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how long did you wait to have sex after giving birth?

my husband is in iraq right now and he will be home for his 2 weeks R&R march 1st through the 14th. my doctor changed my due date to February 27th but still expects the baby to come around valentines day. do you think it would be ok to have sex with my husband while hes home if the baby is born before the due date? like 2 weeks after giving birth. its a little scary sounding for me but i mean its already been FOREVER since ive had sex and of course i wanna please my husband before he returns to me out ladies =D


yes my hubby is brave. and if it weren't for me getting pregnant i would be right there with him in iraq. not to mention my hubby is GORGEOUS.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You may be surprised to learn that the restrictions regarding resumption of sexual intercourse after birth are largely a result of "folk wisdom." There are no research-based studies that show an ideal waiting time. Women should be given the freedom to chose when they wish to resume sex after birth.

    It is observed that it takes approximately six weeks for the uterus to return to "normal" size after vaginal birth. So, early "authorities" felt that the proscription against intercourse should coincide with this landmark.

    What we actually see in practice, however, is that some women are emotionally and physically ready for intercourse much earlier. Williams Obstetrics, a respected text, states: "following an uncomplicated delivery, a six-week abstinence from intercourse makes little sense. It can be safely resumed in as little as three weeks or when comfort can be maintained".

    If you have had no tearing or episiotomy, and your lochia (bleeding) has changed from red to pink and is scant in amount, it is probably fine for you to resume sexual relations as soon as two weeks postpartum. I would advise this additional week to assure the healing and closure of the cervix.

    For some women, it takes much longer than six weeks until they are ready to make love. Advice should be provided to women based on individual variations.

    Source(s): I found this out when I was researching-best of luck to you,,...
  • 1 decade ago

    You might find that you are not interested in sex for awhile after the baby is born. It is very common for women to be so exhausted that it is the last thing on their mind. Also, some have a rougher childbirth experience and need longer to heal. If you are interested, you can have other forms of sex until it is comfortable. Doctors will tell you a time period, but it really is different for everyone. Take it easy when you do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh, doctors shmoctors! 4-6 weeks is a bunch of bologna! If you feel like you are physically well and you didn't tear or have an episiotomy, then go for it! Just to warn you husband and I had sex 3 weeks after my first child and I was still so stretched out that I didn't even feel anything! I was worried at first, but in a couple more weeks everything was back to normal. I had a baby three weeks ago (at home and unassisted:), and the bleeding was light after the first week. To help ensure this, drink red rasberry leaf tea during the last months of your pregnancy (it tones the uterus and helps it function at its best post-partum ~ which helps reduce post-partum bleeding) and purchase some shepherd's purse tincture for after the birth (this also helps reduce post-partum bleeding). I took about 20 drops of it in a cup of "EmergenC" after the placenta delivered and had another 20 drops in a cup of tea a couple of times a day for the next few days. It helps a lot to reduce bleeding.

    Another word of advice ~ don't push while laying on your back with your legs up in the air. This narrows your pelvis by 30% and creates a lot of pressure on your perennium, which often leads to tearing. Tell your doctor that you want to push while squatting or while on all fours (these two pushing positions will really decrease your chances of tearing). If they try to be difficult about it and you don't want to deal with the conflict, just tell them that you at least want to be sitting up at the edge of the bed and try as best you can to simulate the squatting position. This not only helps reduce the chances of tearing, but also helps move the baby down the birth canal faster with the help of good ol' gravity:)

    As far as the chance of c-section (which requires more recovery time and might make it hard for you and your husband to be intimate as soon as two weeks post-partum) you can decrease your chances of one greatly by doing a couple of things: 1. refuse pain meds (they greatly increase your chance of c-section ~ especially the epidural) 2. refuse to be on a constant monitor (these do not make birthing any safer, they merely confine you to a bed laying on your back~which often leads to pain meds and/or a distressed baby) and 3. refuse the IV (same reason) and instead drink water/juice or chew on some ice chips to stay hydrated

    Congratulations on your pregnancy (and your husbands upcoming homecoming:) !!

    Source(s): Personal experience, as well as the experience and knowledge of hundreds of other women who are experienced in birthing.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would have to say that it's up to your body and how it's healing. It has been 5 weeks since I had my first baby and we've tried a few times but it's just too painful for me still. When you are ready you will know. I understand wanting to have sex though since he's only going to be home for a few weeks and have to go back to deployment, you don't want to send your man to a stressful situation full of sexual tension, so here's to the baby coming out early. Good luck. If anything you two can please yourselves lots of other ways, that's what my husband and I have been doing.

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  • 1 decade ago

    After i had my son my doctor ask my to wait 30days before having sex i waited a week and i was fine. Good Luck and your husband is a brave man thank him for what hes doing for our country!

  • 1 decade ago

    I didn't wait til my six weeks with my first, and I just had a baby 2 weeks ago and I want to...If you feel up to it and you are not bleeding RED blood, if it is more pinkish then go ahead! Just make sure it's not red and make sure you wrap it up!! Unless you are trying to get prego right away. I hope I helped you!

  • 1 decade ago

    I waited 6 weeks after our first baby.

    For our second baby I felt up to it after 3 weeks.

  • 1 decade ago

    i tore a little bit and had to get stiches so we waited the 6 weeks. i would really be afraid to try to at 2 or 3 wks after.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Doctors usually say about six weeks after you give birth, but really it's your body and if you feel you can then go ahead. Or at least that's what I was told after my daughter.

  • 1 decade ago

    We waited 5 weeks, I stopped lochia (post partum bleeding) at 4.5 weeks which really influenced our decision. The reason it's recommended to wait is to prevent infection.

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