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Has Christmas celebrations become disrespectful to other religions or atheists/agnostics?

The open celebration and commercialization. I know if I was a non Christian I may feel over whelmed by all the displays. President Obama said that we are no longer just a Christian nation. Should we act like it?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think it is at all. I mean, the more people that celebrate it, of course it is going to be more popular! And if those other religions had a holiday as big as Christmas, they wouldn't care if Christians were complaining, would they?

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I would argue that Christmas is actually becoming (slowly) less and less disrespectful towards atheists and those of other faiths. I mean, look at what happened in Washington State with the governor allowing some atheist to put up a VERY disrespectful sign bashing Christmas. Plus, Merry Christmas is becoming slowly replaced with Happy Holidays.

    I know, there's Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, but Christmas is still the main reason for the season. Jews will tell you that Hanukkah is a very minor event on their calendar, and Kwanzaa is an invented Holiday that, in my mind, should not be recognized on the same scale as Christmas.

    So, in a sense: No. In fact, I think it's the other way around. Atheists/agnostics are disrespecting Christmas.

    Just my Opinion

    Source(s): I celebrate Christmas.
  • MSB
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, I don't think so. If one doesn't like the commercialism, it can be ignored. If one doesn't want to participate in a celebration, they're free not to do so. People have a right to put up all the displays they want.

    There are other holidays at this time of year, and as long as people of other traditions celebrating other things have a right to have their own celebrations and put up their own displays, I see nothing wrong with it.

  • 1 decade ago

    The disrespect, if any, comes from retail. The commercialization is simple America at its best. And that comment is not meant derogatory. It is just stating things as they are. America is based on commercialism, capitalism and industrialism. Our retail sellers discover what sells and they market the heck out of it. Christmas sells so voila. Anyways, really there is no disrespect intended, it's just the result of what drives our country... business as in the seller and the consumer. Give it time, and we will have a Charlie Brown Kwanzaa or Charlie Brown Hanukkah.

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  • Elfie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Christmas will always be celebrated by Christians and non-Christians alike. It's disrespectful for people who don't celebrate it to make a fuss. We still do have freedom OF religion last time I checked, so if Christmas bothers a person that much, they should either see a shrink or arrange to have a month off and baracade themselves in their home.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that people who say stuff like "sorry I'm buddha I don't want you to shower me in gifts" are weird.

    So they don't want to celebrate christmas! We shouldn't have to take it down a notch just because they believe in some other nonexistent god. Even though I am Atheist and think we should take down the jesus thingys.

    here's the deal:

    - no body cares about the christmas spirit anymore (well the normal people anyway)

    - Religion is dwindiling away


    -end rant-

  • Who's name is in Christmas? Why, because it's celebrating His birth.

    That's what should be celebrated. Let Atheist think of and celebrate their own holiday. Make one up if they want.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes, i know im agnostic but i still celebrate it because my family is strong christians but more and more years people move to america and are different religions and don't know why theres so much hype around it.

  • 1 decade ago

    no because christmas is a christian tradition and we are "one nation, under God..."

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