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Why do some religions try to "spread the word" while others keep to themselves?

Some churches like the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses spend a great deal of time to convert others. While other churches such as the Amish or Mennonites try to keep to themselves. But they all claim to be Christian. So what does Jesus want? Salesman or hermits?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It seems those that have to "spread the word" are actually trying to convince themselves of there belief. If they really believed, they would care what others thought. It's a form of mental illness.

  • SDW
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    For starters, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians... there are basic tenets which define Christianity, and neither group follows them.

    Much of it has to do with interpretation of the Bible. All Christians are commanded to be witnesses of Christ to the world, but we're not given specific instructions on how we're supposed to do so. Some feel the need to lead mass crusades and revivals, while some take a more subtle approach of 'lifestyle evangelism' to draw people into their faith. A rich businessman can do far more good by contributing large amounts of money to a ministry than he could by going into the mission field himself. We all have different roles in our faith, that's about the gist of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think there are plenty of groups in Africa who would disagree with you on the whole "keeping it to themselves" Christians. Missionaries brought pain, suffering, disease and death to Africans and indigenous groups all over the world for centuries. If a religion does not "spread its word" then it dies out eventually. Are there any Shakers left? No. Is the Quaker religion gaining members in the No salesmen, no sales.

  • 1 decade ago

    you are asking two the son of god and do the will of the father.and to let his word be known.i dont know if convert is the correct word.although the word convert is used can only convert yourself.we are commanded to preach and spread the word.and to share the things we have come to understand.many people do not know GODS word.they hear a little here and a little there.and many times they are misquots.the truth is only known when you seek it out yourself.many as myself have come to accept the bible to be the word of GOD.we are again commanded to study what is expected of us.and you simply do or not do.christ came to show us the reward or gift that will be for those who keep his can not keep what you dont know.when you read and study GODS book.and you decide to accept it as the word of GOD.and accept his will by his word.and the gift of everlasting life will be christ did.he died.and he rose again.he did this as a let us know that as men the same gift will be ours in GODS if someone comes to you with his kind.they are doing the fathers will.they are not trying to put you down.but lift you for me i love bible is truly the greatest story ever told.again you do.or you do not.thanks for your question.good luck.accept life.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus wants people to genuinely want to love Him. That's why we have free will.

    Jesus wants as many of us to love Him as he can have. Look at John 3:16, note the WHOSOEVER: applies to EVERYONE.

    Christians have a responsibility to share the Gospel with ANYONE WILLING TO HEAR IT. That's why I'm here acquiring innumerable "Thumbs Down"s... because I feel what I know of the Gospel needs to be shared.

    (I can only hope that I'm doing an okay job of this... I am human and I tend to be wrong a lot of the time... The Bible, however, is verily verily inerrant truth, and pretty much speaks for itself.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    JW's think that by going door to door that it will get them into Heaven.

    I am not sure about Mormons and Amish or Mennonites...I am not even sure if they allow anyone outside and new to their religion to attend their churches.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Perfect question.

    Both Christ and John the Baptist were both hermits... and knew the power of going to a quiet place. So I would say hermit FIRST and then if so inclined, say what you need to say. But increasing the light comes FIRST. (seek ye first the Kingdom of God) More on my bio.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you told an Amish person you weren't Christian they probably run and grab their bible ,and although they aren't as upfront and in your face about it as some *ahem* 'other' religions doesn't mean they would think twice about trying to convert you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I heard something that JW's have to turn in timesheets every month documenting how many hours they spent preaching. When I heard that I immediately thought of a door-to-door salesman selling knives. It made me chuckle.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hello Brainless: Please clarify your answer

    "missionaries have to work too, just not jewish ones. jews do not seek to convert " Posted earlier by Brainless.

    Let's be honest. You would have to know that Jews have been trying to convert the world since the beginning of time.

    Source(s): The Bible.
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