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Pete O
Lv 5
Pete O asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

How can HAMAS be removed from Gaza?

Hamas took over Gaza by force from the elected government of Palestine.

Hamas has led the country into ruin.

There will never be peace in Gaza until Hamas is removed.

Hamas is a terrorist organisation and shold be elimated.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's not up to us outsiders to remove Hamas from Gaza. Palestinians have to decide for themselves if they prefer war or peace.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They run Gaza and are extremist but also are Palistinian! It would be like asking Cathlics in the USA to jsut stay in the church and do your jobs but you can not run for any office state or federal... Gaza is very small and the extremist have control over elected officals... This war will go on until the end of time... Here in the USA we really don't focus on it because its a fight over religoin and we have gotten too the point let someone win and deal with it!

  • 1 decade ago

    Hamas won the elections in gaza against Fatah. So now gaza is under hamas political rule and SOMEONE doesnt apporve of this DEMOCRACY! The PEOPLE CHOSE HAMAS TO BE IN RULE!. that is like you asking how can we remove democrats from the US?!! it doesnt make sense. civilians who do nothing more than agree with hamas are getting killed. do you really think the 300 people killed are all "militants" NO they are people in their own homes being killed like you and me!!!!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Get Israel to quit viciously and unprovokably attacking the Gaza strip and Hamas will stay in Gaza and they both need to turn to Christ and peace will consume the Gaza strip.

    What angers me is that all those bombs being dropped on all those civilians are stamped "Made In The USA".

    This has dick cheney & w's fingerprints all over it.


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wrong. Hamas was brought to power by democratic elections so to remove them would go against every principal America stands for.

    How can Zionists be removed from Israel? Israel seems to be an militaristic authoritative republic disguised as a democracy.

  • 1 decade ago


    Just like your question, the objective is WRONG.

    Israel should not be removed, any more than Hamas should be removed.

    The question should be "How can we stop the violence and make both sides live side by side in peace".

    Granted, the answer is not simple, but possible and I can make several suggestions that could work if they were enforced on both sides equally strong. But 100% guarantee that disproportionate and indiscriminate force, completely in violation of any internaitonal laws and treaties, will not accomplish this, rather make matters worse.. as all people in their right mind know.

    What you do is to extinguish small fires, not fight fire with a much much bigger fire. In fact, read some of these EXTREMIST responses (including your question), to understand where the real source of the problem is. I have not seen many posts calling for destruction or bombing of Israel, as most people do not support such violence and do condemn these home made quasam rockets, even if it kills only 1 or 2. However, compare that to the extremist claims by moslty israelians and handful of americans (most fortunately see something is really wrong with this disproportion of violence and power), and you will understand who are really the ones not giving peace a chance. They are arrogant and self-righteous and far out the majority of (western) world, does NOT support Israel in this, but do support 2 peaceful states side by side. The first step to that was to hold democratic elections, which by its rules, include accepting and recognizing the outcome.. and we all do, except Israel.

    Hamas is NOT recognized as a terrorist organization by any nation except Israel. They are recognized as a democratically elected party, by majority of peace loving people, who see Hamas as the only ones who have served palestinian interests most successfully so far, including hospitals and other social services.

    The terrorist element of Hamas, if you choose to consider it as such, is only a small portion of what Hamas stands for.. and shooting a rocket by press of a button by Israel, killing 90% innocent civilians at least, is in no way justifyable as self defense.. Just because a country uses conventional weapons instead of suicide bombings or home made quasam rockets, in itself does not make it any less terrorist, .. rather opposite if you look at the numbers of innocent women and children killed. Look at the history and statistics and then justify who here is the victim and who is the perpetrator, the war criminals, the fascists, the supressors, the most frequent violators of international laws and treaties.

    Don't compare 500 Quasarm rockets to 1 bomb, when those 500 killed no more than the number of fingers on one hand, versus the hundreds killed with fewer Israeli bombs... and that's just one occasion.. it's always been structurally Palestinians that have lost, been supressed, humiliated and killed and left with nothing but desperation and no hope for the future as long as Israel is not forced to follow international laws and be punished in same way if they don't, as they impose on Palestinians.

    The biggest problems for peace, is not the cease fire. The cease fire is a MEANS, but not the GOAL itself. If all Palestinians get in return is not to be bombed and killed, while the imbalance, supression, intimidation, theft of land, and efforts to undermine democratic government and force regime change continues, rather than engage diplomatically and make fair concessions, and return land outside the borders defined by UN, cease fire is nothing more than another way for Israel to control Palestinians and continue their injust policies more comfortably.

    There can never be peace if Israel doesn't make its portion of concessions, and Israel will never do that, because they want no more than continue as they do, without those 'pesky' palestinians standing in their way. Israel has hardly anything to gain, and a lot to lose, in a more just world, because they have the upperhand. So first step to peace, is to make both sides suffer the consequences equally the rules that UN should impose on both.. unfortunately, USA and USA only, has always undermined UN efforts with its Veto.. that got to stop.. in fact, Veto powers in UN should stop all together, so that it can be effective and fair, and Israel should also have a big price to pay for violating it.. currently Israel can get away with everything, and they know it.. and always have. That got to stop, and is at LEAST, but in my opinion, far more important condition to give compromise a real chance.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you are a liar, i don't like hamas, but they are the democratically elected government. and terrorism is justified against the devil masonic monsters of us and jews

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Israeli leaders want to keep Palestinian land occupied for ever.

    Occupying other people by force is losing policy in the past and now and has no future.

    No one could NOT change his mind unless he has no mind.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    By removing Gaza from the face of the Earth with a Nuclear weapon.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i'm going with layla on this one

    how can we stop israel from committing genocide?

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