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Did you have chores when you were a child?

And how important do you think having age appropriate chores are to raising a responsible adult?

When I was growing up, I had a list of AGE APPROPRIATE chores to complete on a daily and weekly basis. As I aged, more responsibilities were added such as assisting mom with budgeting, meal planning, creating the food shopping list and going food shopping. On the weekends I had to complete my chores before leaving the house.

Of course as a normal teenager I was annoyed at the time with mom, but in the long run I feel that the structure and chores can make a responsible adult. My husband is very proud that the house is almost always clean, I cook home made meals about 95% of the time and our bills are paid in a timely manner.

Your responses are greatly appreciated.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yeah I had chores and think it made me a much more responsible, clean, considerate adult. I do think however there should be a good balance between teaching them the ways of life and taking away their freedom. At the end of the day they're not gonna get this freedom in their adult lives and I kinda resent my mum for taking that away and I think I have OCD because of her lol. She went to the extremes, my chores were there because no-one else was around to do them not particularly because she was trying to teach me anything. Done the right way I think chores are a great thing. My son is only 2 and a half and he knows to clean up his toys before going out and to bed.When he gets older he will have more chores but I'll never let them take over his life.

  • 1 decade ago

    My mom never really gave us chores since she herself was quite disorganized (though every so often we'd all clean house and make up for lost time then lol). When I went to stay with my dad (my parents were divorced) during the summer though starting around my late teens he gave me and my sister some chores. They were keep the house clean, wash dishes (we took turns on that), be responsible for your own laundry, and take out the trash and recycling. None of it was that bad though since the place he lived in wasn't very big and as a result didn't need a lot of upkeep (or maybe I was just desensitized to small upkeep chores since I was used to crisis-level cleaning).

    Now that I'm in college and mostly living on my own though I'd have to say that the chores really didn't help much. I pretty much picked up on everything instantly. Washing clothes isn't difficult (just figuring out how the machines worked was since it was a completely different loading mechanism than what I was used to), cleaning isn't difficult (be it mopping, dusting, wiping grime off a shower, tidying up, etc), washing dishes isn't difficult (either by hand or by machine), and cooking isn't difficult. Granted I had done all of those things already as a kid, but listening to people on here talk about chores and you'd think that something like washing dishes is an enormous feat of achievement that requires years of experience to do right.

  • Cassie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Oh Yes!! My mom started on us when we were able to walk.. We would help her carry laundry.. Like a shirt or something and then she would tell us where it went. Then we would carry a cup of food to pour in the dog dish.. She had us do little things until we got big enough to do more. I remember coming home from school and looking on the kitchen table for the paper with my name on it and having to do homework then chores. It was usually like dry dishes, clean the bathroom, clean your room, and things like that. Then once I got in high school it seemed like the list never stopped.. LOL.. But Im greatful for having to do chores because now with a family of my own I dont have to ask how to do anything. I know some of my friends didnt have to do chores as they were kids and has no idea how to use a mop. I will have my kids do chores. It builds on responsibility.

  • 1 decade ago

    My mom never made me do chores. I remember having to put away dishes like once i think. My room was always a huge mess too Lol I wish she had made me do more, it was a huge shock when i moved out on my own and had to do everything on my own. My kids now do have chores and it's for a couple reasons. I think that everyone in the household has a responsibility to help, i think that it helps them with responsibility in the future and it really does help me since we have a big family.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I had plenty as a child, we had our own animals ( goats and chickens mostly ) so we took care of them everyday before school.

    My children have chores and I think they get off easy because they do not have to be outside in the cold!! lol

    I believe it teaches them responsibility and basic life skills. Every child should leave home knowing how to cook themselves a decent meal and work a washing machine. I had roommates in college who could not do either and seemed to think that other people would pick up after them all the time. I had one room mate who never used a microwave until she moved out on her own! she might of been pre med but she could not heat up a bowl of soup!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yep, and as I got older they shifted more towards helping me learn how to take care of myself (how to find car insurance, balance a checkbook, etc). Like you I had daily and weekly chores, I HATED cleaning the bathroom and my mom would make it clean it until everything would shine. I'm glad I was given so much responsibility, it really helped me in my life. I know a few friends from highschool who today, can't balance a checkbook or know about their auto insurance, or even how to budget.

  • jenna
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes I did. I had to clean up the guinea pig's poop from its cage and wash dishes every other night. Also took the dog out. I was told to make my bed, but I never did. Nowadays I make my bed because I want to. I think chores do help with making us responsible. Though too many chores just makes you like a slave! Sometimes I wish my parents would have asked me to help instead of forcing me to help because I would have gladly done it if they hadn't forced me to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i didnt have a schedule of chores. my mother makes us do stuff randomly. but i do have to empty the dishwasher all the time. >.< the thing is, I HATE COOKING and my boyfriend doesnt either so when we move in together that may be a problem lol. i always pay my credit card bills on time and the only debt im in so far is just school loans.

  • Ahimsa
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My dad made us do all the housecleaning, cooking for ourselves (even pretty young), and never helped out himself. We resented it. Housework came before homework for him, so some days we went to school without having it done. I vowed to never do that to my kids.

    That being said, my daughter does help out. She enjoys helping at this age. But we we never overburden her with chores, and everything is age-appropriate. I believe it teaches independence and having responsibilities at a young age prepares you for a lifetime of them. We all chip in. Mommy will make dinner one night and Daddy cleans up with a little help from our daughter. She has a song she sings while cleaning up and enjoys it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes - cut the grass , feed the chickens , clean the chicken coop . collect the eggs , ..we had a small farm we had chickens , ducks , goats , dogs , cats , horses , we had 1 pig , plus I had to work out in the garden , pulling weeds , most of this had to be done before my father got home from work , I hardly had time to do my school work so my grades suffered

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