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Are Christian sheep and atheists goats? ?

Confessions of a Goat

Why don't atheists believe in God?

I am an atheist. I do not believe in Gods or Goddesses. Now I ask myself why. I cannot say what others motivation is but for me it has to do with comfort. I can not feel comfort in relaxing my sense of logic and reason to allow fantasy to become my reality even at the point of not fitting in with the mass of society. Democracy is not much better than a dictatorship when the masses are so easily manipulated and can override the rights of others.

The conflict is when theists push their deity on society to manipulate and control it and to do harm to others who do not believe in their particular God or in none at all. This is when we have to stand up and say STOP!

As an atheist and what I hope to consider an analytical person like to see what facts are available to me and make my decision of what is true and what is not. I cannot dictate what reality is for everyone because the perception of reality is limited to our ability to think. I do not know how the universe was created or what makes it work but I don't need to know such things for my comfort level. What science taught when I was growing up has changed as the universe unfolds for them. Still I don't need to know what does not pertain to my world.

It is a common misconception that as an atheist you don't believe in anything. This misconception could not be further from the truth although I have a lot more of what I don't believe in more than what I do. This leaves room for growth and adventure in areas that I have not yet traveled. The places I have been and do not want to return I know well. I do believe in nature and what it has to teach us. I believe that we are more animal than many would like to admit. I believe in living what you believe so you don't have to be a voyeur and try to live your life with someone or some deity running the show. I do believe in love, trust, honesty, respect, peace from within and without but most of all keep it real. I believe you can read a person's face like you read a book. Some books tell lies and it up to us to filter through those pages and determine what is true and what is a not.

I asked a wise man once "how can you tell the difference between a lie and the truth." "He said it is like eating fish. You eat the meat and spit out the bones. Be careful of the small bones they are the ones you choke on."

We all have the right to believe as we choose as well has have the right to be wrong.

As a goat I choose not to be lead by a pastor, priest, king or lord, even if they are kind and loving. I am not a slave, sheep or even a domestic goat. I am a wild goat who prefers to live on the edge, which questions everything, and lives life by his own standards. I am a free man


just a test to see how many people would actualy read it. I wouldn't have read the whole thing either.

yes it is off my blog on myspace. thanks for the digging to find it.

I agree that atheist are more like cats.

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Guiness World Book of Records WINNER:

    Category: Longest Analogy on Y!A R&S in history

    Source(s): Atheistic Atheist of Australian Atheistic Attitudes and Atheism
  • 5 years ago

    Not only that, sheep want a shepherd, they will follow their shepherd. If two or three flocks get mixed all they have to do is call the sheep and they recognize their shepherd's voice and only his sheep follow him-sorting done! I raised sheep, and goats. Goats are a constant headache. They climb ontop of anything, they jump every fence, they do not want to follow, they want to run away. Sheep cut grass with their teeth, leaving the root intact. Goats pull up the grass by the roots. Goats create deserts.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wonder that you cannot see the bondage you're under. By your own words, you are a slave to comfort. You acknowledge that there are fundamental questions for which you have no answer-- where did I come from?; why am I here?. Yet this doesn't trouble you because you are able to be comfortable without knowing. You are analytical yet fail to analyze the most important subject of all: your own existence. And why not? Because doing so makes you uncomfortable. I submit respectfully that this is not freedom. It's despair. You haven't chosen anything. You are adrift. That might feel free, but you are at the complete mercy of wind and wave. And the worst thing of all is that it doesn't matter to you. Of all men, you are most to be pitied.


  • 1 decade ago

    I am a dog, Christ is my Alpha Squadron leader and I like to go bye-bye in the car and feel the wind on my snout and my fur. We eat kibble and often it's lamb and rice, or sometimes a goat kebab.

    I do enjoy barley grass, not the grain, grain is the cause of acidosis.

    I have no soul to sell but by Grace alone I am sinew, tendon, muscle, blood and bone. Freedom is another illusion. Wolf Lake is never as lovely once you are 'supposed' to be there. We let the mountain believe it knows nothing of nothing of nothing.

    confession of a reinitialized plain clothes goth from Rohrau. 312.

  • 1 decade ago

    The true Christians are sheep in a wolf world. The true sheep shall deny themselves, and take the wrong, and forgive, giving up their rights, and shall not confront nor withstand mistreatment, and they shall make themselves last of all and servant of all. Whereas wolves shall insist in their will, and will not except being wronged, and are unforgiving, and shall defend their rights, and by all means will confront and withstand mistreatment, and they shall make themselves first of all and served by all. It is for this cause the sheep look to their Shepherd, because this present evil world oppresses any who are harmless. Secular principles and practices of immorality, dishonesty, and selfishness, do always challenge and over-rule heavenly principles and practices of morality, integrity, and unselfishness. We behold this all the day long, that where one may be moral, they are surrounded and subjected to immoral behavior; or where one has integrity, they are targets for the dishonest; or where one is unselfish, there are a thousand ready to consume upon their selfishness. The sheep are a prey in this world for oppression, and misuse, by the majority that delight in being a wolf.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your stance does make a lot of sense. Of course, not all Christians push their beliefs on others. What annoys me is when Christians formulate their opinions using religion as a crutch. For example, Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin because it says so in the Bible. If it wasn't in there, then I'm sure they wouldn't have viewed it as a sin. If we allow it to, religion can greatly limit our ability to think freely.

    Most of my opinions about life in general greatly differ from what is taught in the Bible and at church. I have no problems with gays or gay marriage. I don't agree with abortion, but I believe in free will and human rights, and therefore the government shouldn't place certain restrictions on people.

    I guess I'm one of the black sheep in the herd.

  • 1 decade ago

    Consider me a sheep and God is my sheppard

    Thats fine.

    The truth is, when you are an infant, and your mom is holding her arms out and you go to her (whether you are swimming to her or walking toward her) you have faith as a child that she's going to catch you, not let you hit your head or drown.

    It's the same concept, you have faith, then he shows you that he is true.

    He shows by answered prayer, simple truths, and blessings as you grow in his principles. The more you study about God and the more you seek to find the real truth, the more it is revealed to you. Sometimes as a very personal thing. Sometimes it's a general thing you and the congregation experience together.... but it is revealed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bravo. I share the some of the same view points. I am happy to think there is a God, without claiming to say I know all about him. I am open to every and all ideas. You could say "I like all kinds of fish, even the really bony ones."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually, I've heard mostly pagans identify themselves as "goats". Anyway, here's a fun sheep/goat verse:

    Matthew 25:32

    "All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats;"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If we're gonna choose anyway, can I be a pretty kitty? Or a wolf? Or an eagle...

    I am saying this because, frankly? Goats smell. And anyone who chooses to be a sheep deserves to be barbecued.

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