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joseph b asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why are so many against Israel?

Why would any sane person side with radical Muslims who openly desire to destroy our way of life and personal freedoms, rather than side with a Democratic country?


We may have supported the elections, but we don't support their rocket attacks on Israel. You still haven't answered the question I asked, instead used this as an excuse to put down the US

Update 2:

While many may not be radical muslims, Hamas, who won a majority of positions in their government is an extremely radical muslim group. If this is who they elect to represent them then what does it say about them as a people?

Update 3:

Nomie, maybe you should be the one reading the history books, you just described the basic story of How The US came to be, and to say that there were no Jews living in that area before the Europeans sent them there is an extremely unhistorical lie. There was two countries in that area Judea and Isreal, and an argument can be said that the Arabs killed and banished the Jews from their native homelands long before the modern state was created.

Update 4:

John C, Have you seen the rocket attacks by Hamas? If 20% of the US was in the range of those rockets, which could hit at any time, let's your living room, while your children were watching tv, would you feel defenseless and expect something to be done also?

Update 5:

Rich, yes they have a right to exsist, but so did the native peoples of Germany, that didn't mean we had to support their conquest of Poland and Austria.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe that there are many who do not understand 3/things about Israel:

    1. Almost every neighbor nation surrounding her borders, do not acknowledge her legitimate right to exist as an independent nation.

    2. Almost every Arab nation (accept Egypt) has pledged to destroy Israel at all costs & her inhabitants. All these nations want is a little "peace". A little "peace" of the Golan Heights, a little "peace" of the Gaza strip....etc.

    3. After centuries of living w/out a place to call home, the 1948 Balfour declaration gifted Israelis a home land. Most people do not know what it feels like to live with such a legacy. Israel has no choice to be tough and defend its borders. By harboring the Hamas & their secret network of terrorists, tunnels and weapons smugglers - set on destroying Israel - the Palestinians leave Israel w/out option. Self defense is an imperative.

  • 5 years ago

    Nope- a report from a special raconteur is not a formal declaration, and is even less power than a Gerneral Assembly ruling. So as many biased reports as the UN lapdogs produce, they will all end up being meaningless because the only place anything meaningful takes place is in the seucrity council where the Arab bloc is unable to influence the voting througgh weight of numbers. The UN General Assembly has ebcome a joke with the only thing counting being who you want to be buddies with and cosy up to.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is very logical and humane to be against Israel because of what we see on TV news. Palestinians with no way of defending themselves giantt the high technology of mass destruction. Any one with a little bit of human feeling will get mad or cry because of what he sees. I am surprised of some Yahoo answers which support the bloodshed in Gaza. No justification of such terrorist attacks can be accepted.

  • Ynot!
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    This question is too easy... it really is a example of the human psychological mindset to put it simply there are some humans that will root for the underdog no matter what it give a sense of empowerment and affinity, case example the US we have freed more people and created more democratic nations in the history of the world yet many here and abroad are against us. It is the same situation with israel they are a tiny nation but very powerful so they will always be vilified.

  • 1 decade ago

    If a bunch of people rejected by Europe and Russia get together and move to your country and you welcome them and then they turn against you, kill your parents, kids, and siblings and ask for your country to be handed over to them, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

    Source(s): Go read History Mr. Ignorant. BBC - Birth of Israel.
  • 1 decade ago

    I am not against Israel defending itself, all nations have the right defend themselves from foreign attack. I am against my tax dollars going to fund the IDF. My tax dollars should go to making sure the US Soldier and Marines are the best equipped in the world not the Israeli Soldier.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They're energized by the Devil who hates God and therefore HATES Israel!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The majority of Palestinians are NOT radical Muslims, in fact 20% of them are Arab Christians.

    They are victims of Zionist racism for decades. The IDF have a track record of target ting civilians .The state of Israel was founded by Zionist Terrorist organizations like the Irgun formed mainly by Communist east European Jews who drove the Arabs of their own lands.

    The Zionists do what they like since the have the US as their owned bi£$h.

    edit: wild_man_chris2000 do you realize that Evangelicals use a hoax bible written by Zionists to fool them.

    The state of Israel persecutes Arab Christians just like Arab Muslims.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not to mention murderers who shoot rockets at innocent civilians.

    For the Arabs, I think it's emotional, but for the Europeans and the radical left, I think it's anti-Semitism.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Stupid America, we insisted on having democratic elections in Gaza and whaddya know Hamas won and now we're opting to not recognize Hamas. It's like saying "ok we think you should try this democracy thing, we think it works pretty good, but as long as you don't elect people we don't like. If you do that we won't recognize you"

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