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42 year male 127 lbs high sugar&"bad"cholesterol. recommended foods to eat? ?

I eat several times a day and I try to eat healthy. My day starts at 0430 and eating at that time is not an option. I do not get hungry till about 0800 then I have a pb sandwich as a hold over till lunch My dr has told me to control my sugar and bad cholesterol with diet borderline diabetic

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Diabetes is a condition you do not want linked to your health. Better to prevent this disease than trying to cure it. As Sandy suggested watch your carbohydrate intake. Also, do some regular aerobics exercise to burn off any excessive glucose (in your blood) you will benefit in fitness as well. I maybe bold as to suggest that you may wish to seek advice from an organization or individuel who specializes in low carbohydrate eating plans. They may charge a fee...but a persons health is more important than a few dollars. Good luck.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Secret To Destroy Diabetes :
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): My Diabetes Gone Completely -
  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    42 year male 127 lbs high sugar&"bad"cholesterol. recommended foods to eat? ?

    I eat several times a day and I try to eat healthy. My day starts at 0430 and eating at that time is not an option. I do not get hungry till about 0800 then I have a pb sandwich as a hold over till lunch My dr has told me to control my sugar and bad cholesterol with diet borderline diabetic

    Source(s): 42 year male 127 lbs high sugar quot bad quot cholesterol recommended foods eat:
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hey high cholesterol is a very serious health issue and your going to get all sorts of answers on this forum that will only confuse you the more. Take her to a good doctor who will not only give her tablets to control the cholesterol, but will put her on the right diet. She needs help fast. A personal trainer will cost you a fortune and wont do the trick. Its all about your mum deciding how long she really wants to live!

  • Sandy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Count your carbs. The sugar is figured into the carb count, so don't worry too much about that. You should have less than 15 servings (15g each) of carbohydrates daily, preferably 3-5 servings per meal and few for snacks. (FYI - Potatoes, rice, breads, pastas are all loaded in carbs.) Also for your colesterol, watch your fat intake as well, but do get plenty of lower fat proteins like tuna which are carb free. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Diabetics can eat anything a non-diabetic can eat. You just have to make an adjustment for carbs/sugars. Learn here

    It is better for diabetics to eat slow burning carbs: potatoes, peanut butter, vegetables, breads, dairy products, etc. VS. fast burning carbs: candy, sugared soda, cakes, ice cream, anything high in sugar. Just know what your carb/insulin ratios (how much insulin you have to give yourself for the amount of carbs you are intaking) are. Adjust according to the amount of carbs(sugars) you are intaking. And, you should be fine. Natural sugars are better than processed sugars.

  • 1 decade ago

    there is a website where they tell you how much of each food groups you should have according to you age and height i think it is you should check it out

    !!! C :

    the only thing i don't know about is your or his high cholesterol

    Source(s): Me!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    oatmeal oatmeal..oatmeal, granola? yogurts, whole grains, v8 juice , ckn turkey tuna , corn, rice ,potatoes greens

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