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Is it important to you to have common interests with your partner?

My ex-gf was upset at me because I felt we had nothing in common. She felt that two people can have nothing in common and still have chemistry. I feel that it's essential to have SOME common interests in order to build a relationship.

What do YOU think? Do you need your significant-other to have some common interests with you, or can you have a meaningful relationship without having any common interests?

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i've dated a lot of guys... most of them i had nothing in common with and it made the relationships so difficult. if you have no common ground to share... it's tough to have a real connection.

    my current boyfriend has everything in common with me... everything. it's so eerie... like, even the littlest things. but this one's going to work... the chemistry is definitely there and we can talk about anything and we share all of our views and dreams.

    so in short, yeah... i think it's super important.

    opposites attract, sure... but they don't stay together very often.

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally I haven't really heard of a relationship working out where the people didn't have shared/common interests. I know for myself I have tried to be with a few guys I barely had any common interests with and it was way too hard. Because we both didn't know where each other was coming from, and we were always quick to having a temper/being annoyed about each other's interests and it just got to be too much.

    So I don't know what your ex was basing chemistry off of or even how she defined what chemistry was. But I know for most people, myself included, if you don't have at least one or two shared interests then the whole relationship can't really become all that meaningful I think.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well i do think it's important to share some things in relationships. However it is never a good thing to basically be twins because that just gets old fast. I've tried that "have nothing in common" thing and i agree with doesn't work. I dated a guy for about a month (obviously nothing i'd call a relationship of any kind). We'd talked all the time, had sex a few times but had nothing to do when we were together; and i'm not one to just use sex as a common interest. So the whole thing flopped.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well that really depends on the couple, because some relationships thrive on the fact that each are opposite of the other, and also, sometimes having too much in common can cause problems because there is no texture to the relationship. I have had both the nothing in common, and the stuff in common, having the latter can help with conversation matter, but if there is chemistry, it's there regardless.

    Source(s): Myself
  • 1 decade ago

    "chemistry" usually refers to the sexual attraction aspect of the relationship and although this is an important component of any relationship, it is only a component of something much greater.

    IMHO, a lasting relationship is based on friendship as its primary foundation. Think of it this way... if you lost the ability to have sex (heaven forbid ;) how would the two of you occupy your time together?

    My wife and I met through a common interest and found we have many common interests. We spend much of our time doing things together (playing video games and other activities we both enjoy). We are best friends as well as lovers.

    Eventually if you are thinking of getting married, I believe it is important that you have some common interests. After all, the idea is to spend the rest of your lives "together". It would be hard to share that time together if there was little or no common interests (and it would likely leave you feeling that something is missing from your relationship).

    That said, it is just as important to have your own activities/hobbies outside the relationship so that you also have individual lives, supported by each other (ie. you go play golf once a week, she goes out with her friends etc).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think there needs to be some things in common. I do think there needs to be some differences though. If everything is the same, it gets a little boring. I do disagree with your ex-girlfriend. I think the things that are most important need to be common between the two people. For example, it's important that my mate is a Christian. It's important to me that he's interested in sports as well because I enjoy watching them. It's important for my mate to enjoy many types of music. If these things weren't in common, then really, he couldn't truly understand me on some levels. Eventually, the relationship would fail.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can still have a relationship with someone without having anything in common but it depends on how willing you are and how much you actually get out of it. My girl likes horror movies while I don't as well as other things but we still get along and we've been together for 4.5 years. I think the only chemistry you'd have would be physical and I don't think it's enough to really get as much as you can out of being with the person. So yeah common interests help. Keeps it fresh. To me anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    hmm.. important? Not extremely. It is nice to have common interests, because being in a relationship already brings about lots of compromise on each persons part. And a lot of the time, compromise doesn't come easily. Me and my husband enjoy doing some things together, and then again i hate some things he likes doing and vice versa. But I give him his time to do the things he likes and take that time to do what I want. SO I guess its all about how much you are wanting to compromise, and sacrifice, etc. A meaningful relationship wihtout ANY common interests?? That would be difficult. And me, personally, I wouldn't wanna try it. The few things my husband and I like doing, we really enjoy doing together, it brings us closer, and allows us to spend more time together, and BOTH have a great time. :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would love if a girl would have common interests as me. I mean common interests that actually both men and women can have.

    Without at least a few common interests, I would be lost. I would not know what she likes, or what is her favorites.

  • 1 decade ago

    To like a girl, most people like a girl because they have things in common, try to see if you have any similiar intrests and if you do work your way up from those.

    But, yeah. It is important to have at least some things in common. It would help if you and her want to have a good relationship with alot of communication.

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