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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Do you know why we are lacking of honest politicians? ?

I believe its because when they do run, they are hammered relentlessly by their opposition with lies and hate. Just look at what happened to Barack Obama and Ron Paul. Each of these men were honest and good politicians and they were hammered mercilessly by their opponents, and being the good honest guys they are, they don't lie and say untrue things about their opponents. Ron Paul was completely demolished and Obama never would have won if McCain hadn't made some big mistakes and if McCain didn't have one of the worst presidents in our history dragging him down.

I think when we see a truly good person run for office we are compelled to drag them down into the dirt and bring them to our level. We also have a hard time distinguishing fact from fiction, and believe what we fear to be true to easily.

Why do you think we are lacking of honest politicians?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe that it has nothing to do with their opposition.

    I believe it is because We the People allow them to become our representatives.

    In a Republic you get the government you deserve.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Because there is no such thing as "common sense". It's a myth. There are, often, common cultural norms and the conclusions that lead from those norms. That doesn't make them real, wise, true, or anything of the sort. Why the reaction to politicians? Because people are TV-news indoctrinated. They actually think the news and what they hear is "reality". They forget the principle that makes something news; It must be unusual. The News is NEVER about common things if they can help it. It is about the unusual, the strange, the weird, the rare. That's why you never see a news story about a three-time felon who murdered someone in a dark alley in a bad neighborhood. It's not news. Find a police officer who kills someone, and it's international news. That's BECAUSE police officers on average are saints compared to the rest of us. The same with politicians. People forget that: 1) High profile cases are exceptions; 2) People, including politicians, are innocent until proved guilty; 3) There are MILLIONS of people in government. It would be laughable to assume that even a majority of politicians are corrupt, let alone all of them, without insulting every person who works for them and with them. 4) It's easy to claim "corruption". It's a charge with no basis in logic, science, or proof. If they don't react the way you think they should, they MUST be corrupt. It's a cheap shot. 5) Because people lack basic ethics. Thank you for the question.

  • 1 decade ago

    With the merger of big business and american government. we find our needs in need. We are now faced with government being ruled by money rather than the needs of the people.

    If a good person gets close to a presidential seat they will only pay off reporters like they did with Ron Paul and they will not show his debates. You have to find these on youtube or cnn.

    I am not a supporter of corrupt government and big business. I am for our constitution and the ideas created by the good men who founded our country men like George Washington.

    Most of the men and women in present times are fueled by money and power.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The problem is the money that is given in election campaigns. The contributing people and corporations expect a return on their investment.

    You can be sure they cover their bets by supporting anyone who looks like they might win.

    So no honest politician can survive the electoral process.

  • daisy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We do have some. I believe a lot of them truly want to make a difference, but once they get where corruption is almost commonplace, it becomes too hard to resist. Companies offering kickbacks, all those hangers-on that offer perks for their vote., why heck, everyone's doing it, why not me?

    The ones that stay clean, however, are usually overrided in their votes, because they are looked at somewhat like outsiders. Politics has and always will be on the dirty side.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. Because to get to the top in a 2 party system you need to have help. That help comes with a price.

    I believe they all start out honest and as time goes by they have no choice but to play the game or sit on the bench...

    Both parties...

    Obama = Unions

    Bush = Oil

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We are lacking honest politicians because of two things: $$$ & POWER. They couldn't care less about lies or hate if they are getting what they want. Honest people with deep feelings of care for humanity generally are employed by Charity organizations.

  • 1 decade ago

    It takes money and most honest people have to earn it the hard way.

    Obama wouldn't have had enough if it wasn't for the Chicago Machine!

  • 1 decade ago

    Because if you tell people that the Gov. doesn't have the answers and can't fix everything you wont get votes. So Pol's lie and tell the people I will fix what is wrong with your life and they will vote for you in droves. But they hate you when you can't fix the problems because it's not possible to fix the problems

    plus the money, lots and lots of money

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think its opposition. I think its an environment created by our system. There are just too many perks to being a politician, that's what makes them so corrupt

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