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Who agrees that the paranormal section should be removed from science and mathematics?

It could be moved to some more fitting spot. But it really has nothing to do with science.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think there should be a new category called "New Age" and paranormal could go under that section. In my opinion, they should split 'religion and spirituality' section and spirituality should also be under "New Age". I think "New Age and Spirituality" sounds better. Under this section they can put paranormal, dream interpretation, holistic healing, astrology, numerology, psychic experience, mysteries, meditation etc. I guess there should be these new sections if they are not created already.

  • 1 decade ago

    I completely disagree, it has everything to do with science. I don't consider myself a skeptic, but applying scientific methods helps people who are experiencing paranormal phenomenon sort through their experience or questions and come up with the most likely possibilities. Skepticism through science is healthy, and without using science first, we would not know if something is PARAnormal. However, there are many things in this world that are truly UNexplained to which science cannot or has not adequately explained. I think having the paranormal section in the science and mathematics category offers a balance for those interested in the subject, as long as people are being respectful to one another in their answers and not belittling someones beliefs.

    Eventually it will be through science, technology, and scientific methods that some paranormal phenomenon will be PROVEN to exist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Unless the category were to be added to it's very own section, I disagree. The paranormal does have to do with science, because paranormal phenomena are scientific anomalies. For example, life on other planets is something that scientists have been trying to prove or disprove, but can't. Same goes for phenomena such as Big Foot, strange disappearances, spontaneous human combustion and other paranormal phenomena. Having the paranormal section occupy it's own category could work, but I really don't think it would fit at all into religion or any other category other than science. On another note, I also think that listing it under "Alternative" is a bit paranormal in itself.

  • Well, peer-reviewed journals most certainly are published. Somebody on another answer posted several a while back (I would have to hunt down the question again but why should I? If that person found them then so can any other person here.) And since when is hypnosis paranormal? Many, many licensed psychologists perform this.

    Anyway, what difference does it make? This is just a question and answer forum. Surely nobody considers this to be such an important part of their life? Can't you just avoid this category? I am not a wine connoisseur so I don't hang out in the wine category. I don't sew so I don't hang out in the sewing category. Simple. Easy. No problem.

    Let me rephrase my third paragraph because I sounded insulting and I didn't mean to. I just don't think Yahoo Answers is that important in the grand scheme of things. I have asked a couple of questions in order to address the rudeness because I don't feel people should be insulted for using a category for the purpose for which it was intended. And no matter where it is located its purpose is still the same and nobody is forced to visit it. There - I think that was a more polite way to say it. :)

    edit - oh, I thought you just meant hypnosis in general. You mean certain applications.

    edit - Logic always gets thumbs - down. I am stating the obvious. If a restaurant opened down the street that served food you really don't like would you petition the city to close it or just not eat there?

  • John
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    To the extent that paranormal or parapsychological events, observations or experiments can be conducted in a scientific manner, or that explanations can be sought from scientific viewpoint, I think it is legitimate subject matter for Q&A in the Science & Math category.

    However, few people seem to have an interest in that. It's instead become a repository for mystical ideas, ghost stories and requests on how to learn psychic abilities, and it's very out of place in the Science category. It's also unfortunate, since someone may come along looking for scientific explanations and instead see mystical explanations regarding crystals, spirit guides, astrology and so forth, and get the wrong idea of what science is.

    This category definitely does belong somewhere else, but I don't think Yahoo is going to do anything about it anytime soon. In the meantime, the alternative science section offers an opportunity to bring scientific thought into mystical questions and that should be a good thing, if nothing else.

    Source(s): "[Paranormal Phenomena category] was added from the request of forum users, and was a much debated location. The thoughts on both were that it belonged in science and mathematics because there are actual scientific testings that go on in this field, however, others felt that it belonged in the social science section because of the lack of proof to be found in it."
  • minger
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Atheists CAN migrate to the "technological information" component to Y!A, if that's what they had choose to do. they are able to invite & answer questions in *any* Y!a style, consisting of R & S. a lot of human beings have "intense" questions approximately faith and God- even Atheists. despite the fact that, you realize that this type is for asking questions approximately ALL religions and ALL varieties of spirituality- not virtually the Christian God. i could choose to work out *greater* "intense" questions asked in this type. regrettably, i've got observed that the "intense" questions are virtually handed over. it may be useful if all human beings ought to start specializing in those intense questions, rather of posting, or responding to, flame-baits, rants and phone outs. i've got not observed "myriads of theists trolling the technological information section"; became that remark meant to propose that Atheists troll the R & S type? if so, i could ought to agree that a lot of human beings troll this section: Christians and Atheists, alike. i'm useful that there are clever and considerate Atheists who're "right here", in R & S, by using fact they have an interest in faith & Spirituality. The R & S type is for asking and answering questions; not arising arguments, and not for telling others the place to pass. Christians ought to set an excellent occasion, does not you compromise?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    regardless of what you believe in, paranormal jourals are never published, let alone peer-reviewed. paranormal explanations don`t have a supporting scientific consensus, it's models are huge leaps of logic or there are not at all, they call themselves "believers" (a scientist does not "believe" in his field). they do not measure their observations, they are not able to predict anything (a critical point in the scientific method).

    sure, some other aspects of human knowledge (like humanities and social "sciences" don't do all that either, but they are still not science. so it is a fact that it shouldn't be here.

    that was a fact, now on to my opinion

    I would merge it with "mythology and folklore"

  • 1 decade ago

    There was a real cool bumper sticker I saw once. "Wherever you go, there you are."

    No matter the title or the place, the discussion of paranormal activity will take place, so why mess with it? The Believers and Skeptics can find it here.

  • 1 decade ago

    i agree it should be moved. I do believe that some science can be applied while doing investigations, but I think it would be more appropriately placed in maybe religion or simply be its own catagory such as spirituality and the paranormal.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think there should be a whole section! I mean Alternative? Come on! But I do think it has definite science to it.

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