in Iraq is bad because we went there based on lies, destroyed their infrastructure and dismantled their social structure, set the stage for a civil war while holding no accountability towards the aid going to the region, and generally pissed off everyone in that region due to the needless death and destruction we have caused, such that the best chance for stability to be regained in the region is if we leave and let them work out their own problems.

    The solution towards Afghanistan isn't so clear, we tried leaving in the eighties under Reagan without paying attention to the consequences, which is why the region became a haven for terrorists and extremists.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, he's anti-war, but don't use Faux Noise statistics whenever you try to prove the truth. Faux wouldn't know the truth if you smashed their bigoted faces in with it.

    It's not ok anywhere, but Al Qaeda never went to Iraq until after we got there.

  • Link
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    That was from Iraq. Obama has always been opposed to the war in Iraq and has promised to withdraw troops there, but he has always supported additional support for Afghanistan.

    I don't agree myself with more troops to Afghanistan, but at the very least, that's "more" justified than Iraq, no?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Won't matter .proves the President Don't run nothing.We are at war no matter who is president.Lets go liberals fight for your leader.I have done my service,Please step up to the plate.

    get your *** blown off 4 obama.Dies hero's and Redeem your Souls

  • 1 decade ago

    The war in Iraq is bad because we aren't doing anything. We should be in Afghanistan, where we are pretty damn sure the taliban are.

    Everybody in Iraq -> Home

    20,000 - 30,000 + Afghanistan = End of taliban

    It's that simple. This will end our trifles in the middle east.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He always said we should withdraw troops from Iraq and some some in Afghanistan to fight taliban and kill Bin laden&associates

    But i think you never supported him in the first place

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