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Married, childfree by choice, Deist, love books, objectivity and drama free people.

  • Why do some women choose losers?

    What is the "appeal"?

    I am going to scream if I read one more question from a woman who's shacked up or married a guy (and had 1-4 kids) that plays WOW, lives on the sofa watching TV, drinks too much and/or smokes weed, etc.

    Seriously ladies, he did these things BEFORE you married and/or bred, what made you think (if you did think) he would magically turn into a responsible adult?

    Why create a prison for yourself when it is so avoidable?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How do we let our website designers go?

    I need to send a letter to company that designs our website. They never return phone calls on time, ignore our e-mails, never update our site in a timely manner, constantly make excuses for never completing requests, complain and make our company feel like we are too demanding.

    I need to send them a letter that objectively states why we no longer require their services. I need the letter to be thorough yet kind without "beating them down".

    I searched the Internet for a "boilerplate" type letter but the only thing I came across are resignation letters.

    Can anyone suggest verbiage that is kind yet thorough?

    Any assistance is greatly appreciated, as I have never written this type of letter before. Thanks!

  • Does everyone understand that a tattoo shop is a business?

    Some people complain about the shop minimum being $40-$60 (depending on the location of the tattoo shop).

    Does everyone understand that besides paying the artist's commission, we have bills to pay like:





    liability insurance

    renters insurance

    supplies (gloves, disposable needles, needle bags, tube bags, ink caps, lap clothes, stretcher sheets, pillow cases, meat pads, tape, paper towels, etc.)

    copier lease

    autoclaves ($7,000 each)

    ATS (contract and tests for autoclave)

    Office help (who does payroll, payables, inventory, ordering, etc.)

    Art supplies

    Purchasing new flash


    Computer upgrades

    Office supplies

    And a million other things?

    We have overhead. There is a minimum set to justify our overhead.

    7 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Do you have issues with TV, Internet & video games?

    Does anyone have a spouse that spends too much time watching TV and/or video games and/or the Internet?

    If so, do you think he/she could give up one or more?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is this a standard part of your family parties?

    At all my family's parties/holiday gatherings, we always have a pickle/olive tray. It consists of:


    sliced bread and butter pickles

    pitted black olives

    green olives

    kalamata olives

    The reason I ask is, this past Christmas, my brother's girlfriend was intrigued by this pickle/olive tray. So was my friend from Montana.

    Do you have a pickle/olive tray at your parties/gatherings?

    9 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Did you have chores when you were a child?

    And how important do you think having age appropriate chores are to raising a responsible adult?

    When I was growing up, I had a list of AGE APPROPRIATE chores to complete on a daily and weekly basis. As I aged, more responsibilities were added such as assisting mom with budgeting, meal planning, creating the food shopping list and going food shopping. On the weekends I had to complete my chores before leaving the house.

    Of course as a normal teenager I was annoyed at the time with mom, but in the long run I feel that the structure and chores can make a responsible adult. My husband is very proud that the house is almost always clean, I cook home made meals about 95% of the time and our bills are paid in a timely manner.

    Your responses are greatly appreciated.

    14 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How much do you pay in taxes?

    How much do you pay in federal and local taxes?

    What country are you from?

    We pay 30% in federal and local taxes and we are from the US.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Boasting about a poor quality, cheap tattoo?

    Why do some people insist on showing off poorly done tattoos AND boasting about how little money they paid?

    I work in a tattoo studio. Sometimes after quoting a tattoo for a potential client, the potential client gives a shocked expression at the price. He/she then proceeds to show me a large existing tattoo. Their existing tattoo is just AWFUL. Crooked lines, blow outs, faint lines, colors that just don't blend, lines that don't connect, etc. Then he/she proudly boasts, "Yeah. And I only paid seventy bucks for it!"

    And I'm looking at their tattoo and thinking, 'Yes. And it shows. I can't believe you actually paid money for that.'

    9 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Does anyone remember the Jack Chick "comic book" tracts?

    I remember collecting these when I was a young girl. They used to be laying all over the train stations in Philadelphia. I specifically remember the one above because I had Mormon friends.

    And this one didn't sit well in my parent's (Catholic) home!

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why was a statistics question deleted?

    I was trying to answer the question about crime and race and it was deleted.

    Instead of emotional, subjective reactions, why not try a rational, objective response?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What would you do with 26 extra days a year?

    Do you know how to gain all this extra time?

    Stop watching so much TV. I asked how many hours per day people watched TV. Fourteen people answered. The average time was 1.75 hours per day which equals about 26 days. That's over THREE WEEKS! Feel like you are too busy for this and that? Stop spending 12+ hours per week infront of the TV.

    So, what would you do with this extra time?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How many hour per day do you watch TV?

    On average, about how many hours per day do you watch TV?


    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is removal of the twin murder (in your opinion)?

    Do you consider removal of the twin murder? YES or NO and please explain how to decided your answer.


    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Cars, autos and more cars!?

    1. What was year/make/model of the first car that you ever DROVE?

    2. What was the year/make/model of the first car that you OWNED?

    3. What is the UGLIEST car that's ever been produced?

    4. What is your dream car (to own)?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Are these movies worth watching?

    I think I'm the only person in the States that has not watched the following movies. Please give me your opinion, are any of them worth renting?

    Office Space



    Napoleon Dynamite

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    An Inconvenient Truth

    Super Size Me

    Top Gun

    Requiem for a Dream

    16 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Commercials that make you cry?

    Is there a commercial or advertisement that makes you cry?

    Mine is the ASPCA commercial. I get a lump in my throat and cry. It catches me off guard, no matter how many times I've watched it. It shows a series of rescued animals with the song, "Arms Of An Angel" by Sarah McLachlan playing in the background.

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Permission from your spouse?

    Too frequently in Yahoo Answers, during social events and just overhearing polite conversations, I hear that spouses are not allowed to attend functions, engage in activities and/or purchase items because the other spouse won't "let them".

    It's disturbing to read a grown man type (in another question), "...I have asked wife several times to go out, and she refuses to, but she also refuses to let me go out and join her best friend and her husband."

    Your spouse is your spouse, not your parent! What is this persmission thing? Does this apply to your marriage? Is this really that common?

    If my husband wants to have a drink, go fishing, hunting, hang out with friends, etc. he doesn't ask my permission and vice versa!


    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • 10 movies to your private island?

    And yes, your private island will have electricity and a DVD player!

    You can only take 10 movies to watch forever and ever. Which 10 movies would you take?

    17 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Sounds gross but tastes good?

    Do you have a suggestion for something that sounds gross but actually tastes good?

    Mine is toasted bread with peanut butter, a slice of ripe red tomato and sprinkle with a light coating of black pepper. Trust me, I know it sounds awful, but it's REALLY good, especially if the tomato is garden fresh.

    Your ideas?

    20 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Is anyone childfree by choice?

    If so, are you married? How long have you been married? Do family, friends and aquaintences still ask "When are you going to have kids?" How do you respond when someone patronizes by saying, "Oh, you'll change your mind."?

    34 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago