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What do Buddhists believe in?

Christians have God. The Muslims have Allah. Hindu's have several gods. Do Buddhists have an actual god or do they pray to Buddha the man?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well i mean theres lot of things we believe, but the way your asking the question i think what you're intending to ask is 'what do buddhists worship'

    (which also i have to say that the christian/jewish/muslim God - is the same God each religion just interprets him differently)

    Hinduism...thats a whole other story.

    Well clearly you already know that Buddha was just a man, we don't worship him but we respect him and thank him for his teachings.

    Some buddhists are athiest and some believe in a God but it is a seperate belief not attached to the religion (does this make sense? Buddhism doesn't clarify one way or the other its a 'choose your own adventure' situation).

    There is prayer in buddhism, there is a book by thich nhat hanh about buddhist and christian prayer, its a good read. No we don't pray to buddha (well maybe somebody does i can't speak for everyone) but over all on average no they don't. It's like in christianity, we can't say nobody prays to judas or something, i'm sure theres someone...

    Anyway, no not really. Just lots of good ideas.

  • 1 decade ago

    Buddhist does not have a God in the Christian or Islam sense of the concept. That is, they don't believe in a Almighty, Super Natural Spirit that created the universe and watches over us and listen to our prayers and will judge us after we die.

    Buddhists simply believe in ones own mind have the power of salvation. It is up to yourself to end all the earthly suffering.

    It is the teaching of Lord Buddha (or Dharma) that they look upon to for liberation.

    Buddhists does not "pray" to Buddha, the way Christians pray to God or Muslims pray to Allah. When they "pray" (Pray is not the correct word here. Worship is a better term), they simply express their respect for Lord Buddha, His Teachings and Buddhist Monks.

  • 1 decade ago

    No gods and no praying

    Source(s): sorta-Buddhist
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They don't say us do anything, but expect us to be alert or


  • mark s
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


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