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Burn After Reading ?

All right, I saw Burn After Reading kind of late but... Personally, I didn't like it at all. I would like to get a meaning of the movie because I'm pretty sure I didn't miss anything. Why did this movie get good reviews besides the great actors' roles. If you're going to say,

"Oh, the Coen brothers sure did come up with another great" or

"Great plot for adults,"

please elaborate because I don't think you truly know, but I would.

3 Answers

  • :)
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I thought it was mildly entertaining only because of Brad Pitt's character. I thought he had played an airhead quite superbly. The actually movie though is a different story. It wasn't as great as the other Coen movies and will most likely never go down as a classic like Fargo or O Brother Where Art Thou? did.

    I did think that the idea would have been good though if they took it another route and made it less, well...boring. But, the meaning - if you're gonna do stupid things, something is gonna eventually happen.

  • 1 decade ago

    I saw the movie and I didn't think it was that bad. The point of the movie comes from the fact that everything that happens in the movie is a result of the stupidity of all the characters involved. Things became more complicated than they should have been and that's where the irony comes from.

    Source(s): Own the film.
  • 1 decade ago

    I saw that movie too and IF I could I would've ask for my money back....

    All this movie was a gimmick ,YOU want to see two famous actors ,here you go they are together and acting don't mind the story and content of movie just watch .....looks like if Brad and George take a pee in public and someone makes a movie out of it ,someone will pay to watch it.

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