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Consuming Fire asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

How can I get my dog to eat her dog food?

When my dog was a puppy I was told to always keep food and water in her kennel, so I did that and it worked fine (she is only in her kennel to sleep and when my husband and I are at work). She ate her dog food and when my husband and I ate, we would give her a little of what we ate as a treat for being good. We would give her healthy things like fruits, vegetables, lean meat, etc. and only in very small amounts. The problem is now that she's discovered other things, she does not want to eat her dog food. If we have food, she'll beg and act like she's starving (because she won't eat her dog food). If she barks we won't give it to her. She even tries to eat the cat's food, and she tries to go in the cat's litter box and eat what's in there.

My husband and I tried changing her food. Both types of food we got her are good quality puppy foods. We also tried getting her a new food dish and putting it in the kitchen, so she can eat where the cat eats, and she seems to understand the concept. I don't think it's that she doesn't like the puppy food. I think she just wants what everyone else has (The grass is always greener kind of a thing). Anyway, I've started not giving her anything unless I see that she has eaten her food first. Also when she begs we direct her to her food.

I don't really mind giving her other food. In fact it's kinda more convenient for me if I give her table food because we always have extra and it seems healthy and better than wasting it. I'm just concerned because doesn't she need the dog food?

Also she is almost 7 months old, has a healthy weight and coat. She also behaves very well and is generally loving and obediant (for a puppy).

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have taught her to do this. You have to teach her not to beg.

    It is difficult to do this but when my dogs would come to the table I would get up and go set them down about 10 feet from the table and tell them to lay down and stay. I would go sit down.

    if they get up you do it not give in...YOU are the ALPHA dog...not them. YOU make them behave and if you have to get up 1000 times while dining to do this...they eventually will get the hint.

    It gets annoying when you get company and they dogs are begging at the is wrong to allow them to do that.

    As for dog is for dogs. I give my dogs treats from human food too...but it is on MY WHIM and not their demand. Your dog will not starve...feed her dog food and keep the litter cleaned.

    By the is normal for dogs to eat cat and other dogs feces. It is disgusting but normal.

    f you catch your dog eating it, you can scold him/her by firmly saying, "NO!" and directing him to his own food bowl.

    There are also products that you can use that give the feces a really bad taste that deters them from eating it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    try warming it up a little it makes it smell more appetizing. Also it may sound harsh but only give her her own food for 15 Min's or so then take it away and don't give her anything else (eg. treats etc) she will probably be hungry by dinner time the first night and it wont hurt her at all and she'll learn to eat the food shes given straight away. Of course don't continue this for more than 2 meals if she doesn't eat.

    Id also cut out the human food now while shes young, when she starts eating hr own food properly shes getting enough nutrition from that you'll just make her overweight feeding her extra.

    So much human food is toxic to dogs its better not to feed it at all.

    good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    With my Dog We Mix In Cheese,

    Sometimes Colby Jack Or Some Kind of Other Meat

    .. Maybe He Doesn't Like That Kind Of Food, Try Getting Some

    Other Types Of flavors Of the Food?

    Source(s): animals Are my Passion
  • 1 decade ago

    Your not supposed to feed them people food because it's bad for them, yeah they love it and would rather eat people food than to eat dog food, but it's bad for them, they can get cholesterol from it, and all kinds of stuff that people get from it too, dog food is made lean and balanced and all kinds of good stuff that's healthy for them, now you have to get the dog off people food by not feeding it to the dog anymore, but you must be consistent and keep the dog off it or it will never want dog food again, I have a saying "if it won't eat then it's not hungry", so just give it dog food and leave the dog food there even for days until it eats it, and don't give in by feeding it people food or the dog will control you. I can leave dog food there for days until they eat it, if they haven't eaten it yet it's just becuase they are just not hungry yet.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Try not to give too many fruits it will cause diarrhea. As for the table food, that is what she wants. She is too young to know better. A lot of people say don't feed table food to the pets, but whatever. I do and my dogs love it!! Anyway sounds like a smart dog!

    You can also try feeding her on a schedule. You know put the food out at 8am and 8pm.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is pretty simple to fix...

    Only feed your dog the dog food? Dogs are way to dumb to actually starve themselves. When he's ready to eat, he'll eat his food. Stop giving him your food off the table. He doesn't need a special treat for being a dog, that's all he knows how to do. Give him his dog food and he'll be perfectly content with it. Treat him with more constructive manners.

    In short.. If you don't feed him anything but his food, that's what he's going to eat. It's rather simple.

  • 1 decade ago

    The food designed for that age dog meets the necessary dietary requirements. I would recommend sticking to well known brands, and not allowing or encouraging any such bad habits as table begging, as this may become problematic if you have visitors or guests who are not confident with dogs.

    If you choose to feed your animal with food intended for human consumption, you will need to be sure to give her a large amount of exercise and keep a careful track of her weight, and any potentially developing conditions that may be weight or diet related.

    At merely 7 months she will be very impressionable, so now is a good time to decide how you will take this. Remember, some human food in large quantities has been known to kill. (Such as chocolate)

  • Mary
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Dog eating Cat food & Cat eating Dog food.?

  • R.N.
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Pretend that you are eating some. Then have her eat some. Put some of your food in with her dog food, and mix it up. see if that works. She is Spoiled! Do not give her any of your food any more. Have her get back to eating her food.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you care about your dog then do not feed her our food. This will lessen her life both in years and in quality. The problem is you spoiled her and now you have to fix it. Give her food and walk away. When she gets hungry enough she will eat it. If it is a choice between that or death she will choose the food. This will not be corrected over night, but then again I am sure the problem didn't start that way either. Make sure you apply these same rules to children if you have any.

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