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Is it true that we are going to die in 2012?

Many people are telling me 2012 is the end of the world. can someone explain to me how we are going to die and the exact time and date this is gonna happen.

40 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Basically, people are saying the world will end on December 21st, 2012 because that is the very last day of the Mayan calender. The Mayans actually predicted their last days before they became existent, so this is a reason many people are talking about 2012. Another big thing are the predictions of Nostradamus, which you will have to research yourself because I don't know much about them yet. Supposedly, the third and final Antichrist is due to surface in a few years (mabus) and many people believe it is either obama, bush, or I have even heard Sudam (as in Hussein.... if you spell it backwards) Another theory: obaMABUSh (obama and bush together). However other people have interpreted the profiecy as Obama being the one to save us. Who knows. Everything is up for intrepretation. It's interesting to me to read all the theories, all the rediculous ones from people who are anti obama, and all the others. There is a movie coming out called 2012, which is supposed to explain a lot. Of course, it is still a movie even though it is based on all of this. If you have not yet seen it, I reccomend seeing The Day the Earth Stood Still... of course, it is a movie so not everything is accurate, but I think the moral of it holds true for what is going down right now. It's all about how us... the human race... is destroying our planet. We are probably going to be the ones to end it, whenever that may happen. We pollute, and are tearing up the planet because many people are too stubborn to believe in golbal warming (The way I see it, is that is doesn't hurt to try to save the planet by being eco friendly... even if global warming turns out to be false, which i doubt) anyway... in the movie there was a line that really hit me... it was "we have been watching, and waiting, and hoping you would change, but you never did" and not to spoil the movie, but it was from someone who was sent to save the planet because it was one of the only planets able to support complex civilations. of course I don't think an alien will come to wipe out the human race, but I think that line is very scarey, because basicaly... we've gotten all the warnings. We know the earth is slowly deterating, but as a whole we're not doing anything about it. And honestly that really scares me. But anyway, back to your question... I have also heard that dec 21, 2012.... might not be the end of the world... but the begining of the end of the world. I dont think there is an exact date and time that this is going to happen, but more so that things are going to start to get worse then. More wars, more storms, more intense heat waves and blizzards... stuff like that. Also, I guess, in the bible it mentions a lot about this... of course everything is open to interpretation... just like how Y2K never happened... but one big theory I've heard is that if the middle east doesn't just CHILL OUT and stop all their wars (they've been fighting since the begining of time) that God is going to just get beyond tired of it... and then wipe us out. Don't mean to put it so bluntly or crudely, but that's basically it. If you'd really like to learn more I suggest reading the bible, notradomus, all that stuff. But don't get twisted in all the crazy conpericies, think for yourself. :)

    EDIT: After reading another answer I remembered more: In The Day the Earth Stood Still... at the end (sorry im about to spoil it again but whatever) It said the only way to save the earth was to change something as we knew it.. they never really said what... but they ended the movie with clips of power going off, with neclear plants shutting down, with cars stalling and turing off, with everything electric basically stoping. It was pretty powerful.

    And I've also heard that 12-21-12 is six years six months and six days after 6-6-06. But I think maybe that is just ppl reading too much into it. IDK. some food for thought.

  • JON M
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    12/21/2012, the winter equinox. Many ancient cultures have the same date which makes it so weird, how did they know the day when the Earth's solar system will be in alignment with the center of the Universe. Anyway, nobody really knows for sure and it will be out of your hands. Chances are we will be going through a period of change, so just learn what some of the predictions are and look out for the warnings. The people who say we are going to die assume too much.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Honestly, it's hard to tell when the world is going to end. It depends on how much we change our daily lives and it sort of is impossible to end global warming which will probably be the cause of the end of the world because the sun will explode. Just live a healthy lifestyle, staying somewhat green and keep the peace of mind that we are probably not going to die in 2012.

  • 1 decade ago

    The majority of stuff out about 2012 is pure crap.. no one knows what will happen in 2012, that's the one thing for sure. The only thing we do know is that is the end of the Mayan 10,000 year cycle. What will happen at the end of that cycle? Some people believe that this reality will cease to exist, others think that time itself will reset. Some people believe that the calendar will just start over, meaning that it won't effect us at all. The only thing that we can be 100% sure about is that we just have to tune in and find out for ourselves:)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's suppose to happen on like December 21, 2012 but I think its a bunch of bull. There are many theories about how it will happen, such as a giant meteor hitting the earth, or global warming, or "reptilians" that are going to "make their move" and control the world pretty much. Just dont worry about it, no one knows when the world is going to end except God. Just live life until that day comes.

    Source(s): Me, browsing various sites
  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I've heard that it's going to be

    December 21st, 2012 because that is the day that the Mayan Calendar ends...

    I don't believe that the world is going to end then...

    I guess it's possible but seriously...

    Oh and nobody has really said the exact way we are all going to die, but they have a list of possible ways such as

    Global Warming or an Ice Age or a big meteor shower or a nuclear explosion

    they have all sorts of "theories"

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, the Mayans and Nostradamus both predicted that life AS WE KNOW IT will end in 2012, not that life itself will end. There could be many different interpretations of their predictions. Scientifically, however, it is said that in the year 2012 the earth will be aligned with the center of the universe. Whether that will have any affect on our planet or not remains to be seen.

    Edit: Trofim, you're wife is going to be pregnant for three years? WOW! Not even elephants gestate that long. heh. Great imagination, btw!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hmm... well very hard question.December (i think 21st but im not sure) 2012, is the end of the Myan calandar. now some of there predictions have been true but i dont think this one will be. now i do think some weird thinks will happen after that. not like Zombies or vampires but Earth, they say, will change its orbit just the slightist. so i think the days may be a little longer/shorter but i dont think the earth will end.

    PS im dislexic so sorry about the spelling

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In December 2012, the core of our planet will explode.

    This is due to a nuclear chain reaction which is slowly transmuting elements inside our Earth into an extremely heavy, exotic radioactive mineral which I have dubbed Terranium (T, 126). Once a critical density limit has been reached, the core of our planet will collapse under its own weight, but because of the sudden increase of pressure and heat, the remaining mass will undergo one last super-reaction and our planet will explode as the largest nuclear bomb in the universe.

    There is nothing that can be done. I have already spoken to the science council on the matter, but they refuse to listen to me and they forbade me to speak to anyone about it.

    But don't despair. While Earth will be destroyed and our civilization with it, I am constructing a small space craft which, before everything we have built perishes, will shoot off into the universe, carrying inside it one single passenger - My son. My beloved wife is pregnant and due to give birth mere days before the end of the world.

    You ask how I could surrender my son to the unknown? I do not... in a distant galaxy, I have discovered a planet similar to, but subtly different from Earth. My son will fit in there, but as he grows up, the powerful rays of the young star the planet orbits will transform his Terran cells into solar cells, giving him abilities and powers far beyond those of mortal men.

    In him, our heritage will live on.

    And one day, the cycle will repeat itself... the son will become the father... and the father, become the son.

  • 1 decade ago

    That sounds ridiculous. All throughout history, there have been scares about how the world is going to end. Whether it's true or not (I think it's bogus), it's important not to let it change how you live your life. Act as if you will live to and old age and don't worry yourself about it. Some people have ruined their lives because they assumed that they will die soon and stopped trying to live life to its fullest, only to find out that they were wrong.

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